We have collected a library of videos for your convenience and review. Each of these videos focuses on a topic, technique or issue involving business software development, industries, markets and enterprise software solutions. We hope you will find this information helpful.
Our Genesis – Team Elegant MicroWeb
Smarten Cloud Overview
Webinar: Improving Data Quality with Data Insights
SmartenInsights.com SaaS Overview
Webinar: Launching SnapShot Anomaly Monitoring Alerts for Smarten Augmented Analytics
Webinar : Launching PMML Integration with Smarten
Webinar : New Release of Smarten version 5.3
FREE Citizen Data Scientist Course - Section 1 - Introduction
FREE Citizen Data Scientist Course - Section 2 - Definition & Profile of Citizen Data Scientist
FREE Citizen Data Scientist Course - Section 3 - Benefits of Citizen Data Scientist
FREE Citizen Data Scientist Course - Section 4 - Analytical Roles and Processes
FREE Citizen Data Scientist Course - Section 5 - What is Predictive Analytics
Using Smarten's Assisted Predictive Modeling in the FMCG industry
Smarten - Getting Started
We are proud of our customer and partner relationships, and we stand ready to help you achieve your business vision and build on the foundation of cutting-edge technologies and expert business software services. Contact Us now to discuss your business requirements.
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