Case Study: Technology Development Board, India Re-Engineers Website and Deploys Project Management & Workflow App

The Technology Development Board advances technology innovation in India through its technology grant process. The objective of this project was twofold. First, the client wished to improve its existing website to make it compliant with GIGW and CERTIN, and to make it responsive, and improve the navigation and increase user satisfaction and adoption and organizational visibility. Secondly, the client wished to establish a comprehensive project management and workflow system to support its crucial grant process from grant application through approval in order to streamline and improve the process for applicants, internal team members and stakeholders. The TDB project management and application workflow system supports grant applicants and internal members of TDB for vetting and approvals as well as approvals by other government and legal stakeholders.

Elegant MicroWeb provided support, knowledge and skill for requirements and roadmap planning, technical feasibility, graphics, layout and Ux design, architecture, development, maintenance and support, as well as upgrade, roll out, implementation, integration, training and support. The project was completed on time and on budget with beneficial automation, a streamlined vetting and approval process and improved productivity and user interface.

Case Study: Business Software Company, Elegant MicroWeb Builds Digital Library Portal for Gujarat Tourism, India

The Gujarat Tourism organization promotes tourism within the state and provides support for visitors and residents with comprehensive travel assistance and services including accommodation, conducted tours and ground transport and a wide range of choice to meet the diverse needs of visitors and to promote the many historic sites and sites of interest in Gujarat. As part of this charter, The Tourism Corporation of Gujarat generates extensive digital content in the form of videos, photos and images, brochures, documentaries, advertisements and other data. In the past, the users of the tourism department had to engage in a complicated manual process to review each data repository one-by-one and select content because there was no one tool to easily search integrated data or allow users to share content with other stakeholders.

The Elegant MicroWeb team built and implemented a centralized digital library portal to categorize and search content and share the digital content with internal and external stakeholders. Content includes images, videos, sound files and documents, so users can now download information and digital content files and convert any content from one format to another, and invite others to access and download the content from the portal. This project was completed on time and on budget.

Case Study: UK Online Petition Management for eGovernance

An internet community, market research, consultation and eDemocracy solution provider in the UK engaged Elegant MicroWeb to design and develop a solution to manage online petitions for eGovernance. The business focuses on thought leadership and on gathering feedback and opinion to help government and private organizations make sustainable decisions. The solution allows patrons to weigh in on topics, causes and issues of common interest.

Elegant MicroWeb worked closely with the business team from concept through solution design, development and implementation. The solution includes an administrative interface to manage petitions, accept and reject petitions, publish and email results. The User (client) interface, allows users to create, search and view petitions, sign a petition, open and close petitions and view rejected petitions. The solution was built for Windows operating system, on a .Net framework with a SQL Server back end.

Case Study: Web-Based Community Software Product for UK Idea Management Business

A U.K. internet community, market research and consultation, eDemocracy solution provider selected Elegant MicroWeb to design a web-based software product that would enable users to create employee, stakeholder, customer and citizen communities and encourage collaboration, feedback and the structuring of ideas and innovation processes. The solution would support open communities, as well as communities requiring invitation and registration. The objective was to help the business gain deeper insights and deliberative engagement with customers, stakeholders and thought leaders.

The Elegant MicroWeb team designed an integrated suite of Idea Management tools, including user-friendly wizards to support users and allow for idea sharing, brainstorming, ranking and discussion of ideas, and archival capability. User roles include Administration, Registered users, Invited Users and Anonymous Users. Elegant MicroWeb services included requirements and feasibility planning and studies, design, development, customization, deployment and user acceptance testing (UAT).

Case Study: UK eDemocracy Co. Achieves Dependable Application Security and Standards Compliance

Elegant MicroWeb worked with a leading internet community, consultation and eDemocracy solution provider in the U.K. to help them achieve their application security and compliance objectives. The business wished to ensure compliance with government standards and best practices in application security to protect their data and business from hacking and security threats. Even the slightest security breach would damage the reputation of the business and have financial and legal implications, so it was critical that their solutions and systems were designed to meet or exceed industry and government standards.

A stringent security audit was performed by a 3rd party security expert. The Elegant MicroWeb team provided a stable, high performance application architecture based on Microsoft platforms to ensure web application security and accessibility standards compliance. Services included research, identification and interpretation of the best security practices, mapping of standards to technology platforms, identification, resolution, testing and implementation of all standards and coordination of third party security verification.

Case Study: eDemocracy Consultation, Deliberative and Collaboration Tools

This Elegant MicroWeb client is a leading internet community and eDemocracy Solution provider in the U.K. The client asked Elegant MicroWeb to design a toolset that would support the promotion of dialogue and interaction, collecting feedback, analyzing public views and helping to reach consensus. The toolset included a Consultation Management Tool, a Deliberative Consultation Tool and a Dialogue and Consensus Building Tool.

The Elegant MicroWeb team worked closely with the client team to understand requirements and put in a place a set of tools that would be cost effective and timely. In order to meet the detailed requirements, the solutions had to satisfy accessibility standards and eGovernment technical frameworks and compliance regulations. The project continuum included conceptualization and strategy, architecture and technical framework design, design, development, implementation, product maintenance and support and product upgrades and enhancements.