Case Study: Technology Development Board, India Re-Engineers Website and Deploys Project Management & Workflow App

The Technology Development Board advances technology innovation in India through its technology grant process. The objective of this project was twofold. First, the client wished to improve its existing website to make it compliant with GIGW and CERTIN, and to make it responsive, and improve the navigation and increase user satisfaction and adoption and organizational visibility. Secondly, the client wished to establish a comprehensive project management and workflow system to support its crucial grant process from grant application through approval in order to streamline and improve the process for applicants, internal team members and stakeholders. The TDB project management and application workflow system supports grant applicants and internal members of TDB for vetting and approvals as well as approvals by other government and legal stakeholders.

Elegant MicroWeb provided support, knowledge and skill for requirements and roadmap planning, technical feasibility, graphics, layout and Ux design, architecture, development, maintenance and support, as well as upgrade, roll out, implementation, integration, training and support. The project was completed on time and on budget with beneficial automation, a streamlined vetting and approval process and improved productivity and user interface.

Case Study: Native Mobile App Integration with Magento Platform for Digital Rewards Business in Australia

This Australian business provides digital rewards and products to a customer base that exceeds 6 million members. Customer business subscribers use these services to offer loyalty and reward programs to employees thereby improving employee satisfaction and expanding employee benefits.

Case Study: Liferay Portal Solution for B2B, Wireless Market Research, Intelligence Co in Germany

A business-to-business, wireless market research and intelligence business in Germany selected Elegant MicroWeb to create a community portal so users could find relevant information and businesses could promote markets, products, research, events, conferences, webinars and webcasts. The business wanted to create groups for information providers, professionals, analysts, and the press and media, as well as organizations and industry associations.

Elegant MicroWeb studied the business requirements, and performed feature mapping to evaluate the requirements against the available portal frameworks. The Liferay portal framework was selected and used to define templates and easy-to-navigate layouts. The solution provided appropriate scalability, architecture and security. The Elegant MicroWeb team designed and developed portlets for Category Management, Event and Webinar Management, News Management, Order Processing Management, Messaging Management, User Management and Report Management. The solution also included content submission wizards and premium subscription plans to allow for report, event, whitepaper, presentation and blog uploads.

Case Study: US Online Media Agency Gets Liferay Multi-Vendor, Personalized, Online Shopping Tool

This US online media agency selected Elegant MicroWeb to design and develop a portal for online shopping in an environment that offered products from multiple vendors. The objective was to offer customers a highly secured, easy-to-use online shopping cart and eCommerce solution. The solution would allow vendors to create an online store that would satisfy a variety of product categories and types.

Elegant MicroWeb analyzed business requirements and recommended Liferay Portal framework to satisfy business needs. The team developed administrative portlets for category management, product management, configuration management, order management and access rights to satisfy the needs of the business and the vendors who would create online shopping sites. The portal allows for personalization, product catalogs, product specifications, pricing, FAQs, product reviews and other relevant information and would be structured to allow secured access for different types of administration and user update. End users can leverage product catalogs, select items and leverage payment gateways to browse and purchase products.