How does one compare Joomla against WordPress?


In the natural order of things, the tech world we are experiencing today has seen that WordPress has several million downloads more compared to Joomla, but Joomla still exists, it exists in the same space as WordPress does and is doing relatively well.Why would that happen?In the era of iPhone’s, HTC & BlackBerry devices almost became irrelevant.Is it is a fair comparison for WordPress to be compared with the likes of iPhone?

May be, perhaps not an accurate comparison… okay by now, it should be about Joomla.


Donald Does WordPress, But He Could Use a Little Help!


If you are working in business today, you have probably heard of WordPress. What you might not know is that WordPress has grown in popularity for small to large businesses in pretty much every vertical industry.

If you are looking for a great way to present and organize content, if you want to launch or upgrade a content management system (CMS), WordPress is an attractive option. BUT, before you rush into the design and development process, let me tell you a story.


What We (Developers) Like About WordPress 4.0

WordPress 4.0 and Beyond

Now that WordPress version 4.0 has been out in the market for a while, users, developers and the media have had some time to look at the new version and comment on the changes, new features and improvements. There is a lot to like about the new version of WordPress and, much to like if you are a developer who designs and executes projects for small and medium sized businesses.

As WordPress continues its evolution, it has gone beyond appealing to bloggers and sole proprietors and reached for a market that includes businesses looking to use this framework for content management and/or sales and marketing of products and services.


Be a WordPress CMS Super Hero and Protect Your Business and Customers From Hackers

WordPress 4.0 and Beyond

There are different reasons why a website might be vulnerable to hackers or information hijacking and, content management systems (CMS) solution vendors like WordPress are constantly updating and patching security leaks. Customers and clients of the CMS WordPress solution will benefit from these vendor security patches and releases, it is important to be proactive in an effort to protect your business, your customers and proprietary and confidential information contained within your CMS systems.


Combine the WordPress Framework with RWD and AWD to Take Your Business to the Next Level


WordPress sites can help a business to coordinate content and features, and to promote products and services. WordPress developers can use the WordPress Theme Designer and flexible plug-in architecture and templates to create simple or complex sites, and design affordable, intuitive systems for business users and customers. In addition, the WordPress development framework allows users to manage dynamic content, and publish and search information, so the business can present a uniform look and feel, and branding environment within which to interact with clients, team members and stakeholders. WordPress allows the business to leverage elegant templates that are appropriate for their business and industry, and to leverage keywords to attract and retain customers that meet their demographic and geographic targets.
