Why Does My Business Need NLP Search Analytics?

The What and Why of NLP Search Analytics and How it Can Help Your Business!

If your business is considering an advanced analytics solution, your IT and management team has probably already done some research and concluded that the concept of augmented analytics designed to support business users is the right way to go. To democratize data, improve data literacy and transition business users to the Citizen Data Scientist role, the business must select the right solution and plan for success.

How Can NLP Help My Business Implement Self-Serve Analytics?

What is Natural Language Processing and Why Do I Need it in My Advanced Analytics Solution?

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural Language Processing utilizes artificial intelligence to translate computer code and language into real world, human language. While the goal is to simplify human interaction with computers, NLP is a complex mix of computational linguistics and computer science. When a business is considering an augmented analytics solution that leverages natural language processing, it need not concern itself with the complicated underpinning of code and design, but should rather consider what NLP can do for its users and for its business results.

Natural Language Processing Supports Business User Analytics!

Encourage User Adoption of Advanced Analytics with NLP Search Analytics!

You have selected an advanced analytics solution and deployed it across your enterprise, but your business users are not cooperating! One of the primary reasons for poor user adoption of this type of tool is that the tools are too restrictive and too difficult to use. Perhaps IT created the dashboards and they do not meet the needs of your business user, perhaps the business user needs help to engage with the system. Your users may have tried their best to use the system but the results they receive when they search are not accurate or do not meet their requirements. An advanced analytics system that is not intuitive, is complex or requires programming skills just to perform a simple search is not going to work for your business.

Why is Natural Language Processing Important to Enterprise Analytics?

Why is Natural Language Processing Important to Enterprise Analytics?

The impact of natural language processing (NLP) on the productivity and decision quality within an organization cannot be overstated. As simplified search analytics expands into all corners of the enterprise, the business can expect business users to embrace advanced analytics and, in so doing, to become more of an asset to the organization.


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Advanced Analytics with Natural Language Processing!

Search Analytics that Works the Way Users Think!

Everyone knows how to ask a question using the Google search interface. It is easy because it allows the user to phrase the question using normal, human language. Imagine how few users Google would have if they required the user to know and use complex search queries to find a restaurant or locate a movie review!
