Elegant MicroWeb undertook this project to improve the usability and overall Ux for ElegantJ BI, an innovative business intelligence product. This project included re-engineering and migration and upgraded product architecture, improved performance, interoperability, integration and support for large volumes of data with optimized middleware to improve scalability.
Yes! No kidding, you can actually measure the satisfaction of the end users of your product.
Still not convinced?
Let’s explain how user experience design and your end user satisfaction could be measured.
1. Take your software to the market and assuming you have about 100 customers being introduced to your product
2. Bring in changes to the software and measure the changes in business activity i.e. Create, Retrieve, Update & Delete such basic functions
3. Wait for some time to track the business activities related to every function points
4. Before you bring in changes though, ensure that you know how it connects the following
At a conference last week, I ran into Rick, an old colleague from a previous employer. Rick told me about a problem he had with a drop-off in conversion on a business website. His company hired a consultant to upgrade their product sales website and create a mobile app so customers could browse and purchase products on smart phones. After the launch, the enterprise noticed a decline in sales on the site, and poor results in user adoption of the sales app.
Responsive web design (RWD) is a buzz-phrase that all tech people understand. But, when you start talking about Responsive Web Design, Adaptive Web Design, Content First Design, and other mobile concepts, the average business person tunes out (and with good reason). I won’t argue that it is important for every business person to understand the basic importance of making websites, applications and online presence a pleasant experience for customers, partners and suppliers. BUT, no technology person should expect the average business manager or end-user to understand the ins and outs of the process. That’s why we have experts!
Are you striking out because of poor mobile usability? For the User Experience Scorecard, The search agency calculated the total score out of possible five points – a score of zero being the lowest and a score of five being the highest possible…for each of the sites.
Elegant MicroWeb, of Ahmedabad, India, is proud to offer expert offshore outsourcing user interface (UI) design and redesign services to satisfy the need for a better user experience (Ux) and ensure that its customers and partners have access to the best user interface design.
Great Ux design is proven to result in better business performance, user adoption and customer satisfaction. Want more revenue? Pay attention to your user interface!
Invest $1 and get a $100 return? Sure where do I sign? So, what are you waiting for? That’s what Ux design/re-design can do for YOUR business.