Content Management Systems You Can Trust!

CMS Framework Selection is Easy with Expert Help!

Find Out How an Expert CMS Consulting Firm Can Help Your Business!

Content Management Systems (CMS) are nothing new! CMS solutions have been around a long time and whether your business is making its first CMS framework selection, looking for web content management solutions, planning CMS integration with other solutions or data from other sources or migrating or upgrading portal development, it can be difficult to juggle this type of project with existing IT teams or to pursue the project with CMS Development Services that do not include specific expertise or skill in this area.


Ux Design is an Important Aspect of Software and App Development!

UI Design is Crucial to Software and App Success!

Don’t Leave Ux Design to Chance. Engage the Experts!

In a world where mobile apps, websites and global competition affects even the smallest business competitor, expectations are high and the ways in which a business reaches out online and through consumer and business applications are as familiar to users as a smart phone.


Offshore Software Application User Experience Design Services!

Ux Design Services: A Critical Success Factor!

Ux Design is a Crucial Component of Software Product and App Design!

Offshore software application Ux design services are an important component of any prospective software product development or application development project. Every aspect of the software development lifecycle is important. From concept to specifications, design, and development through testing, implementation, support, enhancement and maintenance tasks – the business that sets out to develop a site, an app or a software product must ensure that offshore services are reputable, cost-effective and timely.


Software ReEngineering: The Road to Future Success

Software Re-Engineering: The Road to Success

Ux, Architecture and More for Comprehensive Software Re-Engineering!

If you have been in business for a while, you know that, over time, things can get a little rusty and processes and activities can become rote. One of the greatest risks inherent in the business aging process is the use of outdated technology and, with the rapid pace of change in the market today, you have barely finished updating apps and websites and it seems it is time to take on the task again. We all need to assess our technology and undertake software reengineering in order to remain competitive.


User Interface Design is Crucial to Business Success

Make Your Users Happy with Great User Experience Design

Great Ux Design Results in Happy Users!

Features and functionality are important to software applications and software products but, without a great user experience designer, the solution is apt to fail. Today’s users (whether they are business users or consumers who use a software product to buy products or get information), are more sophisticated and demanding.


Software Re-Engineering and Ux Design Make Good Sense

Software Reengineering and Ux: Important and Necessary

Don’t Be Afraid of the Cost and Time to Complete Software Re-Engineering!

I recently attended a technology conference where I listened to attendees grumble about outdated technology, and apps and software products that just didn’t deliver when it comes to performance, scalability and navigation on smart phones and other portable devices. These same people said that they could not justify the cost or time required to complete a software re-engineering project.


Who is in Charge? You or Your Users?


I remember the good old days when IT consultants and in-house IT staff decided how users would interact with data, what software would look like and user needs and wants took a back seat to the dictates of technical experts. User manuals were written in technical jargon and training was long and ineffective. If you think this world is still a reality, you (and your business) are probably struggling to succeed in the online world.


User experience is tangible, measurable and quantifiable!

Yes! No kidding, you can actually measure the satisfaction of the end users of your product.

Still not convinced?

Let’s explain how user experience design and your end user satisfaction could be measured.

1. Take your software to the market and assuming you have about 100 customers being introduced to your product
2. Bring in changes to the software and measure the changes in business activity i.e. Create, Retrieve, Update & Delete such basic functions
3. Wait for some time to track the business activities related to every function points
4. Before you bring in changes though, ensure that you know how it connects the following


The Importance and Benefits of a Well-Conceived User Experience (Ux)


Your customers and business users are sophisticated. They have access to all kinds of apps, software and websites. They know how easy technology can be and how difficult it can be and they have no patience for the latter. Consumers purchase products or services, get information, make a hotel reservation, or buy a movie ticket. Business users leverage software every day to do their jobs, accomplish goals, collaborate and share. The bottom line is that the user experience (Ux) is critical to your business success and can make the difference between user adoption, customer retention and business success. Pay attention to Ux!

If You Want to Keep Your Customers, You NEED RWD!

RWD (3)

Responsive web design (RWD) is a buzz-phrase that all tech people understand. But, when you start talking about Responsive Web  Design, Adaptive Web Design, Content First Design, and other mobile concepts, the average business person tunes out (and with  good reason). I won’t argue that it is important for every business person to understand the basic importance of making websites,  applications and online presence a pleasant experience for customers, partners and suppliers. BUT, no technology person should  expect the average business manager or end-user to understand the ins and outs of the process. That’s why we have experts!
