User Experience is THE Most Important Thing

An Awesome User Experience Provides Awesome ResultsYears ago, I worked with talented developers who knew the ins and outs of many technologies and platforms and could spin a stunning website into existence with style. Visitors were impressed with the colors, the animation and the graphics. Years passed, and technology advanced. Users were no longer tied to large desktops. They bought tablets and mobile devices and got used to the look and feel of advanced sites and applications that allowed them to shop, get information and communicate easily and in a way that was intuitive and natural to them.


Customer Retention and Conversion. Great User Experience IS the Answer


At a conference last week, I ran into Rick, an old colleague from a previous employer. Rick told me about a problem he had with a drop-off in conversion on a business website. His company hired a consultant to upgrade their product sales website and create a mobile app so customers could browse and purchase products on smart phones. After the launch, the enterprise noticed a decline in sales on the site, and poor results in user adoption of the sales app.
