Social Media and Digital Transformation!

When businesses consider implementing a Digital Transformation (Dx) strategy, many will struggle with the idea of improved customer satisfaction. How can streamlining and automating processes and enabling the use of technology translate into improved customer interaction and build brand and relationship stability?

Business Success with Digital Transformation!

Why Is Digital Transformation Important to My Business?

According to IDC, ‘89% of enterprises are planning to adopt or have already adopted a digital business strategy.’ There is a very good reason for this impressive adoption rate. Actually, there are many good reasons. As with any other business decision, senior management weighs the value and benefits of a new strategy against the cost and time to make the change.

Digital Transformation (Dx) Helps You Prepare for the Unexpected!

How Can a Dx Strategy Prepare Your Business for the Unexpected (Like a Pandemic)?

If your business is on the fence about making a move toward Digital Transformation (Dx), you might be interested in a recent study by IDG that surveyed businesses about the results of Dx and its benefits. 52% said that Dx enables worker productivity through tools such as AI-assisted processes, 49% said that that Dx gave the business the ability to better manage business performance through data availability and 46% said that Dx helped the business to better meet customer experience expectations.

Plan for and Execute Digital Transformation and Succeed!

Digital Transformation Requires Planning, But You Can Start Small!

International Data Corporation (IDC) says, ‘89% of enterprises are planning to adopt or have already adopted a digital business strategy.’ The concept of Digital Transformation involves the adoption of digital technology to improve efficiency, value or innovation.

Here Are Just Some of the Benefits of Digital Transformation!

Is Your Business Considering Digital Transformation? There Are Many Benefits!

Consulting firm Deloitte states that, ‘Companies that have higher digital maturity reported 45% revenue growth compared to 15% for lower maturity companies.’ If your business is considering a Digital Transformation (Dx) initiative, it is with good reason – the transition can improve revenue growth, productivity, competitive positioning and enterprise agility.

Planning for Digital Transformation Success!

Considering a Digital Transformation Initiative? PLAN, PLAN, PLAN!

If your business is planning a Digital Transformation (Dx) project, you probably know by now that these initiatives take planning and commitment from all levels within the organization.

Businesses Report Multiple Benefits from Digital Transformation!

Your Business Can Enjoy the Proven Benefits of Digital Transformation!

Recent research reveals that digital business initiatives benefit businesses in numerous ways. No matter your market, industry or business size, digital transformation (Dx) is important to results, competitive positioning and productivity.

Why Does My Business Need NLP Search Analytics?

The What and Why of NLP Search Analytics and How it Can Help Your Business!

If your business is considering an advanced analytics solution, your IT and management team has probably already done some research and concluded that the concept of augmented analytics designed to support business users is the right way to go. To democratize data, improve data literacy and transition business users to the Citizen Data Scientist role, the business must select the right solution and plan for success.