When a business is considering a custom ERP project, it will typically start with discussions with the internal IT team. But often, the IT team is unable to accommodate the project. When you ask the IT team, you will hear one or more concerns or reasons for delay or downright refusal to take on the project.
Tag: Software UX Services
Software application development is not just a technical endeavor that requires programming or development skills. There are many other important aspects of software application development. Of course, the team will need the technical experience and skill to complete the development phase, but there are numerous other factors that will contribute to success.
The Sad Story of Jill’s User Experience Conundrum!
My friend Jill was complaining about her software application development project. She hired a team of developers and, as the project progressed, she realized that the app was not what she had hoped. The problem? The software user experience or, as we like to call it in the technology business: the Ux. The user experience is driven by the user interface design and should ideally, be intuitive and easy to follow so that users can browse, find what they need and, if appropriate to the business model, buy products or services.
A User Experience Designer is Worth Their Weight in Gold!
Did you know that a User Experience Designer can help you achieve your goals in your mobile app or software application? Did you know that UI design can make the difference between success and failure in application design?
User Experience Design is Crucial to Software and Website Success!
No business or consumer software application today can ignore the importance of UI development and the User Experience (Ux). Every person is using a smart phone, a tablet or other device today and every person is used to interacting with software to achieve a task. Whether that task involves researching information, buying a product, making an appointment, selecting a service, buying tickets or any one of dozens of other activities, the Ux is one of the most important factors of success for your app development.