Expert Consulting Help for Software Companies!

Software Company Partnerships: Your Secret Weapon to Market and Product Success!

If you are managing or own a software company, you are hard at work on your products and services. You know your clients and your business well and you focus on attracting and retaining customers. Your management team has developed a comprehensive understanding of your market, your competitors, and the technology environment you will use to pursue your targets. BUT, when it comes to having the time and the resources to achieve all of your goals, you may fall short. Perhaps you are short-handed, or you have not focused on specific technical or leadership skills to accomplish a particular task or complete a certain project.

Software Product Reengineering Can Provide Opportunities!

Software Product Need a Tune-Up? Don’t Focus on the Fix. Re-Engineer for Success!

Let me tell you a story. My friend, Shaniqua just got a new job and found, to her dismay, that her first project involved the re-engineering of a software product the business had introduced to the market (to less than favorable response). I talked to Shaniqua on the phone and we discussed her conundrum. The business loved the software product but consumers had a lot of issues with its responsiveness, the lack of an intuitive user experience (Ux) design and many other details, including loading data that was integrated from other sources. In short, the original software product design and development was less than stellar and now the company was paying the price.

5 Critical Areas of Focus for Software Product Development Partner Selection!

Software product development is no small project! In order to be successful, the business needs more than an idea. Execution of that concept and the technical, quality, leadership and support skills and experience of a prospective IT partner are paramount. Any prospective IT consulting partner must have experience in developing a software product for market. In this article, we discuss five critical areas of consideration when selecting a software product development partner.

Software Product Development Services: Affordable and Timely!

Software Product Development Can Be Daunting! Engage Experts to Ensure Success!

When a business undertakes the development of a software product, it has a significant risk of failure. Without the right training, skills and resources, the business can spend a lot of time and money and end up with a product that may damage its market reputation or, worse yet, never be launched.

3 Critical Considerations for Software Product Development vs. Application Development!

Does this sound familiar? Your business has a great idea for a software product, maybe even a mobile application, but you aren’t sure how to proceed. Your in-house IT team is well-respected but they are already overwhelmed with projects and ongoing workload and you aren’t sure what skills you will need to employ to adequately address your software product requirements.

What Do Successful Software Companies and Web Agencies Know?

Help for Software Companies and Web Agencies – You Don’t Have to Go it Alone!

If your business is a software company, developing and managing products for the market, you have a lot on your mind. You have concepts, ideas, projects, customers, suppliers, team members and products to manage. You might be producing mobile applications for the  market and those require extra steps and skills to get the job done. If yours is a web agency, you have customers to manage, and a need to strategize, visualize and design with only so many hours in the day and only so many resources to go around!

Top 3 Considerations for the In-House Software Product Development vs. Expert Assistance Decision!

Many businesses struggle to translate ideas into a reality but none of these struggles is more profound than the software product vision. Often, the business abandons a great idea for a mobile application or a software product that has great potential to improve and increase business. Usually the reason for this includes the cost, the time and effort required and the absence of the skills and training to conceive, design, develop, implement and maintain a software product.

Got An Idea for Custom Software? We Can Help!

Making the Case for Offshore Software Development!

Offshore Software Development Can Help You Achieve Your Goals!

When a business has an idea for a mobile application or a custom application or software product, it is often difficult (if not impossible) to take the project from vision to reality. There are many barriers to this type of project, not the least of which is resources. Business IT teams are busy with day-to-day work and may also be juggling strategic projects that will take the business to the next level. Upgrading networks and hardware and taking on other projects to keep the business growing can often stand in the way of software development projects that might provide increased revenue and market visibility. Businesses only have so many resources and it is hard to envision a positive outcome when there just isn’t enough investment capital, resource availability or skills to go around!


Digital Transformation is Crucial to Business Success!

Successful Digital Transformation Requires Focus!

Technology in Digital Transformation is Just Part of the Equation!

When the technology market adopts a trend and industry and organization conferences and analysts embrace that evolution, it is difficult for a business to resist the trend. Digging in your heels and steadfastly ignoring what your competitors are doing can have serious consequences in business productivity, customer satisfaction and revenue.
