What is Social BI and How Can it Enable Business Success?

What is Social BI and How Can it Enable Business Success?

As self-serve business intelligence and data analytics has evolved, the concept of Social BI and business intelligence collaboration has become more prominent. Today’s trends in social networking and collaboration drive Social BI within the organization and, as this concept becomes more mainstream, business users and organizations reap the benefits of these collaborative efforts and of shared data analytics and data popularity.


Social BI: A Recipe for Success

Social BI Helps Users AND Data Administrators

Social BI Guides Administrators by Highlighting the Type of Content Users Want!

Social networks and social media affect the lives of consumers and business users alike. Everyone knows them, and everyone uses them. Every aspect of modern life involves sharing and social interaction, Imagine an environment where business users can access a business intelligence and analysis portal and see popular data to rate, share and comment. This type of sharing can optimize resources by allowing users to access reports, dashboards and data that might be just what they need to complete a task or analysis. When you implement social media and social networking within the Business Intelligence environment business users can share, rate, discuss and learn from others.


ElegantJ BI Announces Social BI in Version 4.5 Business Intelligence Solution

ElegantJ BI Announces Social BI in Version 4.5 Business Intelligence Solution

ElegantJ BI recently announced the release of version 4.5 of its Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management suite, which includes major features and enhancements. The release of ElegantJ BI v4.5 represents another step on the path to enhanced self-serve BI tools to support the transition of business users to collaborative power users with powerful Social BI capabilities. In addition to its many new features and enhancements, ElegantJ BI 4.5 introduces Social Business Intelligence, to support data sharing, rating, collaboration and the emergence of data popularity.


Social BI Inspires Data Popularity

Social BI Improves Collaboration and Effectiveness

Social BI Tools: A Logical (and Crucial) Extension of Social Networking!

Business intelligence has become a crucial tool for business users and for organizations large and small. It was only a matter of time before social business intelligence took over the enterprise! Sharing data and content is a habit for all consumers and consumers have jobs. Within the context of those jobs, a consumer becomes a team member – a business user who now uses social business intelligence tools to gather, analyze and share data and make better, more dependable decisions.


Social BI Results in Data Popularity AND ROI

Social BI Tools? Socialize Data Analysis and Improve Results

Social BI: Engenders Networking and Collaboration and Provides Many Benefits!

Have you heard of Social BI? If you haven’t, you should really look into it. Your business users are used to social networking and the sharing of data and information in their personal life and at work and business intelligence applications should not be an exception to this data sharing.


Give Users Fresh, NOT Packaged Data!

Fresh vs. Packaged Data? No Contest

Fresh Business Intelligence Data is Key to Confident Decisions.

Here’s what I know about Business Intelligence: Old or incomplete information does not constitute intelligence – what it does is to result in decisions that are sometimes wrong and nearly always misleading. When we provide a business intelligence tool that ties the hands of business users; when we give business users tools and dashboards that are designed by IT or analysts and assume comprehensive knowledge of user needs, we give our business users the wrong kind of tools!


Social BI Tools: Get Social and Get Successful!

Social BI Tools: Get Social and Get Successful!Social networks and social media have exploded. It is everywhere and it affects our lives in ways we could never have predicted. Every aspect of modern life involves sharing and social interaction, and Business Intelligence should be no exception. Imagine an environment where business users can access BI tools and a data analysis portal as a social business intelligence tool that would allow them to see and share popular data and to rate and comment on that data and reporting. That sharing can optimize resources and allow users to access reports, dashboards and data that might be just what they need to complete a task or analysis. When you implement social media and social networking within the Business Intelligence environment business users can share, rate, discuss and learn from others.


Data Democracy Encourages Social BI and Creates Citizen Data Scientists

ejbi-blog-aprilDemocracy is a great thing! The more involved people are, the more they understand, the better decisions they can make for themselves and for everyone else AND they can make a better contribution as well. Data Democratization works the same way. In years past, businesses thought that only senior management needed to understand the strategy and direction of the company but employees and team members lacked the knowledge to make the right decisions and become a great asset to the organization.
