Social BI Results in Data Popularity AND ROI

Social BI Tools? Socialize Data Analysis and Improve Results

Social BI: Engenders Networking and Collaboration and Provides Many Benefits!

Have you heard of Social BI? If you haven’t, you should really look into it. Your business users are used to social networking and the sharing of data and information in their personal life and at work and business intelligence applications should not be an exception to this data sharing.


Data Democracy Encourages Social BI and Creates Citizen Data Scientists

ejbi-blog-aprilDemocracy is a great thing! The more involved people are, the more they understand, the better decisions they can make for themselves and for everyone else AND they can make a better contribution as well. Data Democratization works the same way. In years past, businesses thought that only senior management needed to understand the strategy and direction of the company but employees and team members lacked the knowledge to make the right decisions and become a great asset to the organization.
