Citizen Data Scientists Benefit the Biz

Smarten Self Serve BI Creates Citizen Data Scientists

If you are interested in, or work in, technology, you are familiar with Gartner and its analysis and predictions for the world-wide technology landscape. One of the key predictions Gartner has made in the past few years is the advent and growth of data democracy and the increasing importance of Citizen Data Scientists.


Mobile BI for Business Users is Too Expensive – Myth#5

Mobile BI

Debunking Common Business Intelligence Myths
Myth #5: It is Expensive and Time-Consuming to Give Mobile BI to Business Users

There is no way to avoid the hype and claims swirling around the business intelligence market today. But, if your organization is trying to institute a self-serve BI initiative, choose a new BI tools solution or change from one BI solution to another, it must first debunk the myths surrounding the market and dispense with the market hype. Otherwise, the enterprise is not likely to achieve its goals, empower its business users or enjoy the rapid ROI and low TCO it requires. If you find it difficult to sort through the buzz and choose the right BI tools, don’t be discouraged. We can help!
