Tag: Predictive Analysis

What on earth is Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis? It’s not a hot single from a new boy band! It IS a surprisingly simple business intelligence tool that can help you plan, predict, see patterns and trends and allow the average business user to function at a higher level with concise information that will help users to make good decisions. Sound good? It is! Trust me, I use it and it has elevated the work and accuracy of the business decisions made by my team!

Self-Serve is all the buzz! Whether you are checking yourself out at a grocery store, ordering your pizza in advance, reserving a seat in a restaurant, driving your car through the car wash or checking out at the hardware store, you just want to do it and get it done! Time is of the essence and usually you are the best person to decide what you need and when you need it. Am I right?

I recently attended a business intelligence conference and I was reminded how important data democratization is for every company. One of the most important things to consider is how crucial it is to give your business users good, easy-to-use tools for smart visualization, plug n’ play predictive analysis and self-serve data preparation. It is one thing to SAY you want your business users empowered and accountable. It is another to expect them to use tools that are designed for IT or analysts or to leverage dashboards that are restrictive and frustrating.