Consider Application Modernization & Software ReEngineering!

The Support You Need: Software and Technology Spring Cleaning!

Imagine a New Software and Technology Environment and Then Go Get It!

It’s time to do some Spring cleaning! Your business has probably had its existing software environment for a while and it may or may not satisfy the new requirements of your business users, consumers and stakeholders! Application modernization services can be a valuable asset in reviewing and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your current infrastructure, software and technology environment and in creating a plan and a roadmap to get you where you need to go in a dependable, affordable, timely manner.

Cloud Migration Services and Solutions for Your Business!

Cloud Services Can Take Your Business to the Next Level

Don’t Let the Cloud Scare You! Expert Cloud Services Make it Simple!

The flexibility and accessibility of Cloud-based solutions adds meaningful value to your business team. Access to critical software applications and tools makes it easier for your team members to complete tasks, perform crucial analytics, share data and communicate with others while on the road, and in and out of the office. But, the Cloud can seem mysterious and leveraging its potential can seem daunting. It is a technology concept that leaves many organizations wondering how to incorporate its potential into the enterprise strategy and technology infrastructure.

How Can I Use Geofencing and Geotracking?

Geofencing & Geotracking Tracks Teams and Reaches Customers

What is Geo-Fencing and Geo-Tracking and How Can It Help My Business?

If you are not a technology nerd, you may be intimidated by terms like Geo-Fencing and Geo-Tracking and, above all, you might think that these things could never apply to you or your business. BUT, you would be wrong! Geo Fencing and Geo Tracking can be used by many types of business from small business contractors, electricians, construction businesses and technician services to taxi drivers, trucking companies and more.


Achieve Your Goals with an Expert Technology Partner!

The Right Technology Partner Can Make All the Difference

Technology Experts Develop Solutions Using a Full Range of Skills and Services 

When your business undertakes a project or a technology overhaul; when you are starting a business or expanding, you have a lot of decisions to make. If your IT team is too busy, if there are not enough IT team members to get the work done, or if your team does not have full knowledge of the current, cutting-edge technologies that can advance your business and provide a foundation for further growth, greater productivity and ease-of-use, you should probably consider the services of an expert.


Developing and Emerging Software Technologies!

Technology Innovation and Cutting-Edge Skills!

Expert Technology Skills and Innovation!

Given the speed of change in technology, businesses often struggle to keep up. Ignoring the developments and trying to ‘make do’ with old technology can frustrate users and, certainly, if your software solutions are in the market, consumers will definitely suffer and are likely to abandon your products and stop using your services.


Cloud Solutions and Services!

Is Cloud Migration Within My Grasp?

How Can I Migrate to the Cloud?

If you want to see through the fuzzy world of Cloud services and get a clear view of the potential of cloud solutions and services, you will probably want to consider engaging an expert. Whether you are looking to achieve Cloud Migration or build a comprehensive set of cloud solutions, you will need to ascertain whether your own team has the skills and knowledge to accomplish these tasks and the time to take on a long-term transition to accomplish these tasks.


White Paper: Return on Investment (ROI) The Cost vs. Value Equation for Offshore Software and Technology Projects


When you engage an offshore service provider, you must predict measurable results and achievements in order to justify the cost of acquiring the service. Ideally, the value of the service should exceed, or at the very least, be equal to, the monetary investment. If the value of a service or product is particularly unique, the organization may be willing to pay more for that service or product. This document includes some recommended value factors for your consideration. We have also included two approaches to analyze vendor value. One is a ‘risk’ assessment and the other is a ‘weighted value’ assessment. You may use one of these two methodologies to calculate the value of a vendor service offering versus the quoted cost or fee.
