When a business has more IT projects and initiatives than it can handle, it will often look to hire more internal IT staff members. But hiring takes time, interviewing is imperfect and part time or full time employees require management, benefits and office space. While a business might need one-time project support, or ongoing support for development, maintenance and support, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to staffing. In addition to these issues, there is the very real issue of ongoing training and skills enhancement. That costs money and, when a team member is out for training, someone else must cover for that team member. So, what is a business to do?
Tag: Offshore Software Development Ahmedabad
Choose Carefully! IT Staff Augmentation & Offshore Software Development is Key!
With the pace of technology change and the demands of consumers and business users, the average IT department in an enterprise is often challenged to deliver the wide range of services required by the company. From infrastructure management to software development, data integration initiatives, reporting, and upgrades, IT is always too busy and too short staffed.
When you engage an offshore service provider, you must predict measurable results and achievements in order to justify the cost of acquiring the service. Ideally, the value of the service should exceed, or at the very least, be equal to, the monetary investment. If the value of a service or product is particularly unique, the organization may be willing to pay more for that service or product. This document includes some recommended value factors for your consideration. We have also included two approaches to analyze vendor value. One is a ‘risk’ assessment and the other is a ‘weighted value’ assessment. You may use one of these two methodologies to calculate the value of a vendor service offering versus the quoted cost or fee.
Download the Whitepaper: Offshore Outsourcing Company- White Paper on How to Select an Offshore Development Partner
A leading project management consulting company in the U.K. wanted Elegant MicroWeb to develop an innovative solution to manage communication and administration among stakeholders involved in the redundancy and resettlement process. To meet the business objectives, the management tool would have to allow for coordination and monitoring of individual resettlement, no matter how many players are involved in the process or how large the scale of redundancy.
The decision to create a software product is complex and can be overwhelming. While your marketing and sales staff may be excited by the proposition of generating more revenue and improving the visibility of the brand and customer access to products and/or services, the IT staff and executive management team will probably shy away from creating a software product.
If the IT staff does not have experience in creating and supporting software products, the executive team would be right in turning down this kind of project. But, if the concern is about cost and control, and there is a good case for improving customer satisfaction, revenue and branding and optimizing resources and marketing campaigns, the business should seriously consider outsourcing its software product development.
To compete in ANY market and be recognized as a leader, you need to be the best at EVERYTHING.. no ifs, ands or buts! An expert, offshore IT partner can get you there!