Expert App Maintenance and Support Improves Results!

Engage App Support and Maintenance Experts and Improve Results!

When an enterprise plans a business or consumer application, an upgrade to its existing software solutions or an integration project, it often fails to consider the importance of application maintenance and support. The truth is that when a business completes deployment of an application or reaches the end of a project, it must plan for the future, and incorporate application maintenance and support if it is to sustain its success and ensure the integrity of solution security and other factors.

Case Study: Dedicated Software Development Services for USA Commodity Market Data Intelligence Company

This Client is a leading Financial Services and market data intelligence provider based in the United States. Its primary business focus is financial and commodity market intelligence and analytics. The Client offers cloud-based and real-time data access through a webservice interface to their clients, to enable clients to search financial and market data across multiple stocks, commodities, and exchanges around the world.

Case Study: Website Development, Maintenance and Support for U.S. Healthcare Business

This Client is based in the United States and provides a technology platform for Sleep Center operators to enable automation of back-office operations. The Client offers an end-to-end cloud-based and real-time platform to support consultation, clinical notes, billing, payments, comprehensive workflow automation and data storage with built-in Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Durable Medical Equipment (DME) modules, custom reporting and comprehensive visibility into daily operations.

Expert Application Maintenance & Support is Key to Success!

Expert Software Application Maintenance and Support Services Can Help You NOW!

Your users (and maybe your customers) enjoy software and application solutions that you have designed, licensed and implemented. These familiar apps and software products provide a productive environment and support business processes and workflow and, in the case of your customers, these apps and software products generate revenue for your business.

How Can My Busy IT Team Support and Maintain Software?

Is There a Better Way to Ensure Timely Software Support and Maintenance?

Like most businesses, yours had probably grown and is vastly different now than it was at its inception. You’ve added software, maybe even built some yourself, and your technology infrastructure has changed to accommodate the changing times, security and user needs, etc. As your technology landscape changes and you add best-of-breed, enterprise applications, mobile apps and other solutions, you find yourself in a much more complex and detailed environment than you anticipated.

Case Study : Elegant MicroWeb Designs Cloud Migration and Provides Ongoing App Support for UK Forestry and Timber Harvesting Company

This Client is the leading forestry, timber harvesting and landscaping company in the U.K.. The Client has been in business for seventy (70) years and offers a broad range of market leading professional consulting and contracting services to woodland and forestry owners. The Client designs, plants, protects and maintains forests and provides engineering skills to access timber, as well as advising on funding acquisition, forestry technology, surveying and mapping forests and woodlands.

This Client designed and supports a mobile application and web portal. These solutions were developed to accommodate electronic management of all aspects of driver assignments and deliveries. The Client wished to transition to a Cloud-based solution and to partner with Elegant MicroWeb to obtain ongoing development and support services to ensure that it meets its SLA goals. The Elegant MicroWeb team designed and deployed the Cloud architecture on AWS with continuous integration and deployment to satisfy the requirement for high availability and scalability. The Elegant MicroWeb team reviewed functional and technical aspects of the application, and took over its maintenance, support and transfer of support in less than two (2) weeks. The Elegant MicroWeb team provided support to address the backlog of ticket management and implement the latest tools to achieve the Client goals with regular SLA reporting. The Client is now able to ensure scalability and high availability of this critical application within budget and with assured timeliness to achieve appropriate SLA goals.

5 Critical Areas Where Your Software Application Development Partner Should Excel!

Software application development is not just a technical endeavor that requires programming or development skills. There are many other important aspects of software application development. Of course, the team will need the technical experience and skill to complete the development phase, but there are numerous other factors that will contribute to success.

3 Critical Considerations for Software Product Development vs. Application Development!

Does this sound familiar? Your business has a great idea for a software product, maybe even a mobile application, but you aren’t sure how to proceed. Your in-house IT team is well-respected but they are already overwhelmed with projects and ongoing workload and you aren’t sure what skills you will need to employ to adequately address your software product requirements.