In this white paper, we focus on the practical use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics tools and present several business use cases to illustrate how this approach to analytics can support business goals and help the enterprise to achieve goals. We also discuss some of the challenges a business may wish to consider in order to ensure that its analytics solution effectively incorporates GenAI so the enterprise can confidently depend on results and improve user adoption and ROI.
Tag: Offshore MVP Development
Hire App Developers to Ensure Start-Up App Success!
As a start-up business, you understand the challenges of being an entrepreneur. Start-up businesses are typically short-staffed. Team members must play numerous roles, and days are long and filled with more tasks than the team can accomplish. Start-ups survive with great ideas, innovation and vision. But to achieve their goals, they must be able to execute on those visions.
Minimum Viable Products Provide Metrics for Success
If you aren’t familiar with the term ‘Minimum Viable Product,’ here is a brief definition: A Minimum Viable Product or MVP is a version of a product that provides minimal features – just enough for customers to use and provide feedback on the product. That feedback is then incorporated into the final plan for the product, thereby allowing the creative team or software vendor to ensure user adoption and anticipate features and functionality the customers want now or may want in the future.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP): What Is It and Why Does My Business Need It?
What if your business could see into the future? What if you could launch a consumer app or an in-house software program without risking years of investment, time and resources, only to find out that you missed the mark? What if you could test your theories about software features and functionality and ensure that you had it right BEFORE you launched your product?