Increase Team Member Value with Augmented Analytics!

Make the Most of Your Team Member Skills with Augmented Analytics!

Every business owner and manager understands the problem of limited resources. Today, you have fewer team members and you must do more to compete in the market. To enhance productivity and collaboration and ensure that every team member is making better decisions, it is wise to implement augmented analytics within your organization.

Answer Your Business User Concerns About Augmented Analytics!

Users Might Think Augmented Analytics is Too Difficult. That’s Not True!

If you are a business manager who wants to enable a Citizen Data Scientist environment, but you find yourself up against resistance, it is often because your business users believe that advanced analytics is just too hard for them to learn and that the use of these types of techniques and systems will slow them down and confuse their otherwise familiar processes.

The Important Components of Augmented Analytics!

AutoML, NLP and Clickless Analytics Come Together to Produce Auto Insights!

When it comes to the new world of analytics, the augmented analytics approach allows business users with no data science background to readily access and use analytics in an intuitive way. There are some important aspects of this approach, including auto machine learning, natural language processing (NLP) and intuitive search analytics.

Clickless Analytics is the Future of Business User Analytics!

What Does a Business Need to Do To Ensure That Users Adopt Analytics?

If your business is trying to incorporate data analytics into the fabric of day-to-day work, you will need to get your users to adopt analytical tools. The way forward is not all that complicated. The solution you choose must take an augmented analytics approach, one that includes simple search analytics, ala Google search. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and NLP Search tools are key to this approach as they allow business users to ask simple questions and get answers. If a user does not have to create complex queries or look to business analysts or data scientists or IT professionals, that user can incorporate data into information sharing, reporting, presentations and recommendations to management.

Smarten Launches Clickless Analytics Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics for Business Users!

Smarten Launches Clickless Analytics Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics for Business Users

Smarten announces its Smarten Clickless Analytics, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics tool designed for every business user, no matter their technical expertise or data skills. Natural Language Processing Search Analytics (NLP) is an easy-to-use search analytics technique that allows business users to create complex searches without endless clicks and complex navigation and commands. Using this familiar Google-type Clickless Analytics, users can leverage these tools to discover trends and patterns, receiving results in simple, clear language the user can understand.

Natural Language Processing Supports Business User Analytics!

Encourage User Adoption of Advanced Analytics with NLP Search Analytics!

You have selected an advanced analytics solution and deployed it across your enterprise, but your business users are not cooperating! One of the primary reasons for poor user adoption of this type of tool is that the tools are too restrictive and too difficult to use. Perhaps IT created the dashboards and they do not meet the needs of your business user, perhaps the business user needs help to engage with the system. Your users may have tried their best to use the system but the results they receive when they search are not accurate or do not meet their requirements. An advanced analytics system that is not intuitive, is complex or requires programming skills just to perform a simple search is not going to work for your business.

NLP Makes Every Business User More Comfortable With Analytics!

Natural Language Processing Defeats User Trepidation About Augmented Analytics!

Your business users probably fight you on improving data literacy and on implementing digital transformation. Many business users have a fear of analytics and envision having to become a business analyst or a data scientist in order to fulfill the vision of the business and its Citizen Data Scientist goals.

NLP and Clickless Analytics: The Perfect Pairing!

Clickless Analytics with Natural Language Processing (NLP)!

Search Analytics with Natural Language Processing Makes Advanced Analytics Easy!

Whether you are a consumer or a business user, today’s technology users are savvy and they are used to having easy-to-use tools and features that make them more productive and allow them to quickly complete tasks. The same holds true for users of advanced analytics users. These users are also consumers when they are off the job and they are used to simple search technology like Google and other search methodologies that allow them to think, search and get results in a way that is fitting for normal speech and language.


How Can Clickless Analysis Help Business Users?

Clickless Analytics & NLP Search Analytics for Business Users!

What is Clickless Analytics and How Can It Help My Business?

Natural Language Processing Search Analytics (NLP) is a crucial component of search analytics and smart data discovery in today’s online and technology environment. Consumers and business users are very familiar with the search techniques used by online giants like Google and they expect and demand that same ease-of-use in apps and software designed for business user. NLP search allows business users to create complex searches without endless clicks and complex navigation and commands. Using this type of search analytics, users can access and view clear, concise answers and analysis quickly and easily without the knowledge.


What is Clickless Analytics? You Will LOVE it!

Advanced Analytics with Natural Language Processing!

Search Analytics that Works the Way Users Think!

Everyone knows how to ask a question using the Google search interface. It is easy because it allows the user to phrase the question using normal, human language. Imagine how few users Google would have if they required the user to know and use complex search queries to find a restaurant or locate a movie review!
