Mobile BI: Designed for EVERY Device

Design it Right, Design it Once: Great Mobile BI Tools

Mobile BI That is Designed for Every Device, Every user, Every Environment!

Design is important! Design skills are used in many industries; everything from appliances and cars to clothing and software interface design. The overall design, the layout, the detail…it is all important. People want to use products that work in many environments. Think about it! It wouldn’t make sense to design a car that was suitable only for people with short legs!


Get Business Intelligence that Suits Business Users

Are All BI Tools and Solution Suitable for Business Users?

All Business Intelligence Solutions are Not Alike!

There is a lot to business intelligence and it is easy to get lost in the details but, if you want to promote a self-serve BI environment for your users, you will want to have a good understanding of your product options. Look for a solution that offers key performance indicator analytics, with an easy-to-personalize KPI dashboard. Look for business intelligence reporting tools that allow for drill down, drill through, and produce attractive, clear, concise reports that can be easily shared and that are accessible on mobile devices with diverse sizes and screen resolution.


Mobile BI Tools with Great ROI and TCO: Fast and Easy

The Secret to Mobile BI Tools with Great ROI and TCO?

Mobile BI Tools with Great ROI and TCO? Yes! You CAN Have it All!

I know many of you balk at the idea of upgrading or acquiring BI tools. The benefits of business intelligence software are well known but organizations are often discouraged by what they perceive as the high cost and long implementation time required to complete the project.


Discover the Advantages of Mobile BI Business Intelligence Software

rsz_mobile-bi-blog-3Every business is mobile these days! Whether you have a large, medium or small business or you are a sole proprietor working in a home office, you are on the go and you need business intelligence tools that provide mobile BI dashboards and advanced data discovery and analytics to support your business decision, identify issues and opportunities and keep your business moving in the right direction. In the past, BI tools were difficult to use and limited or restricted to access within the office or by certain individuals in the organization. You need ready to use, out of the box business intelligence, without restrictive licensing.


A Business Intelligence Tool Must be a MOBILE Business Intelligence Tool!

Mobile-BI-Blog-1A business intelligence tool is only valuable if it is accessible and In today’s mobile world, a mobile business intelligence tool is a necessity. Business users are now empowered with data democratization and social BI is more popular than ever. But, all of that is out of reach if your tools are not mobile.


ElegantJ BI Included in Gartner Nov., 2016 Report, ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern BI and Analytics’

Visualize Business Success with Smart Data Visualization
ElegantJ BI, a leader in Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management solutions, is pleased to announce that its suite of Business Intelligence and Performance Management tools was listed as an Other Modern BI Platform Vendors in the Gartner ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern BI and Analytics’ report, dated November 3, 2016.


Mobile BI for Business Users is Too Expensive – Myth#5

Mobile BI

Debunking Common Business Intelligence Myths
Myth #5: It is Expensive and Time-Consuming to Give Mobile BI to Business Users

There is no way to avoid the hype and claims swirling around the business intelligence market today. But, if your organization is trying to institute a self-serve BI initiative, choose a new BI tools solution or change from one BI solution to another, it must first debunk the myths surrounding the market and dispense with the market hype. Otherwise, the enterprise is not likely to achieve its goals, empower its business users or enjoy the rapid ROI and low TCO it requires. If you find it difficult to sort through the buzz and choose the right BI tools, don’t be discouraged. We can help!
