There are many Content Management System (CMS) solutions available in the market today and it can be difficult to choose the one that is right for your business. As with any software selection, the choice for a CMS solution should be based on your requirements. In this article, we discuss three examples of business structure and requirements that would make Liferay a good content management system choice.
Tag: Liferay Development
Liferay Content Management Systems (CMS) has been around a long time and it is very popular as a CMS solution for numerous types of industries, businesses and functions. As with any good software solution, upgrades are the lifeblood of the business and keep customers coming back with features they need and want. But, Liferay has also managed to provide upgrades and new tools for developers to keep them coming back too. That is a big part of software solution success. If developers don’t want to work with your product, you are not likely to see a lot of business.
As a Content Management System (CMS) solution, Liferay Portal offers many benefits. It is flexible and includes numerous features that allow for fast, easy development and will satisfy the unique requirements of businesses in a variety of industries and functions. CMS is not a one-size-fits-all proposition and content management system developers often choose Liferay because of the multitude of possibilities it offers.

The Gujarat Tourism organization promotes tourism within the state and provides support for visitors and residents with comprehensive travel assistance and services including accommodation, conducted tours and ground transport and a wide range of choice to meet the diverse needs of visitors and to promote the many historic sites and sites of interest in Gujarat. As part of this charter, The Tourism Corporation of Gujarat generates extensive digital content in the form of videos, photos and images, brochures, documentaries, advertisements and other data. In the past, the users of the tourism department had to engage in a complicated manual process to review each data repository one-by-one and select content because there was no one tool to easily search integrated data or allow users to share content with other stakeholders.