Tag: Hire Laravel Programmers
Understand the Popularity of Laravel and How to Hire Laravel Programmers!
Did you know that Laravel is the most popular PHP framework for development, with over 60% of the PHP development market share, and that there are more than one million websites currently using Laravel? That’s pretty impressive!
Hire Node Programmers for Cross-Platform Application Development!
By some estimates, Node.js is used by at least 30 million websites and is the most-used framework. Today, the Node environment is popular among developers and is often recommended for cross-platform projects. Its open-source solution is compatible with Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS and more and the back-end JavaScript environs are suitable for complex projects.
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Combine Laravel and PHP and Hire PHP Programmers for Your Web App!
Laravel is a PHP web application framework. According to recent surveys, Laravel represents 9.45% of the web frameworks reported in use by developers. It is growing in popularity among PHP developers. The Laravel product is designed specifically to simplify common development tasks for web projects, e.g., routing, authentication, sessions, caching, etc.