Advanced Analytics for Business Users? That’s Right!

Augmented Analytics is as Easy as 1-2-3!

Data Discovery and Data Exploration to Advance the Organization!

Data discovery is not data management. If one is to make the right decisions in business, one must engage in data exploration and data profiling. In other words, one must gather, prepare and analyze data to truly understand how the business is working, what must change, what activities and tasks support the goals of the business, and what the business should anticipate in the future in terms of revenue, risk, resources, financial investment, growth, products, location and all other aspects of business.


Advanced Analytics: If You Don’t Know What You Need, How Can You Succeed?

Advanced Analytics: If You Don't Know What You Need, How Can You Succeed?

Every enterprise is talking about Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics. Every enterprise has considered the benefits of implementing self-serve analytics across the organization and involving business users in the process. Panel discussions at technology conferences and hallway conversations among executives and IT staff encourage the trend and create anxiety within the organization that has not yet embraced advanced analytics at the grassroots level.


Data Discovery Tools Are Crucial Tools for Business Users

Optimize with Smart Visualization & Data Discovery Tools

Advanced Analytics Software and Smart Visualization Empowers Business Users.

Advanced Analytics Software, Data Discovery Tools and Smart Visualization can improve your planning and forecasting process, and empower your organization. The Smarten Business Intelligence environment provides advanced analytics tools that are simple enough for business users and sophisticated enough to mash-up and manage data for optimal analysis, and flexible reporting.


Citizen Data Scientists? Yay or Nay?

Citizen Data Scientists? Yay or Nay?

It seems that everyone today is talking about Citizen Data Scientists. For some organizations the concept is perhaps frightening. The term may conjure up images of novices trying to do the work of someone with years of training and failing miserably in the process. For others, the image may be of an organization run amuck with business users leveraging sophisticated advanced analytics tools to create and share data that may be misinterpreted or distributed improperly.


Citizen Data Scientists Benefit the Biz

Smarten Self Serve BI Creates Citizen Data Scientists

If you are interested in, or work in, technology, you are familiar with Gartner and its analysis and predictions for the world-wide technology landscape. One of the key predictions Gartner has made in the past few years is the advent and growth of data democracy and the increasing importance of Citizen Data Scientists.


Clickless Analytics

Clickless Analytics

One of the things which cause distress in a lot of activities is the click. We have to point and click. You can use your mouse, or finger or your nose if the hands are busy, but you have to click. Point and click was a solution invented for a purpose which we have extended to all areas of life. Since we work in the world of data science and analytics, I will restrict my discussion to this, though I have a plenty of opinion in the other areas.


Smart Data Visualization and Data Discovery Tools Empower Business Users

Smart Data Visualization and Data Discovery Tools Empower Business UsersComplex BI tools are not suitable for the self-serve environment. These tools are meant only for programmers and data scientists. To empower business users and allow them to achieve goals and contribute to the bottom line, you provide advanced analytics and smart data visualization tools in an easy-to-use environment that encourages user adoption and report and data sharing.


Smarten Advanced Data Discovery is All the Buzz!

Self-Serve-Data-Preparation (1)If you are frustrated with BI tools, and looking for self-service Advanced Analytics to achieve your goals and empower users, you should understand the difference between traditional BI tools and the Smarten Advanced Data Discovery approach. The Smarten Advanced Data Discovery gives users the freedom to leverage data beyond simple visual data analysis and dashboards.


Look, But Don’t Touch! The Gap Between Data Visualization & Data Discovery!


At some point in your life, you have probably been told to ‘look, but don’t touch.’ When it comes to business intelligence, the flaw in the logic of solution design often subjects business users to this same philosophy. With most BI tools (even those we call ‘self-serve’), we limit the users to looking but we don’t allow them to touch and manipulate the data for deep dive analysis.