Social Networking and Business Intelligence. YES! It is Important!

Let’s talk about the application of social media and social networking within the Business Intelligence environment. This might seem like an odd concept but give it some thought. Every consumer and business user is now used to the idea that they can share, rate, discuss and learn from others. This idea has become an expectation and it could and should apply to Business Intelligence and to your business users as well!


ElegantJ BI Included in Gartner Nov., 2016 Report, ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern BI and Analytics’

Visualize Business Success with Smart Data Visualization
ElegantJ BI, a leader in Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management solutions, is pleased to announce that its suite of Business Intelligence and Performance Management tools was listed as an Other Modern BI Platform Vendors in the Gartner ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern BI and Analytics’ report, dated November 3, 2016.


Welcome, Citizen Data Scientists

Citizen Data Scientists

I recently attended a business intelligence conference and I was reminded how important data democratization is for every company. One of the most important things to consider is how crucial it is to give your business users good, easy-to-use tools for smart visualization, plug n’ play predictive analysis and self-serve data preparation. It is one thing to SAY you want your business users empowered and accountable. It is another to expect them to use tools that are designed for IT or analysts or to leverage dashboards that are restrictive and frustrating.


Guarantee BI Success: Achieve! Accomplish! Do it Right!

Guarantee BI Success: Achieve! Accomplish! Do it Right!

In our first article in the two-article series, entitled ‘Guarantee BI Success: Why Self-Serve BI Initiatives Fail, we talked about the various factors that can dictate the success or failure of a self-serve business intelligence solution implementation. Factors like poor User Adoption, Data Access, Features and Benefits, Self-Serve Analytical Capability, Data Sharing and Reporting, Cost vs. Benefit, and Data Discovery issues must be considered in order to ensure the success of your self-serve business intelligence initiative.

Guarantee BI Success: Why Self-Serve BI Initiatives Fail


Many organizations have invested time and effort in launching a self-serve business intelligence initiative, only to find that the initiative has failed to deliver the anticipated results. When this happens, organizations often struggle to understand why and how things went wrong. There are numerous reasons for a self-serve BI tool initiative to fail or to fall short of expectations. In this article, we will discuss some of the factors that affect the success of business intelligence solution implementation. This article is the first in a two article series, entitled ‘Guarantee Business Intelligence Success’, related to the success and failure of self-serve BI Initiatives.

IT and Accounting Pros Can Satisfy Standards and Security Compliance and Reporting with BI Tools


In the new world of government regulation, the technology (IT) team and accounting team are both required to monitor, manage and report on financial and regulatory and business process compliance. These auditing requirements are meant to ensure that financial, planning and operational systems are adequately controlled and protected. Industry and governmental compliance requirements are meant to ensure the adequacy and integrity of auditing processes and regulatory compliance including business processes designed to ensure compliance, as well as document management, content management, data consolidation, reporting processes and other facets of business, data, customer, user and systems management.

Look, But Don’t Touch! The Gap Between Data Visualization & Data Discovery!


At some point in your life, you have probably been told to ‘look, but don’t touch.’ When it comes to business intelligence, the flaw in the logic of solution design often subjects business users to this same philosophy. With most BI tools (even those we call ‘self-serve’), we limit the users to looking but we don’t allow them to touch and manipulate the data for deep dive analysis.

Feed Your Organization: Avoid Packaged BI. Choose ‘Fresh’ BI Tools!


In a way, choosing a business Intelligence tools is like choosing the right food. In recent years, we have all become more aware of the difference between packaged foods and fresh foods. Today, businesses are becoming more aware of the differences between ‘packaged’ BI tools and self-serve BI tools that provide ‘fresh’ views and data analysis.

ElegantJ BI Case Study: Arabia Telecom Integrates Data and Implements Reporting


This Saudi Arabia based telecommunications company provides landline, mobile and internet services to its customers. The business selected the ElegantJ BI solution to integrate all data and reporting from subsidiaries, and establish and monitor key performance indicators and performance reporting. ElegantJ BI was configured to build multi-dimensional cubes and resolve challenges the business faced in retrieving and reporting data. The ElegantJ BI team helped the client understand and structure data, define calculations and build BI objects for balanced scorecards, KPIs, dashboards, cross tabs, graphs and reports.
