Self-Serve BI Must Support Business Users

Self-Serve BI Tools Are Just the Beginning!

Does Your Self-Serve BI Tool Provide Flexibility to Support Social BI?

Self-serve business intelligence tools are no longer new. Nearly every BI tool vendor has an offering in the market. But, not every business intelligence tool is equally useful.


Business Intelligence for Retail Provides Real Results

BI for Retail: Out-of-the-Box Access for Business Users

Analytics for Retail: Mobile, Accessible, Easy for Every User!

Retail is changing, and it is changing fast! Online buying is having a significant impact on brick and mortar and customer loyalty has changed dramatically. Consumers now have more options and they are leveraging those options to find the best price and the best value.


Give Users Fresh, NOT Packaged Data!

Fresh vs. Packaged Data? No Contest

Fresh Business Intelligence Data is Key to Confident Decisions.

Here’s what I know about Business Intelligence: Old or incomplete information does not constitute intelligence – what it does is to result in decisions that are sometimes wrong and nearly always misleading. When we provide a business intelligence tool that ties the hands of business users; when we give business users tools and dashboards that are designed by IT or analysts and assume comprehensive knowledge of user needs, we give our business users the wrong kind of tools!


Democratise Analytics, Reach All cost effectively

Analytics हर हाथ में, जवाब सब के पास में!

Analytics हर हाथ में, जवाब सब के पास में!

If you are living in India, and since you are reading this and it is very likely you are, the possibility you said: so what? You have worked in multinationals operating in India, Indian multinationals, Nationalised corporations or corporations which are the property of the nation and never, never have you found Analytics हर हाथ में.


Re-Visualizing Business Intelligence, now let’s chat!

Re-Visualizing Business Intelligence, now let’s chat!Since it is the prerogative of a consultant to question and modify predominant jargon, I am hatting (yes, this too is an English word) …I am hatting myself in the hat of a consultant this morning, and I am questioning the application of the term “Business Intelligence.”

ElegantJ BI Tools Support Small and Medium Businesses

ElegantJ BI Tools Support Small and Medium Businesses

ElegantJ BI has become a popular business intelligence solution for small and medium sized business (SMEs), and is pleased and proud to support these businesses with simple, affordable, mobile business intelligence analytics, that provide a foundation for growth and competitive advantage.


Data Preparation and Analysis Don’t Have to be Painful!

Do-not-Create-Data-Governance-Tug-of-War-between-Financial-Pros-and-IT-StaffConsider the time and effort involved in the ‘old world’ of business intelligence data preparation! How on earth did we ever get anything done? Armies of data analysts and IT staff slaving over data, compiling, analyzing, graphing, charting, taking requests from managers and users and engaging in an endless exchange and interaction to assure that the requirements are understood and met. By the time the data analysis was delivered, it was old, sometimes incomplete and perhaps delivered in a form that might be misinterpreted by its audience.


Self-Serve Data Prep Puts Users on the Same Page

self-serve data-prep

Self-Serve is all the buzz! Whether you are checking yourself out at a grocery store, ordering your pizza in advance, reserving a seat in a restaurant, driving your car through the car wash or checking out at the hardware store, you just want to do it and get it done! Time is of the essence and usually you are the best person to decide what you need and when you need it. Am I right?


Social Business Intelligence: The Next Big Thing!

Social Business IntelligenceSocial networks and social media are ubiquitous! Every aspect of modern life (personal and business) involves sharing and social interaction, whether one is broadcasting information about a recent family event, posting a picture, asking opinions at work or promoting a new product or event.In the old days, team members and employees shared and discussed information at the water cooler or in the cafeteria.


Visualize Business Success with Smart Data Visualization

Visualize Business Success with Smart Data VisualizationCan your eyes be smart? This might seem like a silly question. After all, your eyes don’t have their own intelligence. They depend on your brain to untangle and figure out the solution to a problem and to translate what the eye takes in and make it something you can understand. The ‘ah hah’ moment doesn’t come from the eyes. It comes from the brain, right?
