Mobile BI Improves User Adoption and ROI!

Here’s How Mobile BI Encourages User Adoption and TCO!

Businesses that invest in business intelligence solutions expect to achieve results, become more competitive and improve productivity, but these businesses often fail to understand the need for Mobile BI. Mobile business intelligence should provide all the features and search capability a user needs to perform tasks and get information while on the road, working remotely or visiting a client, partner or regional office.

Traditional & Modern BI and Analytics: A Perfect Combination Solutions!

Combine Traditional BI with Modern BI and Analytics to Improve User Adoption and Gain Advantage!

The world-renowned technology research firm, Gartner, predicts that, ‘through 2024, 50% of organizations will adopt modern data quality solutions to better support their digital business initiatives’. As businesses consider the options for data analytics, it is important to understand the impact of solution selection.

Democratize BI Tools: Information is Power!

Why Democratize Business Intelligence? Lots of Reasons!

Perhaps you have resisted the temptation to democratize data in your organization. Your resistance may come from in-house, in the form of those who tell you that data governance is impossible in an environment where you spread your data far and wide. Perhaps you believe that the average business user cannot and will not use business intelligence tools, so any expense or time to implement such a solution would be wasteful. Perhaps you feel that the value of such a solution and of user adoption of these tools is overrated, and that ROI and TCO would not be worth the time and effort.

Data Democratization Think of it as Home Renovation!

The focus of this article is on Data Democratization within the business enterprise, but the concepts and approaches involved in implementing this type of initiative are worth considering for any kind of major change within an organization.

Business Users Need Personalized BI Tools & Dashboards!

Flexible Dashboard Software Can Deliver Business Intelligence to Business Users!

When I speak to friends and colleagues about reaping the benefits of business intelligence, they are often frustrated by the inability to a) access data and build reports and insight without the assistance of IT or analysts or b) access tools that allow them to use a BI tool or solution in a way that is meaningful to them. In other words, they either have NO access to business intelligence tools or they have access but those BI tools are restrictive and provide no flexible, agile way to gather, see and analyze data for the type of role they perform within the organization.

Can Business Users Really Use BI Tools?

Don’t Leave Your Business Users Out in the Cold. Give Them BI Tools!

Don’t underestimate your business users! They have market, domain and professional expertise that add value to the organization and, with the right BI tools and features, business users can gather, analyze and make decisions using data from all across the enterprise. You don’t have to leave the business intelligence and analytics efforts to IT or business analysts or data scientists.