There is much research to prove that people listen more attentively when you tell a story. Why deliver dry data in a presentation, on slides or in a report when you can analyze data with BI and find the ‘story’.
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The concept of ‘self serve’ and ‘personalization’ is, I believe, an offshoot of the current state of technology, ease of access and ease-of-use. People are used to having information at their fingertips in a way that is meaningful to them, and serves their needs. Technology users are no longer willing to sacrifice personal requirements or accept a behemoth solution that suits 10% of their needs. As employees, these consumers and individuals bring a similar focus to their use of technology. They are used to having information at their fingertips in every aspect of their lives and they are not willing to give that up when they step into the confines of an office or go on the road to meet with a customer.
If you want to hold your employees accountable and help them contribute to business success, you have to give them the tools they need to understand what is working in their day-to-day business environment, where there are problems, what has to be changed, how their team members are doing in making progress toward goals, and how possible changes in pricing, resources, inventory or other factors might affect the business.
Traditional business intelligence tools and corporate performance management solutions typically use an IO-based processing technique that makes the compilation and analysis of data a slow process. It limits processing and speed from hardware resources that use extensive IO to read and write to and from the disk. This challenge can be frustrating for users and for IT staff because it reduces productivity and can overwhelm systems during peak periods.
BI solutions that utilize InMemory Computing are able to load data into memory, and because the process of memory read/write is very efficient and fast as compared to IO-based processing technique, it provides superior performance. However, InMemory Computing requires a lot of memory to serve large data sets and a large user base, and that is an expensive hardware proposition.
In our previous article, entitled ‘The Provocative Possibilities of Combining Business Intelligence and Social Media’, we talked in generalities about the opportunities of combining BI with Social Media to better leverage the potential of social media networks and internet marketing and to accurately measure the success of these programs and plan for the future.
Social media is a critical component of market success in today’s interactive culture and economy. With an ever increasing user base and ever expanding social media platforms, the focus on marketing, advertising and product and market analysis must include internet marketing, pay-per-click, search engine optimization, and social network marketing. Customer and prospects are focused on various personal, consumers, community and business topics and they find, share and express this focus using social media.
There are many other factors a business must consider when it elects to acquire or change reporting packages. In this article, we will focus on three of the most common problems a business faces in compiling, displaying and analyzing information to gain true business intelligence and create useful, clear reports and presentations.
The problem with cookie cutter solutions is that every business has different requirements and reporting and business intelligence needs are as unique as each business and each employee within that business.
Successful sales force management is dependent on up-to-date, accurate information. With appropriate, easy access to business intelligence, a Sales Director and Sales Managers can monitor goals and objectives. But, that’s not all a business intelligence tool can do for a sales team. In today’s competitive market, marketing, advertising and sales teams cannot afford to wait to be outstripped by the competition. They must begin to court and engage a customer before the customer has the need for an item. By building brand awareness and improving product and service visibility, the sales team can work seamlessly throughout the marketing and sales channel to educate, and enlighten prospects and then carry them through the process to close the deal. To do that, the sales staff must have a comprehensive understanding of buying behaviors, current issues with existing products, pricing points and the impact of changing prices, products or distribution channels. With access to data integrated from CRM, ERP, warehousing, supply chain management, and other functions and data sources, a sales manager and sales team can create personalized business intelligence dashboards to guide them through the process and to help them analyze and understand trends and patterns before the competition strikes.
A leading company in the field of Business Intelligence software with customers in national and international markets, Ahmedabad-based Elegant MicroWeb has announced the launch of a globally unique technology “Managed Memory Computing” in the Business Intelligence space.The path breaking Managed Memory Computing is expected to transform the Business Intelligence space by changing the way Business Intelligence is used and makes it cost-effective to roll out BI to all employees across the organisation.The technology powering Business Intelligence Solutions is usually classified into two core architectures – the traditional disk-based architecture and the more recent in-memory processing. The disk-based system usually aggregates and makes the data ready for analysis, while in-memory systems push the data into the memory and process based on requests from users. In-memory processing needs more memory and processing power with increased usage, while the disk-based system needs more disk I/O operations.