Business Intelligence Tools for Business Users

Restrictive BI Tools are Not the Answer

Self-Serve Business Intelligence Provides a Competitive Advantage!

An enterprise that employs restrictive business intelligence tools is losing competitive advantage and crucial business opportunities every day. To get the most out of business intelligence software, an organization needs a self-serve business intelligence dashboard that will allow business users to access data integrated from multiple sources and analyze that data with ease, using business intelligence reporting that incorporates sophisticated features in a simple, interactive environment.


Advanced Analytics with Uniform, Secured Access

Take the Confusion Out of Analytics User Access & Security

Can One BI Tool and Solution Guarantee User Access and Appropriate Security?

I have a few pet peeves but every one of my team members knows ONE of these pet peeves all too well. I HATE spending time and resources on endless report customization and data sharing that never quite makes it to every team member. I hate it when everyone isn’t on the same page! But, I don’t have the time to run to every office and check on what team members are using to make decisions.
