Advanced Analytics Software for All Users!

Augmented Analytics That Will Ensure Business User Adoption

Self-Serve Data Discovery Tools Must be Sophisticated Yet Easy to Use!

Self-Serve advanced analytics and data discovery software is an important competitive tool in today’s rapidly changing environment. Data resides in a lot of places within the organization and access to that data in an intuitive, integrated environment is important.


Advanced Analytics Tools for Business Users!

Is an Augmented Analytics Tool Right for my Business Users?

Are Smart Data Discovery Tools Smart Enough to Help Business Users?

Augmented analytics, augmented data discovery, advanced data discovery…all of these terms can seem intimidating but they don’t have to be. In fact, it might be less intimidating to think of advanced analytics software as Smart Data Discovery. When you use that term, you acknowledge the most important factor in this process, namely that the software itself is ‘smart’ and that using advanced analytics tools is not a process that is limited to data analysts or data scientists.


Silver Sponsor ElegantJ BI Demonstrates Smarten Analytic at Gartner Data & Analytics Summit, June 5-6, Mumbai, India

Silver Sponsor ElegantJ BI Demonstrates Smarten Analytic at Gartner Data & Analytics Summit, June 5-6, Mumbai, India

ElegantJ BI, an innovative vendor in Business Intelligence, Augmented Analytics and Augmented Data Preparation, is pleased to announce its participation in the Gartner 2018 INDIA Data & Analytics Summit from 5 – 6th June 2018 in Mumbai, India. ElegantJ BI is proud to be a Silver Sponsor at this important event.


Advanced Analytics that is Easy Enough for All Business Users

Data Discovery Software that Will Guide Users at Every Step!

Augmented Analytics and Advanced Data Discovery for Business Users!

Augmented analytics can help your business users to find and understand critical data and to do their jobs more effectively. Without the knowledge of a data scientist or an IT professional, business users can perform advanced analytics, using features that guide and make recommendations at every step so that data is prepared, viewed and analyzed in a way that ensures clarity and a comprehensive understanding of trends, patterns, and data sensitivity and success thresholds.


Advanced Data Discovery for Every Skill and User

Augmented Data Discovery Helps Business Users Achieve Results

Augmented Analytics is the Key to User-Friendly Business Intelligence!

Augmented Analytics and augmented data discovery is a form of advanced data discovery that automates data insight using machine learning and natural language generation. It automates data preparation and makes it easy for business users to enjoy data sharing.


What is So Important About Augmented Data Discovery?

Are Augmented Data Discovery Tools Important for My Business?

Can Augmented Data Discovery Make a Difference in My Organization?

There are so many new terms in the business intelligence and advanced analytics domain. So, what is augmented data discovery, and why is it important for your enterprise? Augmented Data Discovery (aka Smart Data Discovery), takes the enterprise beyond data monitoring and helps users discover the more subtle yet crucial factors that affect business success. It identifies hidden issues and patterns within the data so the organization can address challenges, capitalize on competitive and market advantages and plan for the future with more confidence. There are a couple of components to the augmented data discovery continuum.


Augmented Data Discovery for Business Users

Augmented Analytics is Easy Enough for Business Users

Is Augmented Analytics Too Complex for Business Users?

The concept of Augmented Analytics may sound complicated (and it may, in fact, be a challenge for a software vendor to accomplish), but the new augmented data discovery tools are quite easy to use. Unlike the data discovery tools of old, business users do not need to look to the IT staff or data scientists to perform advanced data discovery.


BI Tools with Easy Connectivity, Implementation and Training

Connect BI Tools with Business Software - Easily and Quickly

Does Your BI Tool Easily Connect to ERP and Other Crucial Software?

Today’s business enterprise does not want to settle. If you plan to implement or upgrade your business intelligence solution, you would understandably expect to be able to use the other solutions your business users depend upon. Best-of-breed or enterprise solutions like Tally® for accounting and financial management, or SAP or Navision for enterprise-wide management are just such examples of software and solutions you would want to integrate and include in business intelligence and advanced analytics.


Explore the Potential of Self-Serve Analytics

Advanced Data Discovery Is Easier and More Popular Than Ever

Self-Serve Advanced Analytics is Moving and Growing and Changing!

The Gartner Magic Quadrant is a well-known report and tool both for vendors and for prospective customers. The Gartner Business Intelligence Magic Quadrant offers in-depth analysis of the current market and predictions of where the market is going. There is no doubt that the Business Intelligence market has moved toward Advanced Data Discovery tools and self-serve tools like Self-Serve Data Preparation, and Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis.


What is Clickless Analysis? Can it Simplify Adoption of Augmented Analytics? (Part 1 of 3 articles)

What is Clickless Analysis? Can it Simplify Adoption of Augmented Analytics? (Part 1 of 3 articles)

The concept of Clickless Analytics is one that will be happily embraced by business users and by the business enterprise. The reason is simple! Clickless Analytics allows users to find and analyze information without specialized skills, by using natural language.
