Advanced Analytics Tools Can Be Your Secret Weapon!

Can Advanced Analytics Software Help My Business Planning?

What is Advanced Analytics, and How Can it Help My Business?

What is advanced analytics? Where to start? Advanced analytics takes analysis to the next level by providing sophisticated techniques designed to get to the heart of data and offer insight and answers with which businesses can make more accurate decisions and develop more dependable, accurate plans and forecasts. Advanced Analytics includes predictive analytics, smart data visualization, and other components.


Gartner ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern Analytics and BI’, October, 2018 Includes Elegant MicroWeb (Smarten) in Category; Other Modern: Asia-Focused

Gartner 'Other Vendors to Consider for Modern Analytics and BI', October, 2018 Includes Elegant MicroWeb (Smarten) in Category; Other Modern: Asia-Focused

ElegantJ BI, an innovative vendor with its Smarten approach to Augmented Analytics and Self-Serve Data Preparation, is pleased to announce that Elegant MicroWeb (Smarten) is included as one of the Other Modern: Asia-Focused Vendors in the Gartner ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern Analytics and BI’ Report published on October 29, 2018.


Advantages of Augmented Analytics!

Benefits of Advanced Analytics!

What Are the Benefits of Augmented Analytics?

Augmented Analytics may sound complicated but the goal is to use all those complicated analytical techniques and algorithms as an underpinning for an advanced analytics solution that is suitable for the skills o an average business user. In other words, the system may be complicated, but the interface and process to gather and analyze information is easy!


Augmented Data Discovery is Easy Enough for Every User!

Advanced Data Discovery Can Benefit Every Team Member

Is Advanced Analytics Right Easy Enough for My Business Users?

The benefits of advanced data discovery do not have to be limited to data scientists or IT staff. If you choose the right data discovery tool, your business users can enjoy the benefits of confident business decisions, shared analytics and a common approach to, and understanding of, data-driven, fact-based metrics and results.


What is Search Analytics and Can it Improve Self-Serve Data Discovery? (Part 2 of 3 articles)

What is Search Analytics and Can it Improve Self-Serve Data Discovery? (Part 2 of 3 articles)

Search Analytics or search-based analytics marks the advent of a new era of business intelligence, in that it allows business users to ask a question using natural language and that question is translated by the system to produce results.


Will My Business Users Embrace Augmented Analytics?

Can Advanced Analytics Create Citizen Data Scientists?

Advanced Analytics and Smart Data Discovery for ALL!

Don’t think that advanced analytics is too complicated for your business users. Nothing could be further from the truth! You can create Citizen Data Scientists and improve the analytical abilities and outcomes for your average business user if you give them the right tools.


Establish a Solid Foundation for Advanced Analytics

Establish a Solid Foundation for Advanced Analytics

As advanced analytics and self-serve, augmented analytical tools make their way into the average enterprise, the average organization struggles to quantify the effects and, moreover, to understand and leverage the changes within the business.


Advanced Analytics Software for Every Team Member!

Are Augmented Analytics Tools Too Difficult for My Business Users?

Can Advanced Data Discovery Help Your Business Achieve Data Democratization?

Terms like Advanced Data Discovery and Augmented Analytics can seem mysterious and daunting for the average organization. Managers, executives and IT staff may believe that business users cannot and will not adopt advanced analytics tools because these tools can only be used by data scientists, programmers or business analysts.


Data Governance and Self-Serve Data Discovery Tools!

Can Self-Serve Advanced Analytics Support Data Governance?

Data Discovery Tools and Data Governance: A Dynamite Combination!

If your organization is planning to implement advanced analytics tools or to democratize the use of data discovery tools, your IT staff and senior management are probably concerned about losing control of data access and about data security. Data governance is a real concern and it should not be minimized but there is no reason to change course and decide against data democracy just to accommodate data governance.
