Predictive Modeling Does Not Have to be Complicated!

Business Users Can Leverage Predictive Analytics Techniques!

Assisted Predictive Modeling Delivers Predictive Analytics to Business Users!

When we use terms like ‘predictive analytics’, it sometimes puts off the general business population. Team members might envision everything from a crystal ball to complex charts and graphs with unreadable numbers and conclusions. While predictive analytics techniques and predictive modeling does include complicated algorithms.


Clickless Analytics = Simple Search Analytics!

Augmented Analytics with Natural Language Processing!

Clickless Analytics with Natural Language Processing Search Analytics!

We all understand the value and innovation inherent in natural language processing (NLP). Think about the ease of searching for the answer to a question on Google. Users with average skills can ask a question and get an answer, a list of search results that address their interests and support and assistance to take the next step.


ETL and Self-Serve Data Prep for ALL!

ETL Need Not Be Daunting!

Don’t Be Intimidated by ETL and Data Prep. It’s EASY!

When you hear the term ‘Extract, Transform and Load’, does it make you want to run in the opposite direction? ETL, as it is called, refers to the process of connecting to data sources, integrating data from various data sources, improving data quality, aggregating it and then storing it in staging data source or data marts or data warehouses for consumption of various business applications including BI, Analytics and Reporting.


Analytics for Data Scientists and Business Users!

Business Users and Data Scientists Need Analytics Tools!

Analytics for All: You Can Serve Business Users AND Data Scientists!

I hope you would agree that every team member in your business is an important and valuable resource. When we talk, in the tech world, about self-serve apps and the concept of cascading analytics to everyone in the organization, managers and team members start to get nervous.


Digital Transformation and Augmented Analytics Go Hand in Hand!

Begin Your Digital Transformation with Augmented Analytics!

How Can My Business Begin Digital Transformation? How About Augmented Analytics?

If you read industry and technology journals, you have probably seen the term, ‘digital transformation’. So, what is digital transformation Gartner asked, and here is what the Gartner glossary of terms says about that: ‘Digital business transformation is the process of exploiting digital technologies and supporting capabilities to create a robust new digital business model.’ So, that is the digital technology business definition and that definition will translate differently for every organization in terms of where the enterprise will begin to focus the transformation process and how it will get to its goal.


There are Many Advantages of Advanced Analytics!

Augmented Analytics Benefits are Numerous and Impressive!

Enjoy the Benefits of Advanced Analytics with Augmented Analytics Support!

As a business manager or a business team member, you probably make it your business to stay abreast of industry and market trends and to understand how best to use technology to refine business results and better understand your market, competition and customers. If you have been reading industry publications, you are probably familiar with the concept of augmented analytics and augmented analytics benefits.


Is Advanced Data Discovery Suitable for Business Users?

Can Data Discovery Improve My Business Users’ Performance?

Is Augmented Data Discovery Easy Enough for My Business Users?

A data discovery tool is a crucial tool for every business user in your organization. With so many sources of data, in so many locations with your enterprise, it is impossible for users to know whether they have access to complete, accurate data to make decisions.


Can Business Users Leverage Self-Serve Data Prep?

What Is Self-Serve Data Preparation?

How About Giving Your Business Users the Power to Prepare Data for Analysis?

Can Your Business Achieve Self-Serve Data Prep? Lots of my friends talk about the difficulty of preparing data for analysis and how long it takes to get IT or data scientists or analysts to take on the project, get the data prepared and run reports or perform analytics. Frankly, this problem is a puzzle to me!


Augmented Data Preparation and Self-Service ETL!

Self-Service Data Preparation that is Easy and Worry-Free!

What is Self Service Data Preparation?

Data prep can slow down analytics and cause delays. Self-service data preparation (when done right) can enable business users to leverage sophisticated, easy-to-use tools for self-serve ETL. Data extraction, transformation and loading (otherwise known as ETL) can be time-consuming and requires professional skills but self-service ETL will walk business users through an augmented data preparation process and take the complicated, confusing steps out of the process by helping the user make decisions on how to prepare, clean, reduce and use the data in the best way possible.
