When a business chooses to follow the guidance of Gartner and embrace the Citizen Data Scientist initiative to transform business users and provide analytical tools for all team members, it must approach the initiative with appropriate planning.
Tag: Augmented Analytics
Self Service Data Preparation Takes the Complexity Out of Data Prep!
When asked about using an analytical solution to find and use data and make decisions, many business users feel insecure about the process required to get to the results. Data preparation has traditionally been the domain of a data scientist, a business analyst or an IT professional.
What is a Citizen Data Scientist and How Do I Train and Transition My Team?
Citizen Data Scientists…the predicted future of the organization! Gartner and other technology research firms have predicted the rise of Citizen Data Scientists as a way to complement and optimize data scientists and to democratize data and improve data literacy across the enterprise.
How Can Clickless Analysis and NLP Support Business User Analytics?
An advanced analytics solution that is designed for augmented analytics, must be easy enough for the average business user to achieve results without IT skills or the skills of a data scientist. When a business user can leverage clickless analytics search capability, the user can achieve rapid, clear results and use those results to solve problems, share information and optimize opportunities for the business.
Wise business managers are embracing the Digital Transformation initiative in an effort to improve accuracy, productivity and the integration of technology and analytics within the organization. Augmented Analytics is a logical and critical addition to the Dx initiative and will significantly enhance the success of the Digital Transformation agenda. When a business wishes to consider and implement a Digital Transformation and Augmented Analytics initiative, it must shift its cultural assumptions to support continuous improvement. There will be no Digital Transformation or Data Literacy success if the enterprise does not embrace the concept of continuous improvement.
When Considering Advanced Analytics, Look for an Augmented Analytics Solution!
When a business is considering an advanced analytics solution, it must sell its management team and investors on the value and benefit of that solution and the merits of implementing such a solution or upgrading an existing solution.

Creativity is the lifeblood of an enterprise! But, it is easy to get into a rut and do what has worked in the past. If a business is to succeed, it must constantly generate new ideas and new ways to address the market and its consumers. Augmented Data discovery and the new world of self-serve tools has added an interesting dimension to this discussion as it encourages business users to become Citizen Data Scientists and encourages organizations to embrace data democratization.
Smarten is pleased to announce SmartenApps, its newest addition to the Smarten augmented analytics suite of offerings. The Smarten: eCommerce Analytics for Shopify by Elegant MicroWeb is an augmented analytics and reporting solution integrated with Shopify eCommerce.
Business Users Get Instant Help with Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics!
Here’s some good news! If you want to predict or forecast results for your business, you don’t need to be a data scientist, a statistician, a business analyst, or a rocket scientist! Today, augmented analytics solutions provide all the help a business user will need to gather data, prepare it for analysis and then choose the right algorithm or analytical technique to analyze the data and get clear, easy-to-understand results.
Integrate Augmented Analytics as a Foundation for Digital Transformation!
Digital Transformation (Dx) is achieved when an organization plans and exploits digital technologies, workflow and processes, and its core capabilities and skills with an enterprise culture that evolves and shifts to engender a digital business model that advances business. Any Dx plan must include a review and appropriate modification of businesses processes, business models, operations, team collaboration and customer relationships.