How Can My Business Understand and Handle Those Pesky Data Anomalies?
Why guess at the cause of your business results? Whether you are seeing positive or negative results, it is still important to understand the ‘why.’ Without this information, you cannot adapt and adjust to improve declining results, OR repeat and improve those great results you are experiencing.
Smarten is pleased to announce that its Smarten Augmented Analytics solution is included as a Representative Vendor in the Market Guide for Augmented Analytics Published October 2, 2023 (ID G00780764).
Smarten announces the launch of SnapShot Anomaly Monitoring Alerts for Smarten Augmented Analytics. SnapShot Monitoring provides powerful data analytical features that reveal trends and anomalies and allow the enterprise to map targets and adapt to changing markets with clear, prescribed actions for continuous improvement.
With Augmented Analytics Tools You Can Gain Insight and Track Business Results!
If you own or work in a business, you know that, while you are busy doing what you do on a daily basis, things can change. The change itself is challenging but what is more challenging is staying abreast of what is changing, where it is changing and how it is impacting the business. If you aren’t aware of the change, things can sneak up on you. Your business can get off track and, if you aren’t aware of that misstep, you risk greater loss as time goes by. At the same time, the changes that occur that might provide a market opening or an opportunity can also fall by the wayside if you are not paying attention.
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