Business Users Need Personalized BI Tools & Dashboards!

Flexible Dashboard Software Can Deliver Business Intelligence to Business Users!

When I speak to friends and colleagues about reaping the benefits of business intelligence, they are often frustrated by the inability to a) access data and build reports and insight without the assistance of IT or analysts or b) access tools that allow them to use a BI tool or solution in a way that is meaningful to them. In other words, they either have NO access to business intelligence tools or they have access but those BI tools are restrictive and provide no flexible, agile way to gather, see and analyze data for the type of role they perform within the organization.

Employ BI Tools and Augmented Analytics for Business Users!

Business Intelligence and Augmented Analytics Go Hand in Hand!

Business Intelligence is mandatory! Without intelligence you have no insight into your customer buying behavior, your competition or your organization. In order to achieve business intelligence in today’s environment, you need modern BI tools and augmented analytics that is suitable for your business users.

Can Business Users Really Use BI Tools?

Don’t Leave Your Business Users Out in the Cold. Give Them BI Tools!

Don’t underestimate your business users! They have market, domain and professional expertise that add value to the organization and, with the right BI tools and features, business users can gather, analyze and make decisions using data from all across the enterprise. You don’t have to leave the business intelligence and analytics efforts to IT or business analysts or data scientists.

Self-Serve Data Preparation Prepares You for the Future!

Don’t Be Afraid of Self-Serve Data Preparation! It’s Easy. You Can Do It!

Oh, the mysterious world of data preparation! It is daunting and confusing and…wait, no! It doesn’t have to be. If you aren’t employed as an IT professional, a business analyst or a data scientist, you probably see this arena as confusing and intimidating and you probably want nothing to do with data preparation. BUT, when you need a report, or you have to provide a recommendation to your boss in a staff meeting, you desperately need that data and that analysis, don’t you?

Auto Insights Provide Simple Answers for Business Users!

How Can I Make it Easier for Business Users to Perform Analytics?

When a business wants to roll out advanced analytics to its business users, it must consider the average skill level and understanding of analytical techniques and ensure that the solution it chooses will support its project goals. One of the most important factors of business user analytics is user-friendly, simple analytics in an augmented analytics environment.

Plan Precisely with Predictive Analytics!

Is Predictive Analytics Real or Does it Promise More Than it Delivers?

Why would anyone want or need to use predictive analytics? What good is forecasting anyway? Doesn’t it always end up being wrong? Well, no! That’s why wise businesses use these techniques to plan and forecast and to understand how a change they are considering might impact their business success. Nearly every organization today is using analytics to improve productivity, competitive positioning, market presence, financial investment strategies, price point planning, risk mitigation and many other business factors.

Give Your Business Users Simple Augmented Analytics!

Business Users Don’t Have to Be Data Scientists (But Basic Knowledge is Great)

When you launch an analytics solution within your enterprise, you are probably concerned about getting your business users to adopt that solution. If you can’t engage the business user and achieve user adoption, your return on investment (ROI) will be poor!  But, it is important to understand that the right augmented analytics solution can provide the structure and foundation for business users without requiring them to have a sophisticated knowledge of algorithms and analytical techniques.