The Benefits of Low-Code, No-Code in Augmented Analytics!

What Are the Advantages of Low-Code, No-Code Platform in Augmented Analytics Solutions?

According to some estimates, the rise of low-code, no-code and AI in analytics has increased access to augmented analytics to end-users by 36% to 56%. In fact, Gartner predicts that 75% of new global software solutions will incorporate a low-code approach.

In the analytics software market, the primary driver of this growth is the advent of solutions that can be quickly modified and upgraded to address new requirements and user needs. The creation of no-code and low-code apps allows for simple foundations and construction to analyze data without customization or programming or data science skills supports both developers, data scientists and power users of analytics by providing tools to simply and easily create complex components.

‘When considering an augmented analytics solution, prospective users should carefully review the foundation and technology of the analytical software. The incorporation of new technologies and capabilities will drive current and future user adoption and the successful implementation of analytics within the business user community.’

The organization can leverage and change data workflows, reports, dashboards and predictive models without extensive coding or time investment. While Low-Code development enables organizations to build apps with minimal coding, No-Code utilizes a suite of tools, scripts and components to allow swift construction of apps with very limited coding or user interface (UI) based configurations. Both of these approaches enable a development environment that is agile, and can quickly respond to the changing needs of users, customers and the organization.

With this approach, users enjoy access to data, models, charts, gauges, tables, and grids that satisfy their current needs, and these can be easily modified as the organization grows and changes, and the user requirements evolve.

The Low-Code, No-Code Approach to Augmented Analytics

There are numerous benefits and advantages to incorporating low-code, no-code into an analytical environment, and these benefits provide support for developers, data scientists and for power business users.

  • Supports Complex Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) and Data Preparation Workflows Throughout the Data Pipeline
  • Enables Complex Data Transformation and Data Cleansing Functions
  • Offers Rapid Predictive Modeling Hypothesis and Prototyping
  • Allows Quick, Easy Construction of Custom Expressions
  • Enables User Adoption of Self-Serve Analytics and the Citizen Data Scientist Culture
  • Requires No Professional Programming or Scripting Experience – Power Users Can Perform Complex Tasks Without Assistance
  • Supports Data Democratization and Data Literacy
  • Allows for Rapid Development of Various Analytics Components e.g., Datasets, Dashboards, Rports and Models
  • Ensures Agility and Speed of Upgrades
  • Provides a Cost-Effective Solution with Personalization for Organizations
  • Offers Flexible Integration and Data Management
  • Reduces Cost
  • Improves Collaboration and Productivity
  • Improves Return on investment (ROI) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

‘Gartner predicts that 75% of new global software solutions will incorporate a low-code approach.’

When considering an augmented analytics solution, prospective users should carefully review the foundation and technology of the analytical software. The incorporation of new technologies and capabilities will drive current and future user adoption and the successful implementation of analytics within the business user community. Technologies and techniques like low-code, no-code, artificial intelligence (AI), and embedded business intelligence (BI) to provide access to analytics from within enterprise applications, will support data democratization, data literacy and fact-based decision-making within the enterprise.

Smarten  Augmented Analytics with low-code, no-code technology will support your team with tools that are intuitive and easy to use and will encourage user adoption. Leverage the essential components of the Smarten Technology foundation, and improve decision-making and outcomes. Explore the potential and capabilities of the Smarten Cloud software-as-a-service (SaaS) product with its low-code, no-code foundation and seamless functionality.

Original Post : The Low-Code, No-Code Approach to Augmented Analytics!

Case Study : Augmented Analytics Solution for India State Government Citizen Centric Schemes

Augmented Analytics Solution for India State Government Citizen Centric Schemes

The Client is a state government with a population of approximately 30 million citizens, and an annual budget of $5 billion USD. This government agency focuses on implementing IT and e-governance initiatives to enhance citizen services and governance efficiency. By leveraging advanced technology, the agency aims to improve the quality of life for citizens and to streamline administrative processes across and throughout departments.

Case Study : Augmented Analytics for India Construction and Infrastructure Development Company!

Augmented Analytics for India Construction and Infrastructure Development Company

The Client is an India-based construction and infrastructure development company, committed to delivering quality infrastructure for private, public, and government projects. With over fifty (50) years of accumulated knowledge and experience, the organization applies its extensive resources to ensure superior infrastructure solutions.

Give Your Users Mobile BI. They Will Love You!

Why Doesn’t Your Business Provide Mobile BI Access For Your Users?

You would think that businesses would understand the value of Mobile BI! After all, we are a mobile society. Today’s consumers and business users expect to have access to all of their tools, apps, software and websites on their mobile devices, and no matter what kind of device they have – iPad, tablet, Android smart phone, iPhone etc., they expect to have seamless performance. So, is it any wonder that businesses are facing the question of analytics on the go?

Gartner has predicted that, ‘overall analytics adoption will increase from 35% to 50%, driven by vertical and domain-specific augmented analytics solutions.’

‘Mobile BI can provide your business with the foundation to achieve your data democratization and user adoption goals.’

If your business users and Citizen Data Scientists have access to robust augmented analytics and traditional and modern BI within the walls of your enterprise, why don’t they access to these all-important tools when they are working remotely, in a client office, at an airport, on the road or working with a supplier or a partner? Consider the increased productivity and the improved workflow your team can achieve if you add Mobile BI. If you have invested in an analytics solution and you want to achieve the best return on investment (ROI) and the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO), you need to expand user access to a mobile environment.

If You Don’t Provide Mobile BI for Your Users, Why Not?

With the right Mobile BI solution your users can enjoy many benefits. When you consider a Mobile BI and augmented analytics solution, be sure your solution provides:

  • A native app, with seamless user interface for a great user experience (Ux) – compatible with iOS and Android
  • An extended office environment for swift analysis and decisions from anywhere
  • Encourages user adoption and provides support for BI investments and data democratization
  • Access rights are defined on the server so security and privacy is ensured at all levels
  • Can be hosted anywhere within IT infrastructure –on premises, public or private cloud
  • Business Users have access to dashboards, reports, Clickless Analytics – Google-type Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search functionality
  • Start-up is easy, within a few minutes and support is readily available

‘Consider the increased productivity and the improved workflow your team can achieve if you add Mobile BI.’

Choose a  Business Intelligence reporting solution that promotes data literacy and provides BI tools your IT team can easily implement and support, and a solution that business users will want to adopt. Choose flexible, agile business intelligence solutions that can be used at all levels to collaborate, share data, and report and communicate with clarity. Mobile BI can provide your business with the foundation to achieve your data democratization and user adoption goals.

Original Post : If You Don’t Provide Mobile BI for Your Users, Why Not?

Techniques to Ensure Successful Augmented Analytics Implementation!

If your business is ready to implement a BI tool and augmented analytics solution, there are some things you will need to do first. If you plan correctly, you will enjoy a successful implementation. If you do not perform an assessment, understand your requirements and choose the right option, you are likely to fail in your initiative and your ROI and TCO will not meet expectations.

Self-Serve Data Preparation Improves Results!

Include Self-Serve Data Preparation in Your Augmented Analytics Solution!

Gartner predicted that ‘…data preparation will be utilized in more than 70% of new data integration projects for analytics and data science.’ If your business is not already including this approach in analytics and decision-making, it is missing a crucial link to success. Self-serve data preparation and augmented analytics solutions are now more popular than ever. By democratizing data and improving data literacy, the business can do more with less. But the sheer volume of data within an organization can be challenging.

Include Mobile BI in Your Augmented Analytics Requirements!

What Are the Advantages of Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics?

A recent report revealed that by, 2028, the Augmented Analytics market is projected to reach USD 46.26 billion at a CAGR of 24.30%. The business intelligence solution market has evolved into augmented analytics and these solutions designs have progressed to support average business users with simple solutions that combine sophisticated analytical techniques and algorithms with easy navigation, reporting and insight.

How Can I Improve Business Intelligence and Augmented Analytics ROI and TCO?

Business managers, owners and senior executives really want to do the right thing! The goal is always to improve the business, to hire the best staff and to satisfy customers and partners. To do that, the business must build a foundation of business processes, policies, technology and software that will support goals and objectives and make it easier, more timely and more efficient to perform tasks and complete activities.

How Can NLP Help My Business Implement Self-Serve Analytics?

What is Natural Language Processing and Why Do I Need it in My Advanced Analytics Solution?

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural Language Processing utilizes artificial intelligence to translate computer code and language into real world, human language. While the goal is to simplify human interaction with computers, NLP is a complex mix of computational linguistics and computer science. When a business is considering an augmented analytics solution that leverages natural language processing, it need not concern itself with the complicated underpinning of code and design, but should rather consider what NLP can do for its users and for its business results.

How Can I Encourage My Team to Adopt and Use BI Tools and Augmented Analytics?

Wise business owners and managers are taking on the challenge of implementing data democracy, digital transformation (Dx), and Citizen Data Scientist initiatives. The reason is simple! These businesses understand the benefits and the advantages of providing augmented analytics access to business users, thereby improving fact-based, timely decisions and improving the planning and forecasting process. These initiatives also optimize resources and allow the business to do more with less – which is something every business needs!