What Is Assisted Predictive Modeling And Is It Suitable For Business Users?

What is Assisted Predictive Modeling?

Assistive Predictive Modeling incorporates complex, sophisticated analytical and forecasting techniques in a self-serve environment where business users can employ tools to guide them through recommended techniques and report formats and ensure that the methods and reports they choose are appropriate to the type of data and information they need.

How Can I Move From BI Tools to Augmented Analytics?

From Business Intelligence to Augmented Analytics: Tips for a Crucial Transformation

As business intelligence solutions and BI Tools evolve into Augmented Analytics, business users can achieve valuable insight and take appropriate action to optimize resources and enable continuous improvement. As Gartner has predicted, the market is responding to business needs by transforming business intelligence tools into sophisticated Advanced Analytics that are easy-to-use. These augmented analytics solutions support the needs of the average business user, improve productivity and collaboration, and assure data democracy and Data Literacy across the organization.

Enjoy the Benefits of Augmented Analytics!

What is Augmented Analytics and Can it Benefit My Business?

What is the difference between analytics and augmented analytics? The simple answer is this: augmented analytics provide sophisticated analytics tools in an easy-to-use environment that offers guidance and recommendations, and a natural language processing (NLP) interface that makes it possible for every business user to leverage the solution, no matter their technical or analytical skills or experience.

What is Auto Insight? It Is Analytics Made Easy!

Auto Insight Can Help Business Users Analyze Data at the Touch of a Button!

When you are trying to implement a data democratization initiative and give your business users access to analytics, you can run into roadblocks with analytical tools and solutions that are too difficult for the average skills of a business user. It is impossible to achieve your goals and ensure that every user is comfortable with data analytics and fact-based decision-making if you don’t give your users a tool that they can use as easily as they use Google or other familiar search mechanisms.

Augmented Analytics: The Right Choice for Advanced Analytics!

When Considering Advanced Analytics, Look for an Augmented Analytics Solution!

When a business is considering an advanced analytics solution, it must sell its management team and investors on the value and benefit of that solution and the merits of implementing such a solution or upgrading an existing solution.

Machine Learning = Easy Predictive Analytics!

Leverage Machine Learning for Forecasts and Predictions!

Business Users Get Instant Help with Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics!

Here’s some good news! If you want to predict or forecast results for your business, you don’t need to be a data scientist, a statistician, a business analyst, or a rocket scientist! Today, augmented analytics solutions provide all the help a business user will need to gather data, prepare it for analysis and then choose the right algorithm or analytical technique to analyze the data and get clear, easy-to-understand results. ###

What is Clickless Analysis and Why Should I Care?

Natural Language Processing Makes Search Analytics Easy!

What is Clickless Analysis and Why Should I Care?

Whether you know it or not, you know Natural Language Processing (NLP) very well! You use it all the time to ask questions on Google Ask a simple question, get a list of responses that meet your needs. What did we ever do before natural language processing? How else might we use it to simplify our lives?

What are the Benefits of Data Democratization?

BI Democratization and Self-Serve Analytics is Key to Success!

Get with the Program! Data and BI Democratization IS Crucial!

A few months ago, I was talking to a friend (someone who has worked, for years, in the IT industry) and happened to mention data democratization. In this age of modern business intelligence, augmented analytics and Citizen Data Scientists, one would think that every IT professional would know the term ‘data democratization’ and its crucial importance to the business environment and success. But, my friend did not know or understand the term or its importance. In fact, she was even a bit skeptical about the potential and the movement toward self-serve business intelligence and analytics.

Understanding the Benefits of Digital Transformation!

What is Digital Transformation and Why Should I Care?

Embrace Digital Transformation and Build a New Vision of Your Business!

What is Digital Transformation and why should you care about it? Let’s keep it simple. Digital Transformation involves the use of new, ever-changing digital technology in an environment designed to encourage problem solving and collaboration. Digital Transformation assumes that a business organization truly values data-driven decisions and wishes to improve its team member value and productivity by increasing their data literacy and comfort level with using data to make decisions.