Advanced Analytics that is Easy Enough for All Business Users

Data Discovery Software that Will Guide Users at Every Step!

Augmented Analytics and Advanced Data Discovery for Business Users!

Augmented analytics can help your business users to find and understand critical data and to do their jobs more effectively. Without the knowledge of a data scientist or an IT professional, business users can perform advanced analytics, using features that guide and make recommendations at every step so that data is prepared, viewed and analyzed in a way that ensures clarity and a comprehensive understanding of trends, patterns, and data sensitivity and success thresholds.


What is So Important About Augmented Data Discovery?

Are Augmented Data Discovery Tools Important for My Business?

Can Augmented Data Discovery Make a Difference in My Organization?

There are so many new terms in the business intelligence and advanced analytics domain. So, what is augmented data discovery, and why is it important for your enterprise? Augmented Data Discovery (aka Smart Data Discovery), takes the enterprise beyond data monitoring and helps users discover the more subtle yet crucial factors that affect business success. It identifies hidden issues and patterns within the data so the organization can address challenges, capitalize on competitive and market advantages and plan for the future with more confidence. There are a couple of components to the augmented data discovery continuum.


Analytics Translator? Citizen Data Scientist? What is the Difference?

Analytics Translator? Citizen Data Scientist? What is the Difference?

There is a new business role on the horizon and, at first glance, it may seem very much like a role that was introduced a few short years ago. This new enterprise role is known as an ‘Analytics Translator’ and, while there is some confusion regarding the distinction between this role and the newly minted Citizen Data Scientist or Citizen Analyst, there are some subtle but important differences. In a previous article (What is an Analytics Translator and Why is the Role Important to Your Organization?), we discussed the definition of an Analytics Translator. Here, we will discuss the role of Citizen Data Scientist and Analytics Translator and how they differ. To understand these roles, let’s look first at the somewhat more familiar role of Citizen Data Scientist (AKA Citizen Analyst).


Augmented Data Discovery for Business Users

Augmented Analytics is Easy Enough for Business Users

Is Augmented Analytics Too Complex for Business Users?

The concept of Augmented Analytics may sound complicated (and it may, in fact, be a challenge for a software vendor to accomplish), but the new augmented data discovery tools are quite easy to use. Unlike the data discovery tools of old, business users do not need to look to the IT staff or data scientists to perform advanced data discovery.


Augmented Data Discovery Provides Users with Crucial Answers

Automated Analytics: A Tool for User AND Business Success

Advanced Data Discovery Can and Should Be Available to All!

Advanced Data Discovery allows business users to perform early prototyping and to test hypothesis without the skills of a data scientist. Advanced Data Discovery ensures data democratization and can drastically reduce the time and cost of analysis and experimentation.


Smarter, Better, Faster Data Discovery

Business Users Want MORE: Simple, Advanced Data Discovery

The Next, Even Better Gift: Advanced Data Discovery Tools!

Have you ever noticed that when you give someone something, they often want more? This is especially true when they really like what you gave them! As the concept of business analytics becomes more main stream and business users embrace the possibilities, they (and their managers) want and expect even more tools and more potential. They want better solutions. BUT, don’t make the mistake of interpreting the need for more sophistication and detail as a need for more complexity. Business users are still business users and, as organizations pursue the natural progression of business analytics, the emergence of  Advanced Data Discovery enables those same business users to enjoy the benefits of more sophistication, more possibilities and more data sharing without the need for IT staff or data scientist involvement.


Clickless Analytics – Disambiguating George (Part 2 of ∞)

Clickless Analytics – Disambiguating George (Part 2 of ∞)

Does not look like a technical heading? It is as serious as my other stuff. And I have forgiven the definition of technical for being ambiguous. The problem for working in a Clickless world starts with the meaning as meant in the input. So, a simple phrase “come on George” Could mean multiple things. A classic problem which the bot engine developers are resolving by using patterns and machine learning. “Come on” said by a mother, boyfriend, boss, colleague, store keeper, the barista could mean entirely different things at different times depending on the previous sentences.
