How Can Data Visualization Help Me Achieve Business Results?

Reporting and Data Visualization Improves Team Understanding!

Statistics reveal that many people learn best when they see a story or information depicted in an image. Graphs, charts with colors, lines and shapes can often tell a story and communicate issues, challenges and opportunities in a business environment.

According to Forbes, ‘Almost eighty-thousand scientific studies attest that visual images promote retention.’

‘Visualization and presentation formats can include personalized dashboards and visualization techniques, alerts for exceptions and trends, and intuitive, mobile BI dashboards.’

Let’s consider a few examples of data presentation to illustrate how images, graphs, charts and visualization techniques can improve data understanding and retention.

How Can Data Visualization Help Me Achieve Business Results?

Cross Tabulation – Data presentation consists of categorization of data into groups, such as products, geographies, demographics, etc. It can be very useful in understanding sales results, product pricing response, target audience assessment, etc. Cross tab analytics can help your team understand market research, survey responses, seasonality and other factors.

KPI Reports – Key Performance Indicators (AKA KPI) can provide metrics in a dashboard environment that is easy to understand, so users can monitor and manage success factors, and quickly see where there are problems. KPI reporting can be used to identify and capitalize on opportunities and to adjust to challenges in the market and within the walls of the organization.

Custom Print Presentations and Reports – Every organization has a need for custom reports. Needs vary from division to department to user, and these needs can be expensive to accommodate. Custom reports to present data for decision-making, or to monitor results on an ongoing basis are crucial to the organization. But if the enterprise has to ask IT or business analysts or data scientists to satisfy the need, they are losing productivity, time and efficiency. By giving users the ability to design, format and product reports for a particular staff meeting or project, the enterprise can keep the process moving and ensure that the team has what they need to gather, analyze and understand results in a meaningful way. Custom formats might include customer statements, management reports, compliance reports, project templates, etc. Users can present data in a clean, colorful, attractive way to satisfy customers, partners, suppliers, executives and team members.

‘According to Forbes, ‘Almost eighty-thousand scientific studies attest that visual images promote retention.’

These are just a few examples of reporting formats and types, and how they might help your enterprise. Other types of visualization and presentation formats can include personalized dashboards and visualization techniques, alerts for exceptions and trends, and intuitive, mobile BI dashboards.

Team members, managers and executives typically think of reporting and presentation as boring, detailed and unintelligible. They rarely see the value in using data to make decisions when, in fact, this approach is the wisest and produces the best results. But it is understandable that the staff, customers, partners and suppliers would cringe when a report is placed in front of them, emailed to them or presented on a screen.

What if you could create, format, present and share data in a way that quickly communicated results, delivered a message, identified an issue or illustrate dan opportunity? Change the way your enterprise uses and interacts with data, with clean, clear, concise, elegant and colorful presentation.

Explore the benefits of Smarten Reports, and Pixel Perfect Print Reports and the use of this this seamless PDF Pixel Perfect Reports Solution, and the Smarten suite of Augmented Analytics can support your business users with self-serve tools that are intuitive and will encourage user adoption and fact-based decision-making.

Original Post : How Can Data Visualization Help Me Achieve Business Results?

Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Software App!

Minimum Viable Product (MVP): What Is It and Why Does My Business Need It?

What if your business could see into the future? What if you could launch a consumer app or an in-house software program without risking years of investment, time and resources, only to find out that you missed the mark? What if you could test your theories about software features and functionality and ensure that you had it right BEFORE you launched your product?

Hybrid Mobile App Development Supports Competitive Market Position and User Adoption

Hybrid Mobile Application Development: The What, Why and How

Whether your business is small, medium, or large, whether your business focus is in retail, manufacturing, media, finance, healthcare, fitness or technology, there is a good chance that your enterprise can benefit from mobile application development. Today’s business user and consumer is used to having access to tasks, activities, special interests, news and entertainment and work processes and, in an age where mobile devices rule the world, that access must be mobile. If you want to understand why mobile app development is important, consider this: Mobile applications allow your business to expand its market and competitive advantage and ensure customer satisfaction.

In most cases, a business cannot isolate and dictate the devices its consumers and/or business users prefer. Even if your business provides its team members with an Android or iPhone device, that user is likely to have more than one device and those devices may not use the same operating system.

Given this reality, the wise organization will choose to develop its mobile application using cross-platform mobile development. Cross-platform app development ensures that business team members and consumers can access your mobile app, no matter the device they are using.

‘There are many options for hybrid mobile app development, and it is crucial that your selected IT partner understand all of those options and that they can accurately and effectively advise you on the best option for your project.’

In this article, we will discuss cross-platform mobile application development, otherwise known as Hybrid Mobile App Development. We will define the technology, the pros and cons of this approach, and how to decide whether to use hybrid mobile apps, and we will provide a list of considerations to include when selecting a hybrid mobile app development partner.

What is Hybrid Mobile App Development?

Now that we have piqued your interest, we should answer the question, ‘what is hybrid app development.’ In order to give you a complete picture of this approach, we must also tell you about the alternative.

While Hybrid Mobile Apps provide access via Android and iOS (Apple) operating systems, native mobile applications are designed to comply with and operate within only one of the two operating systems, either Android or iOS.


Hybrid Mobile Apps – What are hybrid mobile apps. Hybrid mobile apps blend the native and web application approach with the foundational code written with web technologies like HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Tech Target  defines a Hybrid Mobile App as ‘a software app that combines elements of both native and web applications. Hybrid apps are essentially web apps that have a native app shell.’

This approach allows users to access the application via iOS and Android devices. Hybrid mobile app developers can write the code once and deploy it across iOS and Android platforms, so implementation and upgrade is easy and fast.

Native Mobile Apps – When we consider native vs hybrid apps, the biggest difference is that the native app is designed and developed using code that supports the iOS OR the Android environment (not both). Developers use Java or Swift, etc. to create the solution. When a business considers hybrid vs. native applications, it must decide whether to release and support one native app for Android or iOS or to design and develop two separate solutions (one for Android and one for iOS) and maintain and upgrade two versions of the solutions as the application and user needs evolve.

If your business is trying to decide whether mobile application development, and specifically, hybrid mobile application development, is right for your enterprise, you may wonder what you can do with this technology.

Here are a few examples of existing business applications to help you understand the value and use of hybrid app development:


Social Media – Businesses like Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and WhatsApp use hybrid apps in a very different way. Whereas Instagram and X look to engage users and support ranking, popularity and community, WhatsApp leverages hybrid development to create an app that is used for communication, messaging, and international access to friends, family and co-workers.

Reservation Systems – Uber and other well-known businesses use hybrid apps to allow customers to book and pay for services, with user-friendly features that allow for ranking, check the status of delivery or arrival, etc.

Communication and Integration – Companies like Gmail provide apps to communicate with friends and co-workers and integrate that functionality with document storage and editing and other applications and features, including video conferencing.

Image and Data Design and Synchronization – Evernote is a great example of how hybrid mobile apps are used to provide a secured interface for scanning, image capture via built-in camera, data synchronization and design features. This app also allows for collaboration and discussion and permits users to make notes.

Banking and Crypto Accounts – Hybrid mobile apps are used to manage accounts and monitor the status of financial investments and/or cryptocurrency investments.

App Stores – The Amazon and Apple App Stores were developed as hybrid mobile applications. Here you can search for and find games, media apps, entertainment apps…in short any kind of app you might need, and download those apps, and you can return to the site to upgrade the app or to find reviews and information about apps.

Streaming – There are mobile apps designed and developed to enable streaming of programs and content from your favorite streaming networks. These apps include the ability to access and login to your streaming account for a particular service, so you can keep all your content and services in one interface for your viewing pleasure. Shopping and eCommerce – Hybrid mobile apps allow for product searches, and some even allow you to virtually ‘try on’ clothing, using an image of yourself and a product image. You can pay with your favorite payment app, using integrated payment platforms and you can track shipping with integrated shipment apps that provide updates on the status of your shipment. Forbes reports that an impressive 37 of the Top 50 retail apps in America are hybrid.

Pros and Cons of Hybrid Mobile App Development

Before you consider hybrid mobile application development for your business, it is important to understand why mobile app development is important and the advantages of hybrid mobile app development as well as the tradeoffs. There are many reasons that a hybrid mobile application can be valuable to your business, so let’s start with the benefits of hybrid mobile application development.

Advantages of Hybrid Mobile App Development

Mobile App Daily  lists a number of advantages to Hybrid Mobile Application Development. We have listed those benefits that we consider the most important in this section:

Single Code-Base – The ability to design, develop, maintain and upgrade only one code, means that you don’t need as many resources, or as much time to complete a project or to fix bugs or upgrade a solution.

Reduced Cost – By using common code, the business can reduce costs for resources and time to market.

Availability of Resources – Taking the hybrid mobile application approach means that developers do not need to learn and stay abreast of training on separate languages.

Easy Maintenance – Hybrid mobile apps are easy to maintain, and the business can avoid maintenance of two native apps, because the hybrid app uses only one code base. Hybrid apps do not require versioning, so general maintenance and support is easier and less complex.

Scalability and Loading – Hybrid mobile apps work well, even with a slow internet connection. These apps load content faster than their native app and web app counterparts, and can accommodate graphics, images, video, etc. These hybrid apps function on iOS and Android devices and support third-party plug-ins.

Integration – Hybrid mobile apps allow easy synchronization and integration with other applications, so users can leverage GPS, messaging and camera apps without issue.

App Stores – Both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store allow hybrid mobile apps, meaning you can reach users with both Android and iOS devices, thereby expanding your market and reach.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Mobile App Development

Here are a few examples of the issues you may encounter when developing a hybrid mobile application:

Restrictions of Operating System – Because the Hybrid Mobile App development environment utilizes one code base, some of the native features for iOS and Android are not available. For applications with complex features, this means that the development team cannot capitalize on native features to ensure quality and stable performance. Developers may not be able to access and leverage the specific features of one or both of the operating systems (OS).

User Experience (Ux) – Designing and developing for hybrid mobile apps can mean that a developer must balance how the user experiences a feature or function in iOS vs. Android. When using the same code base, one operating system (OS) may provide a better user experience than the other.

Limitations of Plug-Ins – Third-party plug-ins for hybrid mobile apps may fall short of what developers want to accomplish when compared to native operating system plug-ins.

Performance – For complex mobile applications, the performance of a hybrid mobile app may be a bit slower. Simple, small applications are rarely an issue. Hybrid mobile apps do not handle 3D graphics well, though developers can use third-party plug-ins to resolve this issue.

Bug Fixes – Unless your development team has experience and skill in both iOS and Android operating systems (OS), it can be difficult to find the exact cause of an issue in the single code base for a hybrid mobile application. There are many reasons to choose the right IT partner to help you with your hybrid mobile application. Not the least of these is the skill and experience required to identify and fix bugs in a hybrid mobile app.

Now that we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid app development, let’s look at the factors that will affect your decision to choose hybrid mobile app development.

How Do I Decide Whether to Use Hybrid Mobile App Development

As with any software or technology project, the decision to take a particular approach should be based on your requirements, your target audience and your market. Here are a few of the factors you should consider, before choosing the hybrid mobile app development approach for your project.


Requirements – Does your project lend itself to hybrid mobile app development vs. native mobile app development? What are the features and functionality you require? You will need to develop a detailed feature set and have a good understanding of how the native vs. hybrid approach will impact your ability to meet these requirements. Work with your IT partner to determine whether the hybrid mobile app approach is best for your business needs.

Target Audience/Users – Who will be using your solution? Do you have a good understanding of what they expect and want and an understanding of their skills and buying or user adoption behavior? If you don’t know who will be using your hybrid mobile app, how they will be using it, or whether they are likely to adopt your solution based on gaps in the market, competitive strategies and your own branding and market position, you should gather this research. It will inform which approach you take and how your development team chooses to address your users to provide the right user experience (Ux) and user interface (UI).

Upgrades, Development, Time to Market – What is your expected schedule? Is it reasonable to expect that you can complete your project using the hybrid mobile app approach? What is your time-to-market estimate? Do you have a plan for upgrades and a roadmap to get your product to its completion? Does this roadmap involve more than one major release?

Devices, Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) and Operating System Considerations – Does your market strategy involve compliance with Android AND iOS? If so, are you better served to take the hybrid mobile application approach or are you considering the development of your solution in both native operating systems (OS)? If so, have you planned for the extra resources, training, expenses and time to complete two separate versions of your application? If yours is a business application, do you have a bring-your-own device (BYOD) environment where you will be required to comply with both Android and iOS? What market advantages can you enjoy by creating a hybrid mobile app that is suitable for both operating systems?

Budget, Schedule, Resources – Once you have an idea of your requirements, your market and your needs, you must carefully plan your budget, and lay out a reasonable schedule for completion and launch. Will you use in-house resources to develop and launch your solution? If so, are you certain that you have the right training and skills to choose the best hybrid app development platform, hybrid mobile app development frameworks, and tools and languages, and to execute the project on-time, and perform maintenance, bug fixes and upgrades? If you are choosing an expert IT partner to help you with your project, be sure you have a comprehensive understanding of your requirements and your customer needs before you select your partner. This will help you and your chosen IT consultant to develop and execute a strategy.

Hire Hybrid Mobile App Developers

When you are ready to consider an IT partner for your hybrid mobile app development solution, be sure that you select a partner with a rich set of skills and experience in cross-platform app development frameworks. Cross-platform mobile app development requires a specific and particular skillset, and that skillset can dictate project success or failure.

Skills and Experience in Cross-Platform Mobile Development

Hybrid mobile application development  requires numerous skills and team focus including:

  • User Interface (UI) conceptualization and design
  • User Experience (Ux) focus with an understanding of both iOS and Android environs
  • Mobile App architecture, design and development
  • Mobile App manual and automated testing
  • Integration with portals, enterprise apps and content management systems (CMS)
  • Web application and web services integration
  • Smart watch application integration
  • Mobile app migration and upgrade
  • Configuration of mobile apps on app stores
  • Testing, bug fixes and upgrade planning for mobile apps
  • Dedicated resources with appropriate skills

Top Cross-Platform Development Frameworks

When considering an IT partner, be sure that the partner has experience in all popular hybrid mobile application development frameworks and tools. Cross-platform app development requires that the partner carefully examine your requirements and choose the right frameworks and languages to suit your needs.

‘A business cannot isolate and dictate the devices its consumers and/or business users prefer. Even if your business provides its team members with an Android or iPhone device, that user is likely to have more than one device and those devices may not use the same operating system.’

A recent Statista survey  lists the top hybrid mobile app development frameworks as: Flutter, React Native, Cordova, Ionic, Xamarin, Unity and NativeScript, while Sitepoint  lists Ionic among the top selections.

There are many options for hybrid mobile app development, and it is crucial that your selected IT partner understand all of those options and that they can accurately and effectively advise you on the best option for your project. Be sure that the vendor you consider has knowledge and experience with all the top frameworks, including:

Flutter – The Flutter environment is a rich hybrid mobile application environment. To understand the Flutter advantages, read our free article, ‘Understand Flutter Programming: What Is It and Should Your Business Use it for Mobile App.’

Ionic – Ionic allows developers to choose from a variety of technologies like CSS3, JavaScript and HTML6. To understand Ionic cross-platform technology, read our free article,’3 Things You Should Know About Ionic Framework.’

Apache Cordova – Cordova provides robust support for developers and ensures that the business app will meet organizational and customer requirements. To understand how Cordova can support the cross-platform approach, read our free article, ‘3 Benefits of Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development.’

React Native – React Native is a Facebook product that supports high-performance hybrid mobile applications and third-party plugins. To understand React Native and hybrid mobile app development options, read our free article, ‘4 Great Hybrid Mobile Application Development Tools to Help Your Project Succeed.’

It is important to note that there are other frameworks and skills that are crucial to the hybrid mobile application market and domain. If you want to succeed with your hybrid mobile application project, be sure you consider the skills and experience your prospective IT consultant brings to this project and whether these services and skills will be dedicated to your project throughout its lifecycle.

Get in touch with us!

Find out if Hybrid Mobile Application Development is right for your mobile app and/or smart watch project, and Build Your Software Team with dedicated resources. Discover the benefits and components of mobile application development technology, and the hybrid mobile app development environment, with these complementary articles: ‘Mobile App Development is Important to Business, So Are Mobile App Programmers,’ and ‘What are the Pros and Cons of Flutter Programming?,’ ‘Hybrid Mobile Application Development: The What, Why and How,’ and ‘What is MEAN Stack, What MEAN Stack is NOT, Why Choose MEAN Stack Development and How to Hire MEAN Stack Developers.’


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    The Benefits of Low-Code, No-Code in Augmented Analytics!

    What Are the Advantages of Low-Code, No-Code Platform in Augmented Analytics Solutions?

    According to some estimates, the rise of low-code, no-code and AI in analytics has increased access to augmented analytics to end-users by 36% to 56%. In fact, Gartner predicts that 75% of new global software solutions will incorporate a low-code approach.

    In the analytics software market, the primary driver of this growth is the advent of solutions that can be quickly modified and upgraded to address new requirements and user needs. The creation of no-code and low-code apps allows for simple foundations and construction to analyze data without customization or programming or data science skills supports both developers, data scientists and power users of analytics by providing tools to simply and easily create complex components.

    ‘When considering an augmented analytics solution, prospective users should carefully review the foundation and technology of the analytical software. The incorporation of new technologies and capabilities will drive current and future user adoption and the successful implementation of analytics within the business user community.’

    The organization can leverage and change data workflows, reports, dashboards and predictive models without extensive coding or time investment. While Low-Code development enables organizations to build apps with minimal coding, No-Code utilizes a suite of tools, scripts and components to allow swift construction of apps with very limited coding or user interface (UI) based configurations. Both of these approaches enable a development environment that is agile, and can quickly respond to the changing needs of users, customers and the organization.

    With this approach, users enjoy access to data, models, charts, gauges, tables, and grids that satisfy their current needs, and these can be easily modified as the organization grows and changes, and the user requirements evolve.

    The Low-Code, No-Code Approach to Augmented Analytics

    There are numerous benefits and advantages to incorporating low-code, no-code into an analytical environment, and these benefits provide support for developers, data scientists and for power business users.

    • Supports Complex Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) and Data Preparation Workflows Throughout the Data Pipeline
    • Enables Complex Data Transformation and Data Cleansing Functions
    • Offers Rapid Predictive Modeling Hypothesis and Prototyping
    • Allows Quick, Easy Construction of Custom Expressions
    • Enables User Adoption of Self-Serve Analytics and the Citizen Data Scientist Culture
    • Requires No Professional Programming or Scripting Experience – Power Users Can Perform Complex Tasks Without Assistance
    • Supports Data Democratization and Data Literacy
    • Allows for Rapid Development of Various Analytics Components e.g., Datasets, Dashboards, Rports and Models
    • Ensures Agility and Speed of Upgrades
    • Provides a Cost-Effective Solution with Personalization for Organizations
    • Offers Flexible Integration and Data Management
    • Reduces Cost
    • Improves Collaboration and Productivity
    • Improves Return on investment (ROI) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

    ‘Gartner predicts that 75% of new global software solutions will incorporate a low-code approach.’

    When considering an augmented analytics solution, prospective users should carefully review the foundation and technology of the analytical software. The incorporation of new technologies and capabilities will drive current and future user adoption and the successful implementation of analytics within the business user community. Technologies and techniques like low-code, no-code, artificial intelligence (AI), and embedded business intelligence (BI) to provide access to analytics from within enterprise applications, will support data democratization, data literacy and fact-based decision-making within the enterprise.

    Smarten  Augmented Analytics with low-code, no-code technology will support your team with tools that are intuitive and easy to use and will encourage user adoption. Leverage the essential components of the Smarten Technology foundation, and improve decision-making and outcomes. Explore the potential and capabilities of the Smarten Cloud software-as-a-service (SaaS) product with its low-code, no-code foundation and seamless functionality.

    Original Post : The Low-Code, No-Code Approach to Augmented Analytics!

    Digital Transformation in Business: A Hero’s Journey!

    Defeat Resistance to Digital Transformation (Dx) and Succeed in Business!

    Studies reveal that Digital Transformation (Dx) in business supports Performance Management, Productivity and Improved Customer Satisfaction. But these same studies also reveal that there is resistance to the implementation of a Dx strategy. The results of business surveys revealed that resistance came from several sectors: 37% CEOs and/or Board of Directors, 32% C-Suite Senior Executives, 26% Department Heads, 18% Middle Managers, 10% Line Employees and 32% said ‘no one.’

    ‘The Dx strategy is not limited to large organizations. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups are also engaging in this strategy to improve results and to create an agile, flexible organization that can respond to changing customer behavior, competitive markets, and the need for team member technology skills and use.’

    Given the reported benefits and advantages of Digital Transformation (Dx), it is important that your business consider the concept, and develop a plan to overcome resistance. It is not unusual for businesses to face resistance to culture change, updating or altering popular business processes and upsetting the status quo, or… the way we have always done it.’

    When addressing concerns at the management level (which is where most resistance to Dx lies (see survey results above), it is important to use metrics. If you have a chance at changing minds, measurable results and the experiences of other businesses can be an important factor in convincing reluctant managers and executives to spend the time and money to make a change across the organization.

    How Do I Convince Management to Adopt Digital Transformation?

    The following results illustrate the benefits of Digital Transformation (Dx) as reported by businesses that implemented the Dx strategy:

    • Improved Operational Efficiency 40%
    • Any Addressing Changing Customer Expectations 35%
    • Improving Product Quality 26%
    • Increase Design and Process Re-Use 25%
    • Reduce Product Development Costs 24%
    • Introduce New Revenue Streams 21%
    • Reduce Quality Issues 14%
    • Increase First Pass Yield 5%

    It is important to note that, as with any other meaningful enterprise change or upgrade, the organization will not change in a day! Technology changes, including artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, the integration of data repositories to democratize analytics for business users, the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT0, low-code, no-code development and other technology upgrades take time. The organization must address culture, business processes, approval loops, and access to critical hardware, software, networks and mobile devices in order to capitalize on the prospective benefits of Digital Transformation (Dx). This is an investment in the future!

    The Dx strategy is not limited to large organizations. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups are also engaging in this strategy to improve results and to create an agile, flexible organization that can respond to changing customer behavior, competitive markets, and the need for team member technology skills and use.

    ‘Studies reveal that Digital Transformation (Dx) in business supports Performance Management, Productivity and Improved Customer Satisfaction.’

    To successfully integrate Digital Transformation (Dx) into your enterprise strategy, your business will need a trusted IT partner to work with your in-house IT team, managers, end-users and others to understand requirements and develop a roadmap to roll-out the strategy, meet expectations and stay within budgetary and time constraints. Engage a skilled, experience IT partner today Digital Transformation (Dx) services, Augmented Analytics For Digital Transformation (Dx), and support for your development and technology needs.

    Original Post : How Do I Convince Management to Adopt Digital Transformation?

    Hire the RIGHT MEAN Stack Developers

    Hiring Expert MEAN Stack Developers is Key to Success

    If your business is considering MEAN Stack as a development environment, or If you have already decided on MEAN Stack, and wish to ensure that you are using the best resources for your project, there are numerous issues and considerations to include in your IT partner review.

    ‘When reviewing the references, capabilities and services of MEAN stack developers and IT partners, the enterprise must ensure that the prospective partner and its team is capable of overseeing the full development lifecycle.’

    While some businesses may wish to consider tackling a MEAN Stack project using in-house resources, there are numerous issues with this approach.

    • New Projects Take IT Resources Away From Routine and Critical Tasks
    • IT Team Skills May Include SOME of the MEAN Stack Skills – But Not All
    • The IT Team Probably Does Not Have a History or Portfolio of MEAN Stack Projects
    • Time Constraints Will Overload IT (Defining Requirements, Goals and Roadmaps for a MEAN Stack Project Requires Meeting with Customers, Users, Managers, etc.)
    • Internal IT Teams May Not Be Familiar With the MEAN Stack Developer Community to Leverage Resources, Libraries, etc.

    While it may seem less expensive to take on a MEAN Stack project in-house, engaging an expert team will ensure that the project is done without a lot of rework, and that all resources and capabilities are in place to achieve success. In the end, the cost and time required to complete a project using professional MEAN Stack developers is much more likely to meet enterprise requirements and produce outcomes that satisfy end users, customers, suppliers, partners and stakeholders.

    Here, we have included some of the factors you should consider to illustrate how to hire MEAN Stack Developers.

    First, let’s look at the general list of skills and experience your IT partner should possess.

    • MEAN Stack Web App Development
    • MEAN Stack Mobile App Development
    • MEAN Stack API Development and Integration
    • MEAN Stack CMS Development Solutions
    • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Development
    • MEAN Stack Integration

    Other related, applicable skills include:

    • Application Design and Development
    • Software Reengineering
    • Custom Application Development
    • User Experience Design
    • Application Maintenance And Support
    • Software Product Upgrades and Migration
    • Application Upgrades and Migration
    • Application Integration
    • Application Interface Usability and User Experience (Ux) Improvement
    • Expert Software Application Developers
    • 24/7 SLA Driven Application User Support and Technical Support
    • Application Testing and Bug Fixing
    • Dedicated Offshore and Onsite Software Application Development Resources
    • ISO 9001-2015 quality certification

    There are some specific skills your IT partner and MEAN Stack development team should have, as well. It is important to consider this specific skill set to be sure that the IT partner team can address all of your requirements and accurately and effectively work with the MEAN Stack development environment to accomplish your goals.

    Here is a brief list of MEAN Stack developer skills and MEAN Stack partner services and experience:

    MEAN Stack Development Guide

    • Soft and Interactive Skills to Accommodate Client and Executive Meetings
    • Working with Client IT Team and Users as Appropriate to Achieve Goals
    • Gathering Project Requirements
    • Comprehensive Knowledge of MEAN Components
    • Building Application Integration Platforms (APIs)
    • Establishing Optimal Database Structures and Data Models, and Server-Side Logic
    • Angular JS Front-End Components, e.g. UI router, filters, forms, etc.
    • Connecting Front-End UI to Back-End Data Repository
    • Writing Modules
    • Establishing and Re-Using Libraries
    • Comprehensive Testing Across All Relevant Devices and Browsers
    • Creating and Executing a Deployment Plan
    • Providing Detailed Code Documentation
    • Ensuring Ongoing User and Code Maintenance and Support
    • Creating Roadmaps for Upgrades
    • Performing Bug Fixes and Upgrades
    • Providing Appropriate Skills, Experience and Availability At Every Stage of the Project
    • Offering Additional Services, e.g., Build Your Software Team (as appropriate) to Support Ongoing Requirements

    In summary, when reviewing the references, capabilities and services of MEAN stack developers and IT partners, the enterprise must ensure that the prospective partner and its team is capable of overseeing the full development lifecycle.

    In addition to the list above, it is important to note that the IT Partner should also have a robust partnership program, and detailed Service Level Agreements (SLA) to define the project. This is true of any technology project, but we mention it here to identify the issues related to hiring individual or independent MEAN Stack developers who may not have resources, programs or methodologies behind them and may therefore be incapable of providing comprehensive support for your project.

    If you wish to obtain a detailed list of experience, skills, support and resources to achieve a seamless outcome, explore: ‘Offshore Outsourcing Company White Paper On How to Select an Offshore Development Partner,’ ‘The Cost vs. Value Equation for Offshore Software and Technology Projects,’ and ‘Top 3 Considerations for In-House Software Product Development vs. Expert Assistance Decision.’

    ‘There are some specific skills your IT partner and MEAN Stack development team should have, as well. It is important to consider this specific skill set to be sure that the IT partner team can address all of your requirements.’

    Explore these complementary articles: ‘MVP Software Development: Everything You Need to Know (The What, Why and How), ’ ‘What are the Pros and Cons of Flutter Programming?, ’ ‘Mobile App Development is Important to Business, So Are Mobile App Programmers, ’ ‘What is Laravel Programming; What Are Its Benefits and Challenges?, ’ and ‘Hybrid Mobile Application Development: The What, Why and How.

    Contact Us to find out how our skills, experience and services can benefit your enterprise, and how our technology resources can support your needs. Discover the many Enterprise Software Services available and get started today on your business or consumer software, web application or mobile app project.

    Technical Competency

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      MEAN Stack Development: Consider the Advantages

      MEAN Stack Develop Provides Numerous Benefits

      If you are considering using MEAN Stack development for your next consumer or business web application, solution or software product, there are many reasons to choose this environment. Below we have listed some advantages for the organization and for the developer community.

      ‘MEAN Stack provides a foundation for rapid development and for reuse of code components.’

      Benefits to the Enterprise

      • Uniformity – Using MEAN stack application development tools, software developers can establish a solid foundation with uniform language across the entire stack, ensuring ease of code maintenance and seamless operation. Because MEAN Stack includes a dependable set of components, integrated for simple development, there is stability and dependability of the development environment. Developers know what components, tools and techniques were used, and upgrades and bug fixes are easier. There is none of the chaos created by a myriad of poorly documented project components or techniques.
      • Low Cost – The Mean Stack leverages JavaScript which is a free, open-source toolkit. This lowers the cost of development and because there are so many developers skilled in JavaScript, this choice ensures that the business can easily find developer partners with the skills to complete the project. The MEAN stack requires a small footprint and decreases overhead. Upgrades are efficient and roll-out is simple. When an enterprise establishes a development budget, it is easy to understand the cost of resources, the time to complete the project and the plan for upgrades and customer support.
      • Flexibility – Mean Stack provides support for the business to create simple, intuitive, open source solutions that are easy to maintain and upgrade and are rich and robust enough to satisfy complex hybrid mobile application needs and Cloud solutions. MEAN stack supports rapid application development and will help the organization to achieve its goals quickly and provide support for future needs. The MEAN Stack environment provides a foundation AND flexibility so that developers can support new requirements and enterprise growth.

      Benefits to Developers

      • Uniform Language – Both the Client and the Server side of MEAN Stack leverage JavaScript, so developers can work with a single language across the stack. This is an efficient, optimal approach, that ensures swift, concise completion of code and projects.
      • Dependable Development Schedule – Using MEAN Stack development makes it easy to establish and stay on a schedule, so there are no surprises or issues involving integration, performance, etc. Because the development team does not have to select, customize or integrate the development environment, it can create appropriate expectations for completion and finish the project on time.
      • Rapid Development – MEAN Stack provides a foundation for rapid development and for reuse of code components, thereby making the development team more productive. Rapid development serves the team and the enterprise by completing products or apps on time and addressing the need for upgrades, new features and product or app growth with a rapid application development foundation that allows the development team to optimize their time and resource allocation.
      • Swift Roll-Out – Both the Client and the Server side of MEAN Stack leverage JavaScript, so developers can work with a single language across the stack. This is an efficient, optimal approach, that ensures swift, concise completion of code and projects.
      • MEAN Developer Support – MEAN Stack has a large, active developer community with plenty of libraries, frameworks and resources to support developers when questions arise, or a developer wishes to understand best practices or acquire libraries to support projects. This development community actively supports other developers and shares information to empower developers, solve problems and leverage creativity.
      • Seamless Web Applications – Node.js allows developers to build real-time apps with bidirectional client/server communication. Dependable real-time applications ensure that developers can create and implement value-added tools for customers, partners, stakeholders and business users.
      • Performance and Scalability – The components of MEAN Stack provide support for distributed databases and concurrent connections. Developers look for dependable, high-performance, scalable tools and environs that will support the growth of data volume, a growing user base, and new features and functionality.

      ‘If you are considering using MEAN Stack development for your next consumer or business web application, solution or software product, there are many reasons to choose this environment.’

      Explore these complementary articles: ‘MVP Software Development: Everything You Need to Know (The What, Why and How), ’ ‘What are the Pros and Cons of Flutter Programming?, ’ ‘Mobile App Development is Important to Business, So Are Mobile App Programmers, ’ ‘What is Laravel Programming; What Are Its Benefits and Challenges?, ’ and ‘Hybrid Mobile Application Development: The What, Why and How.

      Contact Us to find out how our skills, experience and services can benefit your enterprise, and how our technology resources can support your needs. Discover the many Enterprise Software Services available and get started today on your business or consumer software, web application or mobile app project.

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        Citizen Data Scientists Can Partner With Data Scientists!

        A Citizen Data Scientist Initiative Can Optimize Data Scientists and Encourage a Data-Driven Culture!

        According to some estimates, the average salary of a Data Scientist in the United States is over $150,000 per year. If your business wishes to accommodate a ‘data-first’ strategy to improve metrics and measurable success and avoid guesswork and strategies that are based on opinion rather than fact, it can either employ a team of expensive professionals, or it can take a different approach.

        ‘Citizen Data Scientists can use their knowledge of a business sector, industry, function or market to drive questions and develop reports and presentations to illustrate issues, identify problems and find opportunities for growth and competitive positioning, and share this data (and the search and analytical techniques) with other users.’

        Citizen Data Scientists are business users who have a place on your team and are hired because of their professional and career experience in a particular industry, business function or discipline. When they are given access to data analytics, they can merge their knowledge of an industry, e.g., research, healthcare, law, finance, sales, supply chain, production, construction etc., with data integrated from databases, best-of-breed software programs, ERP, SCM, HRM and other systems and use sophisticated analytical tools in an easy-to-use, intuitive environment to gather and analyze data and produce insightful, concise results that are meaningful to their role.

        Leverage Citizen Data Scientists to Augmented Data Scientist Teams

        Depending on the size, market and industry of your business, you may choose to augment your staff with one or more data scientists to refine results produced by Citizen Data Scientists on a day-to-day basis. So, if a power user or business users discovers a challenge or an opportunity and your management team wishes to further explore the issue to understand its strategic or operational value, a Data Scientist can take the predictive model or other analytical report produced by a Citizen Data Scientist and refine the results for executive review.

        Whether you choose to employ the services of a Data Scientist, provide business analysts or IT professionals to support your business users, you can create a comprehensive foundation for analytics across your organization.

        By democratizing data analytics you can achieve many benefits, including:

        • Improved Data Literacy Across the Enterprise
        • Improved Productivity of Data Scientists, IT and Business Analysts (who can spend time on strategic initiatives rather than producing daily reports)
        • Optimized Return on Investment (ROI) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for all software and systems
        • Fact-Based Decisions and Metrics-Driven Strategies, Goals and Objectives
        • Team Member Career Advancement
        • Optimization of Resources and Improved Team Productivity

        A comprehensive self-serve augmented analytics solution will include Modern Business Intelligence (BI) and Reporting with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Self-Serve Data PreparationAssisted Predictive Modeling, and Smart Data Visualization with auto-suggestions to drive the analytical techniques and illustration of data based on data type, volume, etc., and other tools like Embedded BIMobile BIKey Influencer AnalyticsSentiment Analysis, and Anomaly Alerts and Monitoring.

        With these tools, the Citizen Data Scientist can leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) and search analytics with machine learning to ask questions using simple human queries and receive insightful answers. They can use their knowledge of a business sector, industry, function or market to drive questions and develop reports and presentations to illustrate issues, identify problems and find opportunities for growth and competitive positioning, and share this data (and the search and analytical techniques) with other users.

        Citizen Data Scientists can predict customer responses to new product features, and to new marketing campaigns, analyze the likelihood of fraud or risk, identify supply chain issues, etc. These tools can also help the organization to foster collaboration and data sharing and encourage business users to innovate, create and explore opportunities using data-driven, factual information.

        ‘When Citizen Data Scientists are given access to data analytics, they can merge their knowledge of an industry, e.g., research, healthcare, law, finance, sales, supply chain, production, construction etc., with data integrated from databases, best-of-breed software programs, ERP, SCM, HRM and other systems and use sophisticated analytical tools in an easy-to-use, intuitive environment to gather and analyze data and produce insightful, concise results that are meaningful to their role.’

        These are just a few of the factors you must consider when implementing a Citizen Data Scientist approach. Business users who are interested in becoming a Citizen Data Scientist must be willing to embrace new technology and tools and working at the leading edge of a new approach to collaboration and decision-making. initiative. Consider engaging an expert for your Citizen Data Scientist. IT consultants with experience and skill in this area can provide crucial support to help you succeed with your Citizen Data Scientist initiative and can provide simple Training Programs to bring your team on board and help them see the value to themselves and to the organization.

        Original Post : Leverage Citizen Data Scientists to Augmented Data Scientist Teams!

        Consider MEAN Stack Development For Enterprise Solutions

        Consider MEAN Stack Development For Enterprise Solutions

        In this article, we will look at how to use MEAN Stack in your enterprise. There are many ways to leverage MEAN stack for enterprise business or consumer web applications, apps and development projects.

        MEAN Stack Examples:

        • Mobile Apps for Business
        • Consumer Apps
        • Media and Information Distribution
        • Audio and Video Applications
        • Streaming and Entertainment
        • Enterprise Applications and Portals
        • High-Performance Apps for Desktops, Tablets, Smart Phones and Smart Watches

        ‘Mean Stack provides support for the business to create simple, intuitive, open source solutions that are easy to maintain and upgrade.’

        Because MEAN Stack incorporates and integrates four major components, it can be used to rapidly develop and implement solutions for all manner of projects.

        • Social Media – An enterprise could develop a structured format or form for a platform like Pinterest to capture and illustrate information about workout routines, weekly recipes, etc. The enterprise can also provide social media aggregation across platforms and customize a user view.
        • User Access – MEAN Stack allows for security authorization and user log-in, enabling the organization to control multilayer access.
        • Subscription and Account Management – Organizations like PayPal, Netflix and Uber use MEAN Stack to manage registered users.

        To illustrate the popularity and reach of the MEAN Stack development environment, we have included some statistics:

        • It is estimated that nearly 35% of tech start-ups use MEAN stack for development because it supports a rapid development environment and is cost-effective.
        • MEAN Stack development reduces development time by approximately 50%, thereby improving time-to-market and competitive advantage.
        • It is estimated that nearly 70% of professional developers are currently using MEAN Stack for projects, and recruitment and job listings for those with MEAN Stack development skills have increased by nearly 200% in a matter of a few years.

        There are many reasons to choose MEAN Stack development. Here are just a few:

        • Uniformity – Using MEAN stack application development tools, software developers can establish a solid foundation with uniform language across the entire stack, ensuring ease of code maintenance and seamless operation. Because MEAN Stack includes a dependable set of components, integrated for simple development, there is stability and dependability of the development environment. Developers know what components, tools and techniques were used, and upgrades and bug fixes are easier. There is none of the chaos created by a myriad of poorly documented project components or techniques.
        • Low Cost – The Mean Stack leverages JavaScript which is a free, open-source toolkit. This lowers the cost of development and because there are so many developers skilled in JavaScript, this choice ensures that the business can easily find developer partners with the skills to complete the project. The MEAN stack requires a small footprint and decreases overhead. Upgrades are efficient and roll-out is simple. When an enterprise establishes a development budget, it is easy to understand the cost of resources, the time to complete the project and the plan for upgrades and customer support.
        • Flexibility – Mean Stack provides support for the business to create simple, intuitive, open source solutions that are easy to maintain and upgrade and are rich and robust enough to satisfy complex hybrid mobile application needs and Cloud solutions. MEAN stack supports rapid application development and will help the organization to achieve its goals quickly and provide support for future needs. The MEAN Stack environment provides a foundation AND flexibility so that developers can support new requirements and enterprise growth.

        ‘Because MEAN Stack incorporates and integrates four major components, it can be used to rapidly develop and implement solutions for all manner of projects.’

        Explore these complementary articles: ‘MVP Software Development: Everything You Need to Know (The What, Why and How), ’ ‘What are the Pros and Cons of Flutter Programming?,’ ‘Mobile App Development is Important to Business, So Are Mobile App Programmers, ’ ‘What is Laravel Programming; What Are Its Benefits and Challenges?, ’ and ‘Hybrid Mobile Application Development: The What, Why and How.

        Contact Us to find out how our skills, experience and services can benefit your enterprise, and how our technology resources can support your needs. Discover the many Enterprise Software Services available and get started today on your business or consumer software, web application or mobile app project.

        Technical Competency

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