Joomla Developers Can’t Dance But They CAN Create Awesome CMS Sites


You know how people like to invent new words today? The Miriam Webster dictionary releases a list of new words added to the dictionary every year. If I wasn’t a tech geek, I might think Joomla was a new dance. Fortunately, I DO know what Joomla means! Joomla is a popular, award-winning, PHP-based Content Management System (CMS) solution.
Joomla Developers can use this solution to create business applications and CMS sites with graphical interfaces to run on a web server in the form of a web page. Joomla website development projects can be deployed on nearly any operating system or platform and the Joomla framework provides lots of tools for web designers and Joomla developers to efficiently create CMS sites and give you and your team the ability to easily manage these sites after implementation.


iPhone Programming and Business Apps to Satisfy iPhone Addicts and the iGeneration


iGeneration! In 2010, a new term was invented to describe what will become the next generation workforce. The Millennial generation is nearing 30, and high school kids are moving into college dorms. In a year or two the iGeneration will join the workforce. They are plugged in to social networks and they are used to buying products and services with their Smart Phones and tablets.In my world, the iGeneration might as well mean ‘the iPhone generation’ and that generation is here now. We don’t have to wait for the new kids to join the workforce. We are already pressed to provide iPhone programming to support the sales of business products and services via iPhone to satisfy the millions of iPhone addicts who stand in line for the next version of their favorite device!


eCommerce and Internet Marketing Specialists


Those pesky competitors! They offer great deals, and advertise and market to your prospects. Sometimes, they even steal away customers. But don’t be downhearted! You CAN beat the competition using eCommerce and an experienced internet marketing specialist! eCommerce improves business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) sales and supports all kinds of customer-facing and partner activities. Just don’t forget that Internet marketing specialist I mentioned! He or she can help you get the most out of eCommerce using domain knowledge and the right tools to integrate advertising and marketing campaigns with social media sites, enterprise website, and blogs. With SEO, SMM and PPC your eCommerce initiatives will target the right customers, enhance brand awareness and reach the right audience and geographies.


The Secret to Selecting the Right IT Outsourcing Partner is EPSFTCQPSBMPJVCFPLA

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I make good use of IT consultants, IT staff augmentation and technical partners. Experts are the most cost-effective and skilled people to do the work. My customers hire me because I am the best at MY job and I hire IT outsourcing partners because THEY are the BEST at their jobs. My colleagues ask me what they should look for when they are selecting an outsourcing partner. Want to know the secret? It’s EPSFTCQPSBMPJVCFPLA (if that’s not an acronym you know…read on).
(E) Experience – Great skills and knowledge, with numerous frameworks, languages, domains and tools.

(PSF) Product/Service Focus – Well-tested business processes, systems and models. A track record of achieving schedules and budgets.


CMS, Portal and Site Localization and Customization Gives You a Leg Up On the Competition

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Whether your business is large or small, you need a web presence. You may integrate information from sales systems, HR, a product specification data base or other data repository. You may need team collaboration across country or state boundaries. It’s imperative that your portal, corporate site, eCommerce or CMS site satisfies customers, employees, suppliers, partners and stakeholders.

Yes, web marketing and web sales and advertising are exploding! But, customers still need to feel the local impact of products and services. They need to know that you have a handle on the local market. You speak their language, you understand their needs, and you do business in a way that meets their requirements.


ISO 9001:2008 – Yawn-Fest or Exciting Achievement?


If you’re an old-timer like me, you probably yawn when someone talks about quality. We all know about the tsunami of Japanese quality processes and the resurgence of quality in the U.S. and around the world. We are bored with terms like TQM quality-centric. But, we shouldn’t be!

Our customers, employees, partners, suppliers and stakeholders may not understand the detail, learning and dedication required for IT quality assurance and processes, but they certainly understand and they will stay with us if we remain devoted to quality and excellence.

If you work in the technology field and/or buy or staff technology services, ISO Quality Management (QMS) is a familiar term. Companies that certified for ISO approach every development, testing, maintenance, support and IT consulting task with proven methodologies to ensure positive outcomes for the clients and optimal resource utilization for the IT consultant or partner.


Expert Mobile Apps for Business = Swift ROI + Improved Competitiveness + Increased Revenue

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I recently attended a technology conference and was chatting with one of the presenters. I asked her, “What is toughest challenge you face as a technology expert?” She said that the pace of global technology change has increased to the point where it is nearly impossible for the average business person to keep up. When she is asked to consult, she first has to educate clients on the types of technologies available and the need to remain competitive with apps and functionality delivered via mobile devices.We are all struggling to keep pace with technology and, if we don’t understand the value of mobile applications and the return on investment for a well-conceived, well designed mobile app, we are missing a huge opportunity for our business.


Do You Dream of Seamless Data Integration? If So, You Must be a Geek! BUT, Your Dream CAN Come True!


Ah, the naivety of the 90s! Businesses clung to the hope that they could find ONE software solution that would satisfy every business needs and do so affordably and quickly. Today, the world of business incorporates legacy systems, best-of-breed solutions, reporting software, industry-specific apps, mobile applications for smart phones and tablets and every manner of sales, contact, inventory, warehousing, financial, production, distribution, legal and enterprise software.

If we have abandoned the dream of ONE solution, we haven’t abandoned the idea that we must integrate the data in all systems to avoid drowning in a sea of useless information. How can we integrate systems designed in different code, different data base configuration, and different platforms and frameworks and tools?


Dear Abby: How Can I Avoid a Relationship with an Inexperienced Global IT Provider?”

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You remember the advice columnist Abigail Van Buren? She said, “If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we’d all be millionaires.”

Imagine buying the experience of businesses that made mistakes in selecting software, outsourcing partners or IT consultants. What would you pay to avoid choosing an IT firm that is unable to deliver world-class, global services that satisfy your needs?

It doesn’t matter whether you need software development, programming services, project management, application development and maintenance, content management systems (CMS), infrastructure management, staff augmentation, smart phone or tablet software development, system integration, networking or other IT services. What matters is whether the firm has global experience and can provide offshore outsourcing services, product development, and global support with proven processes, methodologies and affordable services and delivery models.


Oh Woe Is Me! The Sad Tale of Failed Software Product Development


I met Emily at a recent IT conference. She was part of a panel discussing application and product development. Emily cautioned the audience about the perils of developing a software application for sale. Any packaged application vendor will tell you that developing a software product is not risk free. It is costly and can be disastrous. You need the right skills, processes, methodologies and oversight. Emily talked about her company’s experience and how they abandoned the project after years of work and a gargantuan budget overrun.
