Data Integration is the Key to Impressing Trudy’s (and YOUR) boss!


I am not shy about accepting compliments. I am always willing to take a pat on the back, but I also know that I can’t succeed without at team that has the right support and skills. When it comes to IT, I know what I need to know to do my job and I leave the rest to the pros! That’s how I managed to integrate applications and data within my company.I understand that data value is limited unless I can integrate my systems to share, analyze and report. I want to simplify the use of technology without sacrificing functionality.


What the Heck is OpenGL and Can it Really Help My Business?


Is there anyone out there in the technology profession who hasn’t yet heard of OpenGL? If so, let me tell you about this program. OpenGL enables unique application development and provides rendering, texture mapping, special effects, and stunning visualization, all with cross-platform flexibility and mobile application deployment.

The OpenGL solution satisfies even the most complex requirement for visual computing applications and provides fast, dependable 3D animation speed and visual simulation with high-quality and cutting-edge performance. OpenGL supports mobile applications and has a popular open graphics tool library that enables development of business and gaming applications.


Don’t Be Like Joe! With the Right Help Your Business CAN Create a GREAT eCommerce or CMS Site!


My friend Joe always complains about his technology problems. “We just started to look at a Content Management System and our online store software isn’t doing much for our revenue. Just when I think I’ve found the right solution, I find out my IT team can’t support it.”

Every company wants to establish an online presence to sell products or services and provide portable tools that enable employee collaboration across the enterprise and on the road. CMS, shopping carts, and e-commerce solutions help promote and sell products and generate revenue. They also provide a productive, collaborative environment. But, even if you choose the right eCommerce, portal, or Content Management System (CMS), your business still has to consider other issues. To build a strong foundation, you’ll need an expert who understands cross-platform interoperability, online stores, system integration, and mobile CMS and portal collaborative tools. An experienced IT consultant can build a flexible, affordable environment to support growth and comply with average user skills.


CMS Experts or Fish Bones? The Choice is Clear!

Content Management System

Every business person has seen, and probably used, a Fish Bone Diagram. It’s a proven tool that helps us objectively assess a problem. Last year my team and I created a fish bone in hopes of finding a solution to our Content Management System (CMS) problems. The cause and effect diagram is a visual way to organize data and brainstorm solutions but, in order to use it effectively we had to identify every problem. In the world of the Fish Bone Diagram, we refer to this as ‘knowing your bones’. When it comes to CMS portals, my team doesn’t understand the challenges of design, development, configuration, implementation, integration and support of a CMS system.


Skilled BI Services Can Help You Navigate the Rough Waters of Data Overload

Business Intelligence

When was the last time you came up for air? If you can’t find, compile and analyze the data you need to make good business decisions, you probably feel like your brain is starved for oxygen and you are drowning in the rocky seas of data overload. That’s how I used to feel – until my BI IT consultant threw me a life preserver and pulled me to safety!

If your business is like mine, you probably struggle to get accurate business information, and present it in a way that enables decision making and strategic and tactical planning. If you are going to succeed in business, you have to have a comprehensive reporting and planning process and that process has to spread across the organization and cascade down to every team member.


Where is the Love? Offshore Outsourcing for the Skeptic

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Remember the days when offshore and outsourcing were two of the worst words you could utter in an IT environment? Some twenty odd years ago, my CTO and IT Director nearly took my head off when I suggested that we consider offshore outsourcing, so that we could focus on our core business. That was yesterday!Today, you can find a really great offshore outsourcing partner; one that will deliver seamless services. Your users, employees, customers, partners and suppliers will never know that you are delivering all these wonderful products and services with a little help from your offshore outsourcing buddies!


Wanted: Dependable, Trustworthy, IT Partner with Great Skills. Must Look Good in Jeans!


There are a lot of partnerships! Dance Partners, Tennis Partners. It seems to me that one of the most important partnerships to a business and technology person is the partnership forged between an IT consulting partner and your company.OK, so I was kidding about looking good in jeans, but the rest is really important! If you want to achieve your goals, your partner must provide skill and experience across platforms and industries, for all types of clients, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). They should offer direct client services, and partner with carefully selected local and regional technology companies to offer more options. You’ll want domain expertise, product development skills, implementation processes and methodology and an approach to partnerships that creates and sustains long-term relationships.


Feeling Insecure About Technology and Data Security? Not to Worry!


If you think its tough working with a person who is insecure, you should try managing an insecure business! Whether your business is global, regional or local, your business strategy must include a security component and comply with relevant standards, including industry standard information security, data security, application standards and interface standards with mysterious names like ISO, W3C, BobbyAA and eGIF. Your company might also be required to enforce legal compliance standards or comply with government and industry regulations like HIPPA and Sarbanes-Oxley. Wow! That’s a lot of security!


Mobile applications & mobile application development experts

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Robert Gallagher said, “Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine”. Clever quote, right? But, change IS inevitable – especially in technology. Technology innovation is more rapid than ever before.So, how do you apply new mobile technologies to support your team members, customers, stakeholders and partners so your company can generate more revenue, especially when this vision is often complicated by limited IT resources and the need to move quickly to satisfy product and competitive issues without a misstep?Users expect cutting edge technology, and features and applications to satisfy their needs. Customers expect flexible, sophisticated features to satisfy their need for quality, entertainment, functionality, ease of use, simplicity and robust functionality.


Internet Marketing Doesn’t Market the Internet – It Markets YOU on the Internet!


Hey, have you heard about Internet Marketing? If not, you are way behind the curve! Internet Marketing combines creative and technical internet tools to integrate advertising and marketing campaigns with social media sites, enterprise web sites, blogs and other internet sites.

Internet Marketing combines Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media marketing (SMM) to enhance brand awareness and target specific demographics and geographies by capitalizing on the popularity of social media. It improves product and service visibility and engages and retains customers with content, events, polls, groups, email, smart phone and tablet content. That’s a very long way of saying that Internet Marketing helps your business achieve results and find and retain customers.
