Offshore Outsourcing May Not be Brain Surgery, But it IS Equally Important


Offshore Outsourcing can be very successful or it can be a total disaster. When you are looking at offshore outsourcing service providers, you MUST consider the skill and experience of the offshore outsourcing company.What if you had a rare health issue? Would you go to a doctor who earned his degree online or one who just opened her practice? When it comes to choosing an offshore outsourcing partner, your business, your needs and your requirements are just as unique as a rare health issue.

Choose an Offshore Outsourcing Company that has years of experience and proven processes and delivery. Your service provider must have models that are proven with all types of projects and clients, in all environments for technical offshore development projects, service and support. They must have a successful, stable business and leadership with a track record that spans many years and sustained client relationships.


Volusion Design is the Answer to Your eCommerce Problems


If your shopping cart or online store isn’t producing the results you want; if you can’t easily add new products or pricing; if your site isn’t integrated with payment gateways, and stock management…don’t give up. Get a Volusion design expert!Volusion provides eCommerce software that is designed to help you build, manage and grow a successful online business. Expert Volusion Design enables simple site management in the long term and makes it easy for the business to customize storefronts and themes. There are many product options for colors and sizes and there is strong support for product and category configuration. Volusion Design tools allow Volusion developers to integrate inventory management and order management, social media tools like YouTube, Twitter and FaceBook and shipping APIs and payment gateways.


Liferay Portal Development to Create CMS, Blog, eCommerce and Business Sites


Content Management Systems (CMS) used to be for document management and a little bit of collaborative work. Today, CMS systems can be used for all types of projects and sites and ingenious business managers are pushing the envelope to find new uses every day. If you want to use a CMS framework to manage a classic Content Management System site or an eCommerce site, blog or other business site, you might want to consider Liferay Portal Development using an expert Liferay Developer. Liferay has practical, functional tools for innovative design and it can satisfy technical and usability concerns for nearly any type of site. You can integrate legacy system data, HR, Accounting or Sales systems data and any other sources of important data.Liferay Portal Development is flexible, with Out–of–the–Box tools, Single–Click Configuration, SOA Framework, Dynamic Drag and Drop, Secure Single Sign On (SSO), Work from Desktop Tools, Granular Role–Based Authorization, Search and Tagging, Communities and Organizations, Personal User Pages, and Multi–Language Support.


Flexible Offshore Outsourcing Delivery Models Are More Fun Than Russian Roulette!

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I have friends in the business and technology community who think that offshore outsourcing is like playing Russian Roulette. What I tell them is that, if they are careful about partner selection, they will get what they need. One of the most critical issues for offshore outsourcing services is delivery models. If your your partner has flexible service delivery models, you will be happier with the services. What you DON’T want is a vendor who is only available during the business hours in their time zone.What if your vendor is in India and you are in the U.S. or the U.K.? Are you willing to waste precious days waiting for an answer to a voicemail or an email? Are you willing to work at arm’s length, or do you want to talk directly to your vendor, on the phone or in person? Does your service provider offer flexible delivery models to meet long-term and short-term needs for projects and/or ongoing support?


CMS Graduates From File Management To Collaboration And Beyond


Web marketing and sales have grown exponentially in the past two decades. Even the smallest, local business owner may have regional or global business competition. With a few minutes of web research, your clients can purchase products and services from companies located in your community, or on other continents.

To compete, you have to create a site that ensures appropriate competition in the local, regional, domestic and global markets. Today, CMS Development goes beyond file management and shared workflow. Content Management Systems can promote and sell products and services, help you share business–to–business and consumer information, and provide a productive, collaborative environment.


Lots of Factors Influence Success in Online Sales! The Volusion eCommerce Solution is One of Them!


If you read this blog, you know that I am knee-deep in the world of technology. In recent years, I’ve spent a lot of time fielding requests from my executive team to create online sales channels that would improve our bottom line. There are a lot of ways to accomplish this and a lot of factors that figure into online sales success.Today, I want to talk a little about eCommerce online stores and shopping carts. Whether you sell products or services, you need a sales site that is easy for clients to use and one that will support and link to your other sites. However, most companies don’t have the money, time or knowledge to build their own online framework and, even if they did, that framework would have to function across multiple platforms and be usable on numerous stationary and mobile devices.


Cosmetic Surgery and Augmentation Doesn’t Affect the Business Bottom Line!


Most of us get our news online and, if you are interested in health and beauty issues, you know about the various forms of augmentation designed to beautify your form and your face. In the world of technology, augmentation doesn’t involve glamour, but it DOES help your business in a very important way. Offshore outsourcing by an expert offshore outsourcing company provides staff augmentation services for help when and where you need it.With great offshore outsourcing services, you get the skill, experience and knowledge of the staff augmentation team. It’s like hiring the best employees without the expense or bother of finding and training the right people. It’s all done for you!


Internet Marketing Specialists Connect You to Customers


Internet Marketing is the newest gorilla in the zoo but it’s already the most powerful animal in business promotion. Internet marketing specialists integrate marketing with social media, blogs and websites to optimize your marketing budget. Customers have no patience for marketing that doesn’t relate to their interests. They expect you to customize your approach to their buying behavior and offer products and services that appeal to them.Internet Marketing specialists can create a virtual world that is flexible, fast and intuitive to engage and retain clients by offering content, games, tools, polls, events, products and services to meet the needs of specific customers.

Internet marketing specialists use Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and Pay-Per-Click to attract and retain customers. Electronic customer relationship management is the new frontier of lead conversion, and customer retention. If you want to win in this new world, get an Internet Marketing Specialist or email to


Blackberries, Anyone? I LOVE the Blackberry®, But I Especially Love Great Blackberry® Application Development experts!


Are you in the mood for some fruit? How about a blackberry (or two)? I love blackberries on my cereal, or in a pie or cobbler. I also like the Blackberry® mobile devices and Smart Phones. When it comes to Blackberry® technology, I am really fussy about one thing! I want great mobile applications for my business and Blackberry® Application Development skills. So I hire great Blackberry® application developers!
Blackberry® devices allow you to employ internet faxing, web browsing and other wireless services. They support multi–lingual messaging; auto–text with auto–correct and other text features like shortcuts, and FaceBook and other social networking updates using Push technology.

I like the fact that the Blackberry® gives my users a long battery life and really fast transfer of data – about one third of the time of other devices. To take advantage of all the latest advances in Blackberry® devices, I hired Blackberry® application developers who fully understand the third party Blackberry® application development environment.


Quality/Schemality! We Did a Great Job on the Last Project!

Software Testing

After decades of business use, the word ‘Quality’ seems hackneyed, but let me tell you, when you don’t have quality, you don’t have much – especially in technology!It doesn’t matter if your IT consulting firm or technology partner performs well once in a while. You want them to perform well all the time. What if you went to a play and paid a lot of money for your ticket and the performance was poor? It doesn’t matter that the staff told you the performance was good last night – you want it to be good when it is your money and time at stake! You want it to be good EVERY TIME!If you engage Offshore Outsourcing for software development, application development, IT consulting, staff augmentation or any other purpose, you want excellence and consistent standards on every project and with every interaction. You want development skills and processes that are centered on the quality process and quality control, as evidenced by the comprehensive, independent ISO 9001:2008 certification for all major processes, including project management, software product development and after sales services.
