Pay Per Click – Powerful Internet Marketing & Advertising Tool


Pay Per Click (PPC) is a powerful marketing and advertising tool designed to direct traffic and prospects to online stores, portals, social media sites and business websites. The business pays the site or store owner every time a user clicks on their ad, logo or product content. Google AdWords, Microsoft AdCenter and Yahoo! Search Marketing offer PPC programs, as do Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites.

Search Engine Optimization must organically evolve to comply with changes in keywords and targeted searching, but PPC advertising can change in an instant. You can create, suspend or abandon PPC campaigns and make rapid changes, with total control over demographic and geographic targeting.


Ecommerce, Volusion, Bigcommerce, Internet Marketing: Serious Help for Serious Online Success


How does the competition in your business market compare to the competition you faced ten years ago? No doubt, your competition is tougher than ever before – no matter your industry, business function or market. Perhaps you do business exclusively online. Maybe your online shopping cart or website acts is a complementary business channel to a brick and mortar store. Maybe, your business is focused on services, rather than products. It doesn’t matter what you sell or who your customers, partners or suppliers are, you need eCommerce to succeed in your market.


Dependable, Affordable Offshore Outsourcing


So, you think you know offshore outsourcing? Elegant MicroWeb can shine a new light on offshore development and offshore outsourcing services. Our offshore development center has a dependable utility infrastructure and a rich source of IT skills. For over ten years, Elegant MicroWeb has served clients and partners with offshore outsourcing arrangements that provide software products and services, software development, programming services, project management, application development and maintenance, content management systems and portals, and infrastructure management.

Our proven, affordable offshore outsourcing services, processes and methodologies are designed to provide timely project completion, and long-term support to meet every client requirement. Our vast experience with global clients enables us to meet the challenges of working across time zones, and geographic and cultural boundaries. We have clients in Australia, UK, USA, Europe, Japan, the Middle East and the Far East, including IT companies, consultancy, and technology, web and eCommerce businesses.


“Offshore Outsourcing” – The Movie: Coming Soon to a Continent Near You!


I love going to the movies! I sit back, relax and lose myself in a world of fantasy. But, when it comes to technology, I can’t afford to get lost in fantasy. Without the right data, mobile access and dependable infrastructure and applications, my business will fall on hard times and my movie will not have a happy ending! If I directed a movie about my own technology experience, I would call it ‘The India Advantage’. I would be the star! My co-star would be my Oscar-winning offshore outsourcing company! Make your own award-winning technology movie with offshore development and offshore outsourcing services from a co-star with a wealth of experience in software development, programming services, staff augmentation, project management, application and product development, maintenance and support and infrastructure management.


Liferay Expertise at Finger Tips!


Get to know our expert team of Liferay Developers. Our staff is skilled in configuring the Liferay portal development. We have a wealth of experience with Liferay integration, Liferay configuration and Liferay themes. Our cross–platform technical competence and wealth of experience makes us the ideal Liferay service provider. Our team has built and managed enterprise applications and complex CMS and Portal solutions to satisfy business, association and community needs.
Our services include consulting, offshore outsourcing services and we participate in the entire project life cycle. Our customer satisfaction ranking is excellent. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified, software product and application development company. Our clients receive the best value, and the best products and services available in the market today!


I Don’t Mean to Brag But…I Have a GREAT IT Partner!


I have the best IT partner EVER! If you are a software vendor or IT consultant, you know that quality, affordable services and dependable products and services are critical to your success. So how do you stay competitive, complete projects and satisfy requirements on time and on budget? You need a top shelf IT partner to give you the skills and support you need without the cost of internal staffing and training.Look for a partner that has years of experience and proven processes and staff. Partner with a company that values partnerships and joint ventures and wants to create and sustain long-term relationships and alliances. Your partner should have a comprehensive understanding of domains, tools, utilities and product and application development.


Combine eCommerce with Affordable Quality and Expert Design


Your business probably has an online store. If you don’t, you are way behind. Every business must leverage the opportunities offered by eCommerce to augment sales and offer an environment for B2B and B2C marketing and sales, and all customer-facing activities and even partner and supplier products and services. Whether you already have an eCommerce site or you are just getting started, you should seriously consider the effectiveness of your online efforts and the importance of your product and service business image in the online community.Why? Because your competitors do! And, if they are constantly thinking of ways to improve sales, you must do the same. Work with an expert in eCommerce to create or improve your online sales site, complement brick-and-mortar stores or sell exclusively online. Features like product comparison, photo galleries, color/size choices, and shipping options make buying easy and fast.


What is dotCMS? It’s Open Source CMS for Everyone


What is a dotCMS? Some people may find dotCMS to be a strange business name but it is appropriate for the solution. dotCMS is also one of the fastest growing open source enterprise Content Management Systems (CMS) in the world. The communication platform allows clients to manage an open source portal, company website or intranet application without the technical knowledge of a software programmer and that saves money and time and empowers team members. Comprehensive dotCMS development includes the best features of enterprise CMS, eCommerce, and CRM tools to support communication with customers, clients and prospects.

You can use dotCMS for document management, and information portals and the Accelerator Starter toolkit supports industry specific applications. Whether you want to use dotCMS for blogs, forums, workflow management, event management, mailing list, campaign or communication management or other needs, my best advice would be to find yourself an expert in dotCMS development. I know I just said that you can use this open source solution to meet your needs without software programmers, but working with dotCMS experts to build the foundation is a worthy investment of time and effort. Once you have the foundation, with cross-platform integration and enterprise wide, secured access your team can leverage and use CMS without technical knowledge or programming skills. You can expand your market share and improve your corporate visibility and who doesn’t want that?


Liferay Themes Will Bring Light to Your Business


Are you looking for a fresh solution for CMS and collaborative sites? The Liferay Portal solution is a good option. Liferay Themes and tools are innovatively designed to satisfy technical and usability concerns. The tool suite uses an open SOA strategy for easy, affordable application integration. Clients can integrate legacy system data, HR, Accounting or Sales data and other sources of important data to present complete, accurate data for Content Management System requirements.Liferay Themes allow developers to leverage a rich set of features and easily customize portals to meet client needs. The portal is designed to simplify the work experience, and quickly create, and customize CMS environments, document management systems and websites. The user interface has multiple layers of available personalization and desktop conventions, for ease of use and quick adoption.


So You Think You Have What It Takes to Succeed in Software Application Development?


Software Application Development can be a daunting prospect, especially if your business IT staff and IT department is not structured to accommodate custom development and/or is already overloaded with maintenance, support, upgrades and deployment projects.So, what is an overwhelmed business with software development dreams to do? Even if someone tells me that they have the in-house skills and software application developers, I advise them to look carefully at the project(s) and the detailed requirements. Your team may include web application developers and IT professionals with software application development experience, but in the current state of technology evolution, there are many hidden obstacles to successful software development.
