Choose the Right BI Tool: Achieve Technology & Solution Independence, and Protect IT Investments

Business Intelligence

Independence! The term evokes images of freedom and expansive possibilities. When it comes to technology independence, most businesses find it difficult to see the possibilities. Organizations are often constrained by best-of-breed applications, legacy systems, out-of-the-box solutions and a plethora of silo systems, networks, applications and packages that do not play well with each other. And there are other factors and considerations make it difficult for an enterprise to achieve technology independence. If the business is looking at its IT resources and technology landscape, it must also think about frameworks, platforms, operating systems, special skill consultants, and complex licensing issues. If a business truly wants technology independence, it does not have to start over to reinvent the IT environment. There is a way to keep existing solutions, platforms, systems and vendors, and protect your IT investment now, and in the future, while at the same time achieving and enabling technology freedom.


ElegantJ BI Introduces Unique Managed Memory Computing Technology in Business Intelligence World

ElegantJ BI Introduces Unique Managed Memory Computing Technology in Business Intelligence World

A leading company in the field of Business Intelligence software with customers in national and international markets, Ahmedabad-based Elegant MicroWeb has announced the launch of a globally unique technology “Managed Memory Computing” in the Business Intelligence space.The path breaking Managed Memory Computing is expected to transform the Business Intelligence space by changing the way Business Intelligence is used and makes it cost-effective to roll out BI to all employees across the organisation.The technology powering Business Intelligence Solutions is usually classified into two core architectures – the traditional disk-based architecture and the more recent in-memory processing. The disk-based system usually aggregates and makes the data ready for analysis, while in-memory systems push the data into the memory and process based on requests from users. In-memory processing needs more memory and processing power with increased usage, while the disk-based system needs more disk I/O operations.


Six Reasons to Embrace Responsive Web Design (RWD), and How to Design for Success


There has been a lot of discussion about the benefits of Responsive Web Design (RWD) in both consumer and business-to-business markets, and we do see some of the large vendors and enterprise service providers investing in RWD. But, it is also important to note that RWD is no longer an option for business sites – large or small. It is a competitive necessity!Consumers, business partners and suppliers expect to have easy, intuitive access to a business site to get information or purchase a product or service. If the site is cumbersome to use on a Smart Phone or Tablet, or if it fails to accommodate a variety of screen sizes, a business will lose customers. Consumers today are more sophisticated and less patient with clumsy user interfaces. The evolution of RWD is a natural response to the increasing mobile, agile, flexible environment a user demands.


The Provocative Possibilities of Combining Business Intelligence and Social Media


The popularity of social media is a topic that is often discussed around conference room tables in small, medium and large businesses. Every manager and business executive understands that they have to leverage social media to market to prospects, and to keep customers engaged, yet these same managers and executives find it difficult to objectively measure the success of these programs.As with any business program or project, if one cannot illustrate the need for, and success of, a proposed program, it is unlikely that the management team will approve that program. Is your business willing to spend time and resources on social media based solely on the fact that your competitors use this tool? If not, it is critical to find a way to measure the success of an internet marketing campaign and determine whether the social media marketing, pay-per-click and search engine optimization efforts are providing the success your business requires to justify these efforts. Moreover, if these programs are not achieving the results your business needs, you must correct or change your approach in order to achieve the ROI your business needs.


How To Guarantee GREAT Offshore Outsourcing Services!

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After all these years, Offshore Outsourcing Services are still misunderstood. Some still think that these services are expensive, or that they are less dependable or skilled, than internal IT services. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only caveat is that businesses MUST carefully develop requirements AND carefully select a partner who can meet those requirements with flexible services to satisfy future needs, and shrink or grow services as necessary.


Java Will Perk Up Your Business and Customers Faster Than a Caffeine Fix!


Every consumer and business employee uses the internet, and whether the task is related to product or service purchases, entertainment, or information sharing or collaboration, every internet user has seen the logo for Java on a site or in a window for a version upgrade.Java is an object–oriented programming language with a built–in application programming interface (API). The reason Java is so popular among developers and site designers is its rich set of APIs and, more importantly, its platform independence. Java can stand alone as a platform in and of itself and that is important in today’s open access world. Businesses and consumers do not want restrictive silo-based applications or sites that limit their independence, accessibility or mobility. Java provides a wide range of ready–to–use technologies and frameworks, and that foundation allows developers to build enterprise, internet, intranet and embedded applications, and provides and supports many tools and frameworks.


If You Want Great CMS Development, You Have to Go with the Experts!


What do you want in a Content Management System (CMS)? Content Management used to be reserved for document management and organization of folders but today, CMS Development can be used to organize sections of eCommerce sites, to reach out and leverage social media sites, to organize calendars, schedules and tasks or events on mobile devices, to serve communities and associations and support collaborative tasks, to provide online training and education, to organize blogs, forums, chats, polls, surveys, to establish and maintain a corporate or intranet portal and…well, you get the idea! There are lots of CMS Development frameworks and solutions out there (Liferay, Drupal, dotCMS, JBoss, Joomla, Microsoft SharePoint, WordPress and Umbraco, to name a few).


Is Internet Marketing a Luxury or a Necessity?


Does anyone remember what business was like before the advent of the internet? If you are under the age of forty, you probably answered ‘no’ to that question. The internet has changed business in more ways than I can list. Today, there is no way to avoid the integration of internet marketing with your marketing programs. If you fail to include search engine optimization, social media marketing, pay-per-click and internet marketing techniques in your business strategy, you can’t compete in your market – whether that market is local, regional or international. Your customers are sophisticated in the use of technology and they expect you to meet them where they live. That means you have to meet them on the internet!Internet Marketing uses cutting-edge technologies to create a virtual world that is flexible, fast and intuitive and can engage and retain clients by offering content, games, tools, polls, surveys, events, and product and services to meet the needs of a specific customer.


CMS and Portals – One Stop Collaboration for Multi-Site Organizations


Content Management System(CMS) and Portals can provide important business support for every type of company but, perhaps no business can benefit more from CMS than a business with multiple locations. Whether you have locations across town or around the world, a well-designed, flexible CMS site or portal can turn chaos into collaboration.

With CMS, you can share business-to-business and consumer information, or provide a productive, collaborative environment for employees, suppliers, partners, contractors and managers. CMS and portals can satisfy even the most complex company requirements. When combined with practical, expert web design, a CMS framework can increase your company revenue, promote additional website traffic and improve productivity for your enterprise.


Win the WordPress Olympic Competition with Expert WordPress Development Services


Let’s talk about WordPress and the world of CMS. Since this is the year of the Winter Olympics, I want to be clear that WordPress does not involve lifting stacks of dictionaries! Rather, WordPress Development Services can provide the key to content management system (CMS) and business success. You can ensure dynamic, fresh content, and quickly create and update site information, add products, categories, shipping options, pictures or descriptions, and sustain a fresh web presence and company image. WordPress can be integrated to provide interoperability with other systems and to achieve scalability and improved portal performance.
