Bigcommerce is gaining ground in the eCommerce market and our developers and customers are finding new and exciting ways to leverage the framework to meet their needs.
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Bigcommerce is gaining ground in the eCommerce market and our developers and customers are finding new and exciting ways to leverage the framework to meet their needs.
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A new global survey from CIO Strategic Marketing Services and Triangle Publishing Services, sponsored by Oracle- “The Connected Enterprise: Keeping Pace with Mobile Development– reveals that not only are enterprises committed to mobility today, but the rate of development, deployment and spending for support of mobile apps and devices is expected to increase dramatically over the next few years”.
If your business needs to ‘get mobile’, you have to jump into the game now. In order to remain competitive with others in your market and to satisfy your customers and team members, it is imperative that your apps be mobile, intuitive and accessible on all types of devices.
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There is much research to prove that people listen more attentively when you tell a story. Why deliver dry data in a presentation, on slides or in a report when you can analyze data with BI and find the ‘story’.
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You’re smart! I know you are! I know because you read my blog every month. Just kidding. The reason I know you are smart is because you are online doing your research and trying to figure out how and why your customers shop and buy and what your competition is doing to attract customers. And, because you are smart, I know that you understand the value of internet marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM) and pay-per-click (PPC) marketing and selling. You understand the critical business considerations and you want to apply the new and most relevant technologies to leverage web marketing services, reach customers, stakeholders and partners and generate and increase enterprise revenue.