PHP is a Magic Potion: Looking for a Dependable, Affordable Software and Web Site Development Framework? Look No Further


PHP is a server-side scripting language that enables web development, and can be used for all types of programming. Its popularity has exploded in recent years. So much so that the last estimate of PHP installations and site designs indicated that PHP was used to power nearly 250 million web sites around the world. There has been an explosion of PHP Development frameworks, like CakePHP, Zend Framework, Symphony and others, and these frameworks and tools add significant value for developers. PHP developers can also leverage the large global development community to discuss issues and find tips and tricks to make the development process easier, more flexible and more successful.The PHP hypertext preprocessor language is interpreted by a web server, and generates a page, or a set of pages using PHP embedded codes within the HTML document. One of the reasons PHP is so popular among developers is that the PHP license is free to use and it can be deployed on nearly all web servers and on most platforms and operating systems without any licensing costs.


The Story of Mr. Singh- Part Two: Business Intelligence Drives BPO (and Mr. Singh) Into the Future


When last we saw Mr. Singh in ( The Story of Mr. Singh – Part One: BPO Project Success Driven by Business Intelligence), he had been transformed from an overwhelmed team leader to a hero. With the help of his friend, Raghav (an IT pro who worked in the same building) and a sophisticated, intuitive business intelligence solution, Mr. Singh helped his company to sign a lucrative contract with a client and managed to get himself a promotion in the bargain. Today, Mr. Singh uses a mobile, affordable, practical Business Intelligence solution to manage and monitor all of the data from his projects, his budget, his team resources and more!


The Story of Mr. Singh – Part One: BPO Project Success Driven by Business Intelligence


The coffee urn was nearly empty and the team was still knee-deep in problems. Mr. Singh was trying to export data from his CRM solution and other systems into an excel spreadsheet to create a report that would offer analytical insight into the performance of his team and its members. Mr. Singh was the leader of the largest team working on an all-important business process outsourcing (BPO) project, and he was in desperate need of concise, clear information. The reports he needed would, in all likelihood, determine the success of the project (and whether he got the promotion he wanted) and dictate whether his team, and the organization for whom they worked, would be granted another project by the same, lucrative, client.

Mr. Singh’s team had performed admirably on their first BPO outing for this client but in order to seal the deal and get the repeat business, they had to illustrate that the team met the project deadlines and worked within the budget. The team had to produce a report that illustrated that the project outcomes were delivered within the quality standards guaranteed by the Service Level Agreement (SLA). In addition, Mr. Singh had to demonstrate that each team member abides by quality standards and performed within established guidelines, and that there was an improvement in the client’s sales performance.


The Business Case for Flexible Web Design Must Distinguish Between Responsive & Adaptive Web Design

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There has been some confusion about the difference between RWD and AWD, and within the last year, the terms have often been used interchangeably in the press. The concept and practice of flexible design is critical to creating websites that respond and flex to the display environment on desktops, smart phones, tablets and mobile devices. Credit for coining the ‘Responsive Web Design’ term is typically given to Ethan Marcotte ( The term AWD and ‘progressive enhancement’ is credited to Aaron Gustafson (, and is considered a more global approach to website that takes into account CSS, assistive tech support, levels of markup, and JavaScript. Both terms describe the design, development and deployment of technology and techniques to make a web site flexible enough to accommodate the various sizes of smart phones, tablets and desktops.


Don’t Chase Social Media Bot Phantoms! Use Business Intelligence to Focus on Real Customers/Markets


Have you noticed that it is getting harder to tell the difference between human beings and bots? Bots are getting smarter and more sophisticated, and because they simulate human behavior, it is getting harder to tell the difference between bots and human beings. To complicate issues further, there are service providers who offer ‘pay-for-followers’ services to make it look like your business social media page has more fans and followers, e.g., Pay $50, and they will give you 100,000 followers!This brave new world can make it difficult for a business to determine what is happening in the competitive market and, even, how their product, new pricing strategy or promotions are received by customers and prospects. But, if you are a businessperson, there is no reason to despair. It is important to understand that, despite the popularity of bot use, bots will not corrupt true business intelligence or prevent the business from recognizing and pursuing real customers.


How Can a Business Accurately Plan for the Future of Business Intelligence When Needs Change Every Day?

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It used to be that a corporation or enterprise could dictate software and technology solutions and expect users and team members to fall in line. Whether the solution was user-friendly or supportive of an end-user’s role, the employee had no say in adopting and embracing the software and using it for everyday business analysis.

Today, users play a very important role in informing the direction technology will take within an organization. Their lives as consumers teach them to expect performance, mobility, ease-of-use and interaction, and they expect no less from a business application. When it comes to Business Intelligence Reporting, the scenario is the same. If an organization wishes to cascade strategy and hold employees accountable for results, they must provide sophisticated tools that are easy to use and can provide early warning systems so that users can identify trends, patterns and issues and stay ahead of the competition.


Select the Right Solution & IT Partner for eCommerce to Target, Acquire & Retain Customers

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If your business is about to create, migrate or upgrade an eCommerce site, online store or shopping cart, it is critical to select the right solution – one that will satisfy all of your customer needs with elegant, sophisticated features and functionality. But, unless your business is expert in eCommerce software, it would be wise to employ the services of an IT eCommerce expert. A service provider with skill, knowledge and experience in the eCommerce domain and market and a comprehensive understanding of all available frameworks and solutions is worth their weight in gold!Selecting the right eCommerce design and development expert will help your business to achieve its goals and positively affect the bottom line. There are numerous benefits to a well-executed eCommerce strategy.


Three Reasons to Explore Social Media Marketing Using Business Intelligence


Today, the reach of social media is worldwide and crosses all generations. Every business analyst agrees that an enterprise has to include social media and internet marketing in its strategy, but the experts are still arguing over the possibility of measuring the success of marketing and sales strategies. Every enterprise understands the need to measure and manage results, and therefore some businesses are hesitant to dive into the deep end of the social media pool. Knowing they must justify and monitor investments with hard numbers, business managers may find it difficult to create an appropriate internet marketing campaign and predict results.With the right BI tool, any business can engage in social media marketing, identify the right sites to advertise and craft the right message to attract and retain customers in social media and social networking environs. Here are three (of many) reasons to use of Business Intelligence Tools to analyze opportunities and design the perfect internet marketing campaign:
