Do it Right the First Time: Get Business Results with Proven Quality & Testing Processes & Standards


When a business considers quality and testing issues and the need for skills and resources, it often makes the mistake of assuming that all consultants, technology teams and projects are run with the strictest quality and testing standards and guidelines. Nothing could be further from the truth. If a business pays little attention to quality and testing processes, it stands a good chance of learning an expensive, painful and time-consuming lesson!The right quality and testing processes, methodologies and standards can mean the difference between success and failure in application development and, most certainly, in the crucial arena of software product development. There is no room for a misstep in this arena and if there are significant issues, the business will lose customers and is unlikely to get a second chance to convince the market of its application or product stability and dependability.


100th of a Millisecond Can Sell a Product or Drive Customers Away


Not so long ago, Google published an article that revealed some interesting facts – and, if you are selling products and services online, you will want to take note of these facts! The Google research reveals that a mere half a second added to the load time for a search results page may erode your traffic and your advertising revenue by as much as 20%.So, what does that tell us, exactly? This research and recent research by Amazon and other major online retailers reveals that online customers and prospects are more sensitive than ever to speed, accessibility and availability of information. Want more evidence of the importance of performance optimization?

Add 100th of a millisecond to your load time and your sales will decrease by 1%

Add 1 second to the expected 2-second page load time and 40% of users will abandon the site or page

Whether you are considering the success of your web site, your pay-per-click marketing campaigns or your internet marketing and social media marketing, you need to accommodate the expectations of your site visitors, followers and prospects or your business will not succeed in its online sales initiatives.
