When you consider the portability of technology in today’s world, it may seem as if mobile access has been with us forever. Not so long ago, mobile access was limited to pagers and ‘car phones’ that fit in a suitcase. While we are very comfortable with the access provided by smart phones and tablets, the technology of mobile access is changing every day. For businesses, this ever-changing landscape of devices, applications and social interaction can be confusing. The changes in technology do not stop long enough to give a business the chance to catch up. Consequently, it is imperative that businesses look at Responsive Web Design (RWD) and Adaptive Web Design (AWD) to provide the kind of access a customer or prospect expects.If you want to sell your products and services in a world of mobile access, you must make your sites and applications suitable for diverse size screen and devices. It is too expensive and time consuming to build and maintain multiple site versions, or numerous upgrades, migrations or site maintenance requirements.


Customers expect flexible, sophisticated features to meet their expectations for quality, entertainment, functionality, ease of use, simplicity and robust functionality. Sophisticated users stretch the boundaries of use as mobile devices become a literal extension of their social and business life. To remain competitive and improve market response, collaboration and productivity, every enterprise must leverage the most current technology tools and environments. Businesses must establish and sustain an IT environment where employees, customers and partners can exchange information, order and purchase products, download information, store and manipulate data, communicate and make decisions. Your users and customers are a virtual community with professional and personal concerns and interests and they expect to have access to, and manipulate all types of data via mobile devices.

Some analysts and IT professionals will caution a business manager against RWD and AWD, claiming that the expense and complexity of Responsive Web Design far exceeds the value. But, it is important to consider the cost of delaying or refusing an RWD approach. You cannot remain competitive in your market if your business sites are not accessible from, and suitable for, all size screens and all types of devices. With Responsive Web Design, businesses can leverage one version of a site and display content property across all devices, thereby mitigating the time and cost of creating different versions of their websites. Responsive Template Design and Responsive HTML provide the foundation for intuitive sites and allow for resizing, panning, and scrolling on desktops, tablets and mobile devices.

If you want to improve sales and conversion rates, simplify site maintenance, improve your search engine optimization and ranking, and employ social media marketing to increase sales and consolidate analytics, it is time to explore the opportunities, and the rapid ROI, and low TCO provided by responsive and adaptive web design solutions.