
Misuse of mobile phones were so common that some people had to change their HR & Information Security policies to refrain from misuses.Initial days of mobile adoption focused on being able to call anyone at anytime and not having to be around a phone to be able to answer them.

However, the technology quickly made it feasible to do some useful and cool things using the mobile phones and today, they have taken over everything from generic communications to end user engagement as in marketing.

Mobile focused Marketing is touted as one of the highest focus zones for marketing today, that is because of the sheer number of access and continuous access.


For organizations to adopt mobile, there are few key challenges.

One is Security

Two is Security

Three is still Security, but with Usability

Four & Final challenge, Connectivity

These four challenges make it really difficult for companies with serious business transactions to easily adapt mobiles for their regular usage.

Something called as MDM – Mobile Data Management exists, this factors for the use of mobile phones in enterprise business environments and concerns itself with mobile phone based email, financial data and sales/customer data access.

The access is secure, can be deleted over the air should it fall in to the wrong hands or to put quite simply, the right hands forgot where they placed their costly company provided phones.

Interesting business of securing business information is Mobile Data Management.

Vast majority of Mobile App development companies have no clue about what to do to deliver protection to data and how to erase them by sending a simple, pre-coded message.


The issue of Usability

Mobile phones are small devices, they are small because you need to carry them around and then… oh wait! You want to see your presentations, download files and read?

Get interesting charts and reports on a real time basis?

Find it easy to look at what you want and still do some drill down on what you are seeing?

What did you think? We are wizards?

Oh… some how that is what usability is all about.

Delivering intense business sensitive data on a small devices without causing the user to lose their heads on using them.


Mobile with Hybrid Capability

Connectivity is not about just finding a good tower connection, connectivity is about not finding service disruption.

Some business places are so sensitive that a small disruption to their wifi networks could lead to a lot of productivity losses.

Tesco for instance has things automated on their warehouses. A single disruption thanks to someone carrying a mobile device could cause issues to their internal wifi and make things go nuts.

Same thing happens to hospitals, the machines that monitor heart rates and what not’s of the patients could literally be affected if some connectivity disruption happens.

But if you are to develop mobile applications that caters to any of the common businesses such as health care or retail warehouses, you are bound find yourself under lot of trouble for no reason, unless of course you were able to design the architecture of your mobile application in a way that it works even when its offline and does not cause a million dollar crash or kill someone thanks to your apps need to stay connected to the internet.

This is going hybrid. This is staying and being able to work with data on mobile phones even when having to go off the grid.

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Original Source – Mobile is Strategic