
There is tech involved in enterprise governance and those are sometime so old that that its difficult to find people who are still working or are alive and can work to fix any issues.For enterprises that have inherited and are working with legacy architecture and applications going mobile can be huge a factor or challenge.Some of the core challenges include the adoption and development of service layers that can be shared on a mobile platform.The sheer size of database and data being rendered on handheld devices could be very large and leads to quality issues.The manner of technology adoption pose regulatory issues… for instance, the French now passed a law that forbids sending out emails to employees after working hours.


Oh yeah! The French have it good. Real Good.

So if you are part of a enterprise business team and want to have your operational tools made accessible on mobile, well, you got quite a few channels to tune it to before you can see transformative adoption.

Some are discussed here and more can be read by following our blog.

Business Means Business in Mobile

How are we going to get useful, meaningful data on mobile? One, there is always the need to push and pull data from a server on need basis (could be real time) and second, how to make them easy to use.


Wish you had a Barney Stinson with you for a programmer?

Some of the basic recommendations we put forth are… Thanks to us not being the Barney and being very real people with some two decades of coding experience, we are having a more grounded approach to recommend.

Following are some of the planning related suggestions.

Outcome comes first

When deciding to use mobile for business purposes, think of the hardware, yes, think of the very device that you would want your employees to carry around.

We have had cases when the customer decided to be device agnostic and we have also had cases when the customer wanted to use only iPhone or Androids or both.

But after the initial decision to what device or having no affinity to device to marry, the question was about just what the end use should be able to perform.

Very vague set of statements will deliver you a very fancy app, so be very precise about what you want.

Imagine your own use and project what you would want to have done from that level.

Feasibility Follows

Once a decision to go mobile is done and all the technology decisions are through at a very high level, the question is both in terms of functional requirements and non functional requirements such as security and scalability.

If you ask for a mobile phone app that works on multiple vernacular languages, does data processing and produces interesting reports then and there, also changes colors based on date and time or occasions, you must realize that this kind of technology does not exist or is not available or will be feasible under specific constraints.

So you will have to get the feasibility study conducted, a proof of concept delivered and show managed.

Production & Rollout Happens Real Time

With mobile, the production and rollout happens on a real time basis. Unlike an enterprise application that needs training to end users, mobile interfaces have very limited set of operative controls and requires much lesser training (particularly when done right)

A mobile application only takes a few weeks to get developed provided there was a web or database layer already in existence and the web service extraction can be done fast.

Of course, if you are working with everything from ground up, then the production could happen over period of months instead of weeks or days.

Making mobile apps downloadable to your end users (who are also your employees) is a matter of how your organization governance is and how easy it is for your team it is to get the message across.

If you are connected well enough, the rollout is spontaneous enough.

Problems are Real Time too!

Not enough that businesses happens real time, any issue with the use of mobile phones and if employed to capture real time, decision impacting data, then it is understood that the app just works and has to just work.

Problems coming out cannot be a problem that could potentially hamper your business.

So for instance, if your enterprise mobile app goal was to act as a notification service and your notification just was not happening right for any reason, the consequences are largely significant impacts.

Pace Layering

Remedy should be handy and effectively ready on a short notice.

So a pace layered rollout is typically recommended.

The pace layering helps adoption on critical measure driven engagement basis and helps achieve business on goal to goal levels, thus mitigating the risks involved in going mobile.

There has been several projects rollout by our team for mobile specific usages and we are quite handy when it comes to providing case study driven insights in to developing mobile applications for enterprises.

Communicate with us, we are quite engaging for all the right reasons.

Original Source – Going Mobile for Enterprises