Is It Easy to Get Started with Flutter Development?

If you are considering Flutter development for your mobile application, you may have heard about Flutter development. There is a lot to like about Flutter development for mobile apps. By some estimates there are over 25,000 Flutter applications on the market today. But before you start on your journey, as with any software development project, you will want to assess your needs, the needs of the market and your customers before you choose a development environment and start working on your mobile application.

‘Understanding your technology needs, your target audience and user expectations and other factors will help you develop the product, the roadmap for future upgrades and the marketing and advertising messages.’

How Do I Get Started with Flutter Development?

Know Your (Detailed) Product Requirements

Your requirements must include your technology stack and underpinning, your hardware, network, and support systems, as well as any integration of data sources. The more detailed your requirements for features of the mobile application and how you perceive its functionality, the more likely your Mobile Application Consulting Partner can meet your needs, without rework, lost time and going over budget.

If you are unsure how much to add to your mobile app for features and functionality, you may wish to adopt a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) strategy to build a prototype with basic features that your test audience can leverage to give you feedback on what is mandatory to have, what is missing and how users might want to change navigation or features to meet their needs. If you need detailed information on the MVP process, please refer to our article ‘MVP Software Development: Everything You Need to Know (The What, Why and How).’

Develop a Clear Picture of Your Target Audience

You must have a clear picture of your target audience in order to make the right development decisions. You will need to know what types of devices they use, and the target demographic, languages, what kinds of features they expect, how you will fill the gaps of competitive products to attract these customers, etc. Knowing your target audience will help you develop the product, the roadmap for future upgrades and the marketing and advertising messages.

What Does Your Target Audience Expect of the Product?

As you develop your product expectations, consider your initial set of features (perhaps culled from an MVP launch), and when and how you will upgrade, along with the features you will and when you will add them.  You will want to address the expected speed of development and launch, and manage your expectations accordingly. If you are creating a complex mobile application, your schedule and budget must be adjusted accordingly.

Target the Access You Need – Devices, Desktop, Web, Etc.

Your product plans must incorporate the type of devices, and access points you want for your mobile application. Will you design your Flutter mobile app to run on desktops, via the web, on iOS and/or Android, or on smart watches? All of these devices have different issues, resolution concerns, navigation considerations, screen sizes, and data access and integration concerns.

Establish a Reasonable Budget, Schedule, and Resources

Based on documented requirements, you must establish a budget, a schedule, and the resources to develop your Flutter application (if Flutter is the environment you choose). Because most businesses (big and small) want a cost-effective method to develop a mobile application, you will want to seriously consider engaging an expert, skilled, IT consulting partner – one with the resources to provide Flutter skills and the extensive knowledge of the mobile application market, development tools, popular frameworks, and platforms, etc. You can even Build Your Software Team with dedicated resources to work on your project and guide you to project completion, and through upgrades and maintenance, without the need for your business to hire, train and house a development team.

‘There is a lot to like about Flutter development for mobile apps. By some estimates there are over 25,000 Flutter applications on the market today.’

Building a mobile app using Flutter or any other development environment is no small undertaking. It requires skill, experience and a comprehensive knowledge of the domain, the market, the available frameworks, and platforms. For a detailed discussion of Flutter Programming, see our articles: ‘What is Flutter Programming, and What are the Pros and Cons of Flutter Programming ?,

Find out how Flutter can help your business achieve its goals and explore the services to support your project needs. Hire Flutter Programmers, Hire iOS And iPhone Programmers, Hire Mobile Application Programmers, Hire Android Programmers, and Build Your Software Team with dedicated resources.

Explore the benefits and components of Flutter Mobile Application Development with these complementary articles: ‘Understand Flutter Programming: What is It and Should Your Business Use it for Mobile Apps,’ ‘What Are The Pros and Cons of Flutter App Development?,’ and ‘Hire Flutter Developers to Achieve Your Mobile Application Development Goals.’ ‘ What is Flutter Programming, and What are the Pros and Cons of Flutter Programming?’


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